Maverick89: Just wondering.
WinfredHuang: I'm from Mainland China, and I'll say that the worrying on Cyberpunk 2077 is a complete nonsense.
1. Cyberpunk 2077 is still on the shelf in China, and it has Chinese native voiceover! How could it be censored if a game has Chinese native voiceover?
2. The content of "Taiwan Independence" is from Cyberpunk 2020, not 2077. Those Chinese netizens are attacking the wrong target.
3. I don't mean to negate the existence of censorship in China, but our administration is still not that Orwellian. Also, if a game is "offensive", it would have been banned from the beginning, not now.
4. Trolls are trolls, even they're '50 cents', and even inside our Chinese community. Their radical demands don't represent the voice of Chinese community.
5. Please, please stop your baseless depiction on a censorship on The Chinese government is unable to influence the platform based outside their border. Also, I have never heard of any official boycott of a single category of products from any country after 1978 here.
6. The problem of Taiwan is merely an internal affair, not an international problem. Please bear in mind that even in the constitution of Taiwan, they claim the territory of Mainland China. This is not the same with border frictions with India, Philippines, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Japan, or any other countries.
7. is a platform for creating pleasure and happiness, not a platform of creating villains and enemies, nor a platform to clash with political controversies. If you insist to do so, show your proof instead of merely criticize. Oh, the Chinese community won't use English in their daily discussion, so learn Chinese or consult a native Chinese before you want to express your objection.
1.Your occupation zone is well known for both blatantly pirating western works, and falsely claiming copyrright of others' works.
2.It's actually a real world fact that the communist ursurpers refuse to recognize that Taiwain *IS* the lawfully elected government of China.
3. Your terrorist controlled occupation zone's so called "leadership" has literally executed people for sharing humorous memes on the internet.
4. Whether they do or not, they're state actors carrying out state orders to push censorship and threaten citizens of actual countries instead of occupation zones.
5.That's a blatant lie on your part given the very long and consistent history of communist demanding censorship of works abroad for literal decades, and periodically achieving it.
6. The existence of the communist occupation zone and it's false claims to be a government remains a global problem. I and many others look eagerly forwardto the restoration of lawful government to the mainland, not the least reason being it'll prevent the deaths of over 100 million people occuring in the mainland again.
7. You're in an English language forum of a Polish software developer with significant numbers of English speaking employees. It is clearly not much of a burden to you to actually speak a language of a free people, perhaps because English *IS* the global lingua franca and I suggest you do so. Noone on the planet owes you anything for simply existing, much less to use a language more then a third of your own people don't speak simply because the occupation zone never standardized one.
Genocide2099: Does the CCP really care about an indie game? Are they that butthurt?
Like most totalitarian regimes, their so afraid of loss of power, they're willing to do anything no matter how asinine to keep it.
Maverick89: Just wondering.
Gersen: The thing that is very important to remember is that what happened to Devotion is only the very tip of the iceberg.
So it's easy to create yet another angry thread against Gog but it's also very important to remember that they are not the first to bend the knee to no offend China, not the worse, and sadly they won't be the last.
Steam removed some game (not to mention that Devotion is not back there despite the devs seemingly wanting it to be sold)and works with Chinese authority to create a China friendly Steam, Epic is partly owned by Tencent, and while good old Tim assure us that it has no impact, you usually you avoid needlessly offending your business partners, and let's not talk all the others companies or even governments.
So while I agree that Gog handled it extremely poorly, especially in the middle of the whole Cyberpunk controversy, and I am very annoyed by it, it is still important to remember that in the grand scheme of things it only a water drop in the ocean, so getting all offended at Gog while ignoring that it's the norm and not an exception, that nearly everybody does the same, is not helping.
One drop can make an ocean. And one person can on occasion stop a flood from destroying everything, though it's always easier and better if the whole community gets involved in building the dam.