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^Must be a Tzeentch cultist or something o_O ("From Vatican City...")
^ looks glum when he has to wear the fancy uniform
^sells insurance on the weekends.
^ Ate a yellow bird last night.
^ grows fake beards on a tree.
^ shaves his buttocks.
^ broke the forum
^stole the pics
^ has already set about returning the avatars from the clutches of the GOGbears. is hiring hobbits if any are interested in a quest involving curry, cannibalism and a burning ring.
^ heh, rep ends in 69.
^ must be capable of seeing the future... or maybe the past?! O____o
Likes bananas and peels them off starting from the wrong end.
must be a biologist who has studied monkeys from up close in the past, to be able to make such accurate statements about the peeling of bananas. Might have had an extramarital relationship with Diane Fossey?
^colours the hairs on his private parts in neon pink with fluorescent paint
Is well aware of the practices the ancient Belgian tribes used to employ too scare the germans into staying on their side of the Rhein