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low rated
Primo_Victoria: I think it's good that they don't explain their decisions openly.
Supremtin: I hope you remember that the next time they screw up lol
Everything I see about the website and Galaxy makes me think I'll never buy anything here anyway. Explanations wouldn't really help.
Garrison72: I just want GOG to say why they won't carry this game, but they'll offer a shit ton of half-assed games from other devs. They owe Destructive Creations an explanation as well as the fans. They can't tout their customer first attitude and then stay silent on this. It's hypocritical. If they think Hatred is too much, then they've got a litany of games to pull from their library.And to cap it all off, Steam and Desura don't give a fuck, lol. What happened to CDPR?
Supremtin: the only reason this game got rejected is exactly the same reason why steam pulled it of from greenlight and also the same reason why twitch is now banning AO games, gog just doesn't support the games content and they know theyre going to receive a lot of hate when they come clean and say it so they are going to keep quiet and have funboys defend them cause if theres stil a probability of them being right there will be atleast one funboy to find it plus means to use it to defend them(I mean why come clean and ruin the chance for some funboy to defend you on the basis of maybe)
THIS is just what cdpr those they make a probability sit on their asses refuse to comment and have people defend them, if the witcher 3 downgrade didn't teach you this then I don't know what will
give actual proof or shut up. because unless you can prove it it's just speculation. Pure and simple.
I think the devs of Hatred will probably spill the beans one day.
Post edited May 31, 2015 by Primo_Victoria
Supremtin: that's because as of now I haven't spotted any hypocrite here trying to convince people that the game is bad for its content and such
you haven't actually managed to say anything worthwhile either... except that this is not rocket science, which I will grant you is correct. If it where, we would probably be posting here. The highlight of your career here, so far, has what? . And the rest is... well... no impact at all.
Post edited May 31, 2015 by amok
low rated
Supremtin: am pretty sure that's too complicated for them to have fabricated
tinyE: I'm not in here fighting with you, there is no reason to sling your pissy comments at me.
wtf, hows what I said provocative in anyway?
Supremtin: that's because as of now I haven't spotted any hypocrite here trying to convince people that the game is bad for its content and such
amok: you haven't actually managed to say anything worthwhile either... except that this is not rocket science, which I will grant you is correct. If it where, we would probably be posting here. The highlight of your career here, so far, is telling TinyE that he should have his cancer back. The rest is... well... no impact at all.
why don't you go back to the previous page and read all my posts?
Supremtin: the only reason this game got rejected is exactly the same reason why steam pulled it of from greenlight and also the same reason why twitch is now banning AO games, gog just doesn't support the games content and they know theyre going to receive a lot of hate when they come clean and say it so they are going to keep quiet and have funboys defend them cause if theres stil a probability of them being right there will be atleast one funboy to find it plus means to use it to defend them(I mean why come clean and ruin the chance for some funboy to defend you on the basis of maybe)
THIS is just what cdpr those they make a probability sit on their asses refuse to comment and have people defend them, if the witcher 3 downgrade didn't teach you this then I don't know what will
DCT: give actual proof or shut up. because unless you can prove it it's just speculation. Pure and simple.
I see so youre going to defend them anyway, I now know am wasting my time on a completely brainwashed funboy and am not going to waste anymore time explaining anything to you
Post edited May 31, 2015 by Supremtin
Forget it. This thread has turned into WWE which is a lot of fun to watch but I wouldn't want to be in there with those guys, :P
low rated
tinyE: Forget it. This thread has turned into WWE which is a lot of fun to watch but I wouldn't want to be in there with those guys, :P
but why? youre the great and mighty cthulhu surely you can fight
Post edited May 31, 2015 by Supremtin
Post edited May 31, 2015 by Crassmaster
amok: you haven't actually managed to say anything worthwhile either... except that this is not rocket science, which I will grant you is correct. If it where, we would probably be posting here. The highlight of your career here, so far, is telling TinyE that he should have his cancer back. The rest is... well... no impact at all.
Supremtin: why don't you go back to the previous page and read all my posts?
There is so much rubbish to shift through.... can you not give me an highlight?
low rated
Supremtin: just more reasons why people should stop defending cdpr and accept that they are a bunch of hypocrites
DCT: Hypocrite? okay point to me where it's stated that Hatred was rejected for it's controversial subject matter?
As far as I can tell no one knows why it was rejected outside of GOG themselves and probley the devs and neither side is elaborating on it. All I ever seen the Devs say on the subject was that they were told "it was good but they(GOG) just couldn't sell it"

