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Alright, i've added the Army Men games to the list and the GOGmix. Sad to see the list of games (and the countries affected) growing...
high rated
bansama: As is very common with new releases in Japan, Japan had a different release date to everyone else. GOG originally had it available on the wrong release date (that is, they sold it in Japan at the same time as the rest of the world) and then pulled it from sale a couple of days later. They never put it back up for sale once the correctly release date came round. And they won't even acknowledge that they made this mistake nor correct it.
Wait wait wait... Do you mean to say that the week that Thiev had mentioned on April 26 has not ended yet, hence GOG's still waiting for the dev's confirmation? That must be a new record, even for GOG.

*shakes head*
HypersomniacLive: Wait wait wait... Do you mean to say that the week that Thiev had mentioned on April 26 has not ended yet, hence GOG's still waiting for the dev's confirmation? That must be a new record, even for GOG.

*shakes head*
Yep. And GOG are now ignoring all questions regarding it.
bansama: Yep. And GOG are now ignoring all questions regarding it.
I was thinking we should poke a blue text about this, but it sounds like you've already done this, and came out empty handed. Quite disappointing and sad, really.
And with today's release we have a new member on the list: Timeshift™ which is not available for sale in Germany!
ElTerprise: And with today's release we have a new member on the list: Timeshift™ which is not available for sale in Germany!
^Most of those bans in Germany make no sense... I mean...Dark Forces ? Really ? Lol i can understand wolfenstein or carmageddon but dark forces -___-
Faenrir: ^Most of those bans in Germany make no sense... I mean...Dark Forces ? Really ? Lol i can understand wolfenstein or carmageddon but dark forces -___-
The one that still amazes me the most is Cannon Fodder.
Faenrir: ^Most of those bans in Germany make no sense... I mean...Dark Forces ? Really ? Lol i can understand wolfenstein or carmageddon but dark forces -___-
That's from another time. Unfortunately the indexing is still in place (25 years are not over yet and apparently Disney hasn't made any effort to get it from the index earlier)

PaterAlf: The one that still amazes me the most is Cannon Fodder.
Don't you see the the disturbing depiction of violence in it? :P
ElTerprise: Don't you see the the disturbing depiction of violence in it? :P
No, games like River Raid desensitized me and now I can't see the extreme violance anymore.
ElTerprise: Don't you see the the disturbing depiction of violence in it? :P
PaterAlf: No, games like River Raid desensitized me and now I can't see the extreme violance anymore.
I still remember Raid over Moscow! :-D
ElTerprise: And with today's release we have a new member on the list: Timeshift™ which is not available for sale in Germany!
Faenrir: ^Most of those bans in Germany make no sense... I mean...Dark Forces ? Really ? Lol i can understand wolfenstein or carmageddon but dark forces -___-
The whole index makes no sense. Germany and the Vatican are the only "countries" in europe with such an instrument of suppression.
Post edited September 15, 2016 by seppelfred
PaterAlf: No, games like River Raid desensitized me and now I can't see the extreme violance anymore.
Ah i see - too bad. That must've been one heck of a game :P
ElTerprise: Ah i see - too bad. That must've been one heck of a game :P
It sure was:

"…Das Videospiel ‚River Raid’ ist kriegsverherrlichend und –verharmlosend. Wie der Antragsteller zu Recht hervorhebt, soll sich der Spieler in die Rolle eines kompromisslosen Kämpfers und Vernichters hineindenken. Dies geht klar aus der Spielanleitung hervor. Scharfschützenqualitäten sind im Spiel gefordert. Der Abschuß feindlicher Ziele wird hoch belohnt. Die Vernichtung eines gegnerischen Tankers, Hubschraubers, Treibstofflagers oder Jets bringt bis zu 100 Punkten, die Vernichtung einer gegnerischen Brücke 500. Die Anwendung kriegerischer Gewalt wird belohnt; wer die meisten Ziele zerstört hat, bekommt die meisten Punkte. Er hat die Möglichkeit, die Auszeichnung des ‚River Raider’ zu erhalten. Das Spiel ‚River Raid’ ist auch kriegsverharmlosend, weil der Krieg nicht sachlich nüchtern dargestellt wird; Kriegesereignisse werden als automatisierte, durch technische Hilfsmittel herbeigeführte Geschehnisse vorgestellt und damit vordergründig einer moralischen Wertung entzogen. Die Schrecken und Leiden des Angriffkrieges werden weder erwähnt, noch in irgend einer Weise angedeutet.

Das Videospiel ‚River Raid’ hat emotionssteuernde und aggressionssteigernde Eigenschaften. Bei älteren Jugendlichen führt das Bespielen von ‚River Raid’ zu physischer Verkrampfung, Ärger, Aggressivität, Fahrigkeit im Denken, Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten, Kopfschmerzen u.a. (vgl. im einzelnen Fritz, ‚Videospiele-regelbare Welten am Draht’, Teil 4, in ‚Spielmittel’, S. 23 ff, Nostheideverlag, Bamberg, 1983; Selg, Vortrag vom 24.10.1984 auf der Jahrestagung der Aktion Jugendschutz (ajs), Landesarbeitsstelle Baden Württemberg, Stuttgart). Der Computer erzeugt durch das Spielen Aggression im Zusammenhang kriegerischer Ereignisse; da außer dem Befehl-/Gehorsam-Verhältnis (es muß geschossen und der Feind vernichtet werden) keine differenzierten sozialen Regeln angeboten werden für die Bewältigung von Wut und Zerstörungsgefühlen, kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass etwa auftretende Aggressionsneigungen auch in außerspielerischen Situationen insbesondere von gefährdungsgeneigten Kindern und Jugendlichen nicht adäquat beherrscht werden können. Aggressive Verhaltensmuster werden spielerisch eingeübt. …“ (BPjS 1984)
Post edited September 15, 2016 by PaterAlf
PaterAlf: (...)
What the heck? Well that explains a lot concerning later decisions.

And I bet, after writing this bullshit down, the man, who has masterminded this piece of trash goes home to beat his wife...