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When stealth is optional

Pro Tip For Looking Good

Beware of Marketers

Real Gamers Never Pause

The Sad Truth About Climate Change

Monster In the Bedroom

Happy Hump Day: Here Are 21 Workplace Memes to Help You Get Through the Rest of the Week

This Coffee Shop Enforces a Strict Bikini-Only Dress Code Policy For Its Baristas
Post edited March 23, 2017 by viperfdl
UN Committee Bogus Syria “Human Rights” Report: Endorses Al Qaeda, Questions the Liberation of Aleppo

German translation:
Ausschuss der Vereinten Nationen liefert Bericht voller Fälschungen
Harry Potter fans, LOOK NO FURTHER
A Bird tries to stop Randy Johnson from playing Baseball, at great cost.
This Dog Just Woke up From a Nap in the Worst Place and We Can't Stop Laughing

If you can't say something nice...

Saving you a trip

Internet Serenity Prayer
Post edited March 25, 2017 by viperfdl
I had one little nibble of Catnip & I got high.
lol, I was very impressed by how composed that cat remained. Guess that's where the phrase "cool cat" derives from ;-)
Noam Chomsky: Propaganda Model & the Political Economy of Mass Media – PART I
Zoltan999: lol, I was very impressed by how composed that cat remained. Guess that's where the phrase "cool cat" derives from ;-)
It was probably too petrified to move.

I'll see myself out ;)
Meet the Renegades: Eliane Glaser
Mmmm, crisps.
Economic Update: Capitalism and Democracy
George Carlin About Rape

George Carlin: How language is used to mask truth
Post edited March 28, 2017 by viperfdl

Deadpool Meets Beauty and the Beast in This Gaston Parody


Can She Fly When She's Drunk?

A Drunk Raccoon in a Brewery