That is vauge as hell and could mean many things, the asking price was too high, the game had issues, whatever.
Honestly I may have missed a few posts but I don't think I recall seeing anyone meantion that it was fine if GOG rejected it based on the game's premise. Just that GOG is free to reject stuff because it is their store and unlike Steam has become they are picky on what they approve and yes they do make silly decisions Cat Lady, Xenonauhts, Avernum: Escape from the pit all rejected granted they changed their minds and accepted them sure but they were still rejected and some for dumb reasons like being too high for a indy game.

Now I will agree that if they did reject Hatred for it's premise while selling Postal 1 which is the same damn thing just older(same as in your a guy going level to level on a shooting spree killing cops and civilians). It would be wrong but again there is no proof that they did that. Yet you sit there and get all raging keyboard warrior about it, calling them hypocrites and insulting anyone who disargees, like there is anything more then pure unfounded speculation that was the case.

You and others like you sit there and bitch about the Social Justice warrior crap and yet in the end you act no better then they do, you are the epitomy of being the diffrent side of the same coin because that level of irrational behaviour is the same crap you get from those who claim to be opposed to, making you no better then they are and so the only hypocrite based on what I have seen here is you. Because you seem to act like your better but your not, your as close minded, ingorant and blind to anything that casts doubts on your crazy notions just like those you condemn.
first of all youre being a fanboy how many times does gog have to flop for you to realize they aren't as good as you guys think them to be, why are you still defending gog the only reason this game got rejected is exactly the same reason why steam pulled it of from greenlight and also the same reason why twitch is now banning AO games, gog just doesn't support the games content and they know theyre going to receive a lot of hate when they come clean and say it so they are going to keep quiet and have funboys like you defend them cause if theres stil a probability of them being right there will be atleast one funboy to find it plus means to use it to defend them(I mean why come clean and ruin the chance for some funboy to defend you on the basis of maybe)
THIS is just what cdpr those they make a probability sit on their asses refuse to comment and have people defend them, if the witcher 3 downgrade didn't teach you that then am afraid youre too funboyish to ever find fault with gog and will forever defend them as long as they keep quiet and leave the possibility of them being right

Here you go am reposting one comment that got burried
tinyE: Forget it. This thread has turned into WWE which is a lot of fun to watch but I wouldn't want to be in there with those guys, :P
Supremtin: but why? youre the great and mighty cthulhu surely you can fight
You're acting like a little kid now. Even if your argument had any validity you are going to lose it by doing things like this.

I should know. That's why I have no credibility. The difference is I admit it and walk away without wasting everyone's time save for throwing out a few bad lines for a couple of chuckles.
Timelord1963: This argument puzzles me the most. By all accounts it seems to be a relatively pricey game for the amount of content and, according to a lot of early comments, is not only short but also repetitive. And it seems to be a bit buggy right now.

If there are other games like that already sold here, does anyone really want to add another one? Is that the standard you honestly think GOG should aim for, or do you want an exception to be made for this one apparently not so good title just because of the controversy?

The only argument to overlook that seems to be "because if GOG doesn't, it's censorship". But why is it censorship to turn down an apparently buggy, short, overpriced game? (putting aside that it really, really isn't censorship)

If it's not very good then it's a waste of space selling it, unless you feel that GOG should sell pretty much every game thrown it's way regardless of price, quality or amount of bugs (all of which Hatred seems to raise warning flags for).

