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^ knows where my cellphone is, and won't tell me
^ owns a fully functional BFG-9000 and is thinking to use it against KylieM
Post edited January 05, 2013 by Thespian*
^ Always hated the HAL-9000
^ Always loved the HAL-9000 and its cute lenses
Thespian*: ^ owns a fully functional BFG-9000 and is thinking to use it against KylieM
Ah, but then he'll never know! Mwa ha ha!

Oh, and CFEJY-6Y7D2-F3AIV
^ Is continuing to be on a key giveaway spree

(Not redeemed :P)
^ chose not redeeming KylieM's key (me neither)

Thanks and +1 for your generosity, KylieM!
^ says he didn't redeem the key, but secretly did & is now evilly cackling away atop his giant fortress on Romulus (he's also a Romulan spy).
^ actually is the real romulan spy, intending to create havoc by seeding disinformation
^ has tried to sneak attack the federation HQ using a Klingon Bird-of-Prey
Thespian*: ^ chose not redeeming KylieM's key (me neither)

Thanks and +1 for your generosity, KylieM!
Thanks. :)

It's just Kylie, but someone already pinched that name. :P

^is crazy like me.
^ just Kylie ;)

(Thespian was taken already, so I chose Thespian*)
Thespian*: ^ just Kylie ;)

(Thespian was taken already, so I chose Thespian*)
Thats interesting, I haven't actually seen anyone with Thespian or Kylie as their username, and I have lurked for a while. :P

Anyway, I need to get some sleep for next shift.

^Is fascinating.
^ is krazy

Sweet dreams. :)
Thespian*: ^ is krazy

Sweet dreams. :)
Thanks. :)

Actually some rude guy called me crazy for sleeping during the day, but I doubt it occured to him I work all night. It's around 10:05am here right now.