Posted February 27, 2015
I wasn't going to respond, but then I saw this gem:
triple_l: ps: isn't it ironic linux supporters promoting steam?
steam is the closest thing to monopoly and killing alternative and choice in personal computing gaming which is precisely the reason why linux was created in the first place, to fight against monopoly and give choice and alternative to personal computing Do you know the history of Linux? It had nothing to do with fighting a monopoly. It evolved into that, but that's not at all why it was created.
Why shouldn't Linux users support steam? Valve have done a lot to promote gaming on Linux, and without Valve / steam, I would suspect that there would be a lot less big name games available on Linux today. Valve has actually allowed users to have OS alternatives in gaming.
This is true, but only for games that actually use the steam DRM. An example: Papers, Please on steam is completely DRM free. Once it is downloaded, you can move it to another system that has never had steam installed, and will never connect to the internet, and it will work. I've personally tested this. It never needs the steam client again. Ever. Papers, Please is somewhat unique in that it also has a built in updater, so it truly never needs the steam client again, even for updates. In this case, steam is nothing more than a downloader.

steam is the closest thing to monopoly and killing alternative and choice in personal computing gaming which is precisely the reason why linux was created in the first place, to fight against monopoly and give choice and alternative to personal computing
Why shouldn't Linux users support steam? Valve have done a lot to promote gaming on Linux, and without Valve / steam, I would suspect that there would be a lot less big name games available on Linux today. Valve has actually allowed users to have OS alternatives in gaming.
This is true, but only for games that actually use the steam DRM. An example: Papers, Please on steam is completely DRM free. Once it is downloaded, you can move it to another system that has never had steam installed, and will never connect to the internet, and it will work. I've personally tested this. It never needs the steam client again. Ever. Papers, Please is somewhat unique in that it also has a built in updater, so it truly never needs the steam client again, even for updates. In this case, steam is nothing more than a downloader.