immi101: duh, ok generating the password is actually quite easy. its simply the md5 hash of the gameID
for Neverwinter Night the gameID is 1207658890:
go to any md5 calculator(
here for example), enter the id, generate the hash and voila there is your password.
or on linux: echo -n '1207658890' | md5sum
(i think)
don't know if there is any way to get the gameID from the website for a game, but if you extract the installer with innounp and then look at the install_script.iss, there is this line:
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\\Games\1207658890"; ValueName: "gameID"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "1207658890"; Components: Component0; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletekey
(since neverwinter nights is the only game i own with this new installer, i haven't actually verified this with any other game)
Would like to add that if you create a new file in linux, paste the game id in it and run md5sum "filename" it produces the correct md5 as well.
To get the game id from the website, go into a game page and search for "data-product-id=" in the source. I primarily tried this with neverwinter nights and the number you provided matches. :)