cachirulo: noob question: When I click on a large game on my library, and then on 'offline backup game installers', I get several chunks to download (part 1, part 2 etc). This doesn't happen with Galaxy.
So am I expected to worry about several downloads instead of a single click, if I choose the 1st way?
You can still try the GOG downloader which is
not officially supported anymore (though it still works fine for me) by accessing
this. To use this for download you will have to install it and then use the so called "gog downloader links" that you can acess by clicking "more" after you clicked on your game. If you use those GOG downlaoder will download every part of the offline installer with one click.
If you really are interested in downloading offline installers and it is too much of a hassle for you to click "more" every time also take a look at this great script
And if you don't mind usoing scripts I would also highly suggest
this as well.
Edit: Or you can do what BKGaming said and use Galaxy to download offline installers (totally forgot about this option)