Maverick89: Just wondering.
WinfredHuang: I'm from Mainland China, and I'll say that the worrying on Cyberpunk 2077 is a complete nonsense.
1. Cyberpunk 2077 is still on the shelf in China, and it has Chinese native voiceover! How could it be censored if a game has Chinese native voiceover?
2. The content of "Taiwan Independence" is from Cyberpunk 2020, not 2077. Those Chinese netizens are attacking the wrong target.
3. I don't mean to negate the existence of censorship in China, but our administration is still not that Orwellian. Also, if a game is "offensive", it would have been banned from the beginning, not now.
4. Trolls are trolls, even they're '50 cents', and even inside our Chinese community. Their radical demands don't represent the voice of Chinese community.
5. Please, please stop your baseless depiction on a censorship on The Chinese government is unable to influence the platform based outside their border. Also, I have never heard of any official boycott of a single category of products from any country after 1978 here.
6. The problem of Taiwan is merely an internal affair, not an international problem. Please bear in mind that even in the constitution of Taiwan, they claim the territory of Mainland China. This is not the same with border frictions with India, Philippines, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Japan, or any other countries.
7. is a platform for creating pleasure and happiness, not a platform of creating villains and enemies, nor a platform to clash with political controversies. If you insist to do so, show your proof instead of merely criticize. Oh, the Chinese community won't use English in their daily discussion, so learn Chinese or consult a native Chinese before you want to express your objection.
Hey, I get it. You want your social good boy/girl/faceless automaton points.