immi101: try going past the language selection dialog before attaching. I tested this with the french Neverwinter Night which doesn't have this selection dialog, i.e. it goes right to the "options/accept EULA/install" dialog.
Doesn't make a difference.
immi101: duh, ok generating the password is actually quite easy. its simply the md5 hash of the gameID
for Neverwinter Night the gameID is 1207658890:
go to any md5 calculator(
here for example), enter the id, generate the hash and voila there is your password.
or on linux: echo -n '1207658890' | md5sum
(i think)
don't know if there is any way to get the gameID from the website for a game, but if you extract the installer with innounp and then look at the install_script.iss, there is this line:
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\\Games\1207658890"; ValueName: "gameID"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "1207658890"; Components: Component0; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletekey
(since neverwinter nights is the only game i own with this new installer, i haven't actually verified this with any other game)