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^ is really a leprechaun, that's trying to throw us of it's scent as it doesn't want us to get our hands on her Gold
^ Is always lurking in the shadows trying to steal some more game codes
^ is jealous of my highly trained Ninja skills
^ never catch a key from the ninja giveway thread.
^ Is in reality very scared of te_lanus and hopes he will never see him in the Ninja Giveaway thread.
^ Said exactly what a Romulan spy would say in his position.....

edit: ^is laughing at the fact I responded to the wrong dude :p
Post edited January 05, 2013 by ShaolinsKunk
^ Owns an automatic weapon
^ has an automatic Pizza dispenser
^ covets my DRM free Pizza dispenser
^ Doesn't realise it uses Tages
^ doesn't know I've stolen his DRM free Pizza dispenser and replaced it witha Steam DRM pizza dispenser
^ is secretly a Noid.
^Is secretly a misanthrope. :P
^ is secretly in love with filehippo
te_lanus: ^ is secretly in love with filehippo
Well actually, I prefer MediaFire. :P

^Doesn't like FileHippo