A brief flash in the pan controversy which will be forgotten just as quickly a few months down the line just isn't a good enough reason to demand this must be sold, when the game in question doesn't appear to be up to much.
Supremtin: if any of what youre saying is true don't you think cdpr would know this and let us all know so people stop hating on them and stop calling them names, but they wont cause people like you exist to cover their butholes for them provided they keep quiet about everything, again just like the witcher, they could have just come clean and said hey we downgraded the game, but they didn't cause the backlash would be massive but instead they left it to their funboys to speculate ways of them being right in order to defend them
That's a long sentence, take a breath :P

No, I doubt GOG could say that, as has been said before it'd likely be unprofessional to reveal they'd rejected a game because it's a rubbish bug-ridden mess or was poor value. It would also start a precedent of having to publically explain every rejection in future whenever demanded to do so, when they've never done that in the past.

The point I think you are missing is that it's not that people disagreeing with you are speculating up ways of GOG being right. Rather, it's that many of the pro-Hatred, "if you won't sell Hatred you are censoring us, bad GOG, boycott, boycott!" posts are jumping to massive conclusions and assuming that GOG must be in the wrong. That argument is total speculation and that's what's being pointed out to you.

You've no proof to support that stance and at the moment a good chunk of this thread reads as an attempt at emotional manipulation where the only right thing GOG can do in your eyes is to release the game here, regardless of the game's actual quality (which again, does not seem to be very good). The speculation and assumption is on your side and you're ignoring the many times people have pointed this out to you.

Thanks for the funboy, sounds like much more fun than fanboy :)
Post edited May 31, 2015 by Timelord1963
low rated
Supremtin: but why? youre the great and mighty cthulhu surely you can fight
tinyE: You're acting like a little kid now. Even if your argument had any validity you are going to lose it by doing things like this.

I should know. That's why I have no credibility. The difference is I admit it and walk away without wasting everyone's time save for throwing out a few bad lines for a couple of chuckles.
so just when I try to make the thread funny to release all the pent up tension, this is what you had to say about it?
high rated
tinyE: You're acting like a little kid now. Even if your argument had any validity you are going to lose it by doing things like this.

I should know. That's why I have no credibility. The difference is I admit it and walk away without wasting everyone's time save for throwing out a few bad lines for a couple of chuckles.
Supremtin: so just when I try to make the thread funny to release all the pent up tension, this is what you had to say about it?
That was you trying to make it funny? It sounded like you were trying to be an asshole. :P
low rated
Supremtin: if any of what youre saying is true don't you think cdpr would know this and let us all know so people stop hating on them and stop calling them names, but they wont cause people like you exist to cover their butholes for them provided they keep quiet about everything, again just like the witcher, they could have just come clean and said hey we downgraded the game, but they didn't cause the backlash would be massive but instead they left it to their funboys to speculate ways of them being right in order to defend them
Timelord1963: That's a long sentence, take a breath :P

No, I doubt GOG could say that, as has been said before it'd likely be unprofessional to reveal they'd rejected a game because it's a rubbish bug-ridden mess or was poor value. It would also start a precedent of having to publically explain every rejection in future whenever demanded to do so, when they've never done that in the past.

The point I think you are missing is that it's not that people disagreeing with you are speculating up ways of GOG being right. Rather, it's that many of the pro-Hatred, "if you won't sell Hatred you are censoring us, bad GOG, boycott, boycott!" posts are jumping to massive conclusions and assuming that GOG must be in the wrong. That argument is total speculation and that's what's being pointed out to you.

You've no proof to support that stance and at the moment a good chunk of this thread reads as an attempt at emotional manipulation where the only right thing GOG can do in your eyes is to release the game here, regardless of the game's actual quality (which again, does not seem to be very good). The speculation and assumption is on your side and you're ignoring the many times people have pointed this out to you.

Thanks for the funboy, sounds like much more fun than fanboy :)
I don't care weather gog releases the game here or not its their store youre the ones I don't get clearly defending them even when theyre obviously wrong, you want your proof go back and scrutinize the withcer 3 downgrade this was exactly what happened, