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Wish granted, but i like the smell of it freshly baked and all, so i devour it whole, before you can even taste it!

I wish i had the money to buy expensive stuff (like fatty tuna, mackerel, kabayaki eel, prawns, caviar, brick) to roll me myself premium temaki sushi, ninja style!
Post edited January 15, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
KiNgBrAdLeY7: I wish i had the money to buy expensive stuff (like fatty tuna, mackerel, kabayaki eel, prawns, caviar, brick) to roll me myself premium temaki sushi, ninja style!
Wish granted - but my husband adores Japanese cuisins and devours it before you can get any of that - which is only fair because you ate all the bread. lol

I wish Alan Rickman wasn't gone from the acting world
Post edited January 15, 2016 by SalarShushan
Wish granted, but every fan is obliged to fund him with donations, too!

I wish people would soon realize that not owning and not controlling your very own currency completely (which means not having national currency), means you are bound to be a foreigner's servant for life.
Post edited January 16, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish granted, but every fan is obliged to fund him with donations, too!

I wish people would soon realize that not owning and not controlling your very own currency completely (which means not having national currency), means you are bound to be a foreigner's servant for life.
Granted. Your currency goes the way of the Zimbabwe Dollar, becoming useless through hyperinflation.

I wish for KiNgBrAdLeY7 to somehow become pregnant. (Will he keep the resulting child?)
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish granted, but every fan is obliged to fund him with donations, too!

I wish people would soon realize that not owning and not controlling your very own currency completely (which means not having national currency), means you are bound to be a foreigner's servant for life.
dtgreene: Granted. Your currency goes the way of the Zimbabwe Dollar, becoming useless through hyperinflation.

I wish for KiNgBrAdLeY7 to somehow become pregnant. (Will he keep the resulting child?)
Granted, but since that is not how human biology works he dies and it is actually a parasitic tumor.

I wish CD Projket RED worked more on creating another series since they can't live on The Witcher forever.
Wish granted. They now create Half-Life 3, since Valve doesn't.

I wish for those huge, "emperor's prawns", to go on sales/discount soon, so i can buy me to cook me some!
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish granted. They now create Half-Life 3, since Valve doesn't.

I wish for those huge, "emperor's prawns", to go on sales/discount soon, so i can buy me to cook me some!
Granted, but as soon as the sale starts, they sell out faster than you can get to the store to buy some.

I wish.
dtgreene: I wish.
Since you didn't formulate a proper wish, the evil djinn assumes you meant " I wish dots", and your body is now covered in slimy green dots.

I wish next user will make a proper wish.
Post edited January 16, 2016 by Habanerose
Wish granted, but i will wish for something improper... Let's see... I wish to infiltrate this hypocritical, amoral, full of scandals (especially in australia) heresy whose members approached me recently and invited me to join them! (will not say its name, only that it originated from the US, not 150 years ago and today is booming worldwide!)
Post edited January 16, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish granted, but i will wish for something improper... Let's see... I wish to infiltrate this hypocritical, amoral, full of scandals (especially in australia) heresy whose members approached me recently and invited me to join them! (will not say its name, only that it originated from the US, not 150 years ago and today is booming worldwide!)
Granted. You are now a full member, and your mindset has changed to match those in the organization. As a result, you are now involved in the immoral acts and scandals that the group perpetuates.

I wish that there were more people interested in discussing the technical aspects of games on the game-specific boards here.
Granted! A lot of people start discussing technical aspects of games on the fora ... unfortunately, while they all have their own sayings and clear opinions, most of them know nothing about the technical aspects involved in most video games. The usual nonsense ensues...

I wish Hitchens got resurrected by cool, mad science and would resume his war on religious buggery; we could do with him now... ;-;
low rated
Vnlr: I wish Hitchens got resurrected by cool, mad science and would resume his war on religious buggery; we could do with him now... ;-;
Granted. Unfortunately, it appears his stance on religion has changed drastically, and not for the better.

I wish Rachel Byrk would be revived and cured of her chronic illness so she can go back to work on the Dolphin emulator.

(For those who don't know what I am talking about, see
Granted, but everything was financed by Nintendo, just so they can (with the help of lobbyists and ignorant politicians) make an example and throw her in jail. Because apparently Emulation = Piracy, if big corporations are to be believed.

I wish devs and publishers wouldn't uselessly censor their games just to please some fucked up extremists.
Post edited January 18, 2016 by Habanerose
low rated
Habanerose: I wish devs and publishers wouldn't uselessly censor their games just to please some fucked up extremists.
Granted. The games are being censored for a different reason to begin with, so your wish does nothing.

I wish people would understand the damage that harassment (of any sort) does to gaming communities.
dtgreene: I wish people would understand the damage that harassment (of any sort) does to gaming communities.
Granted, but it has no effect on internet trolls. :P

I wish you would wish for that again, for a better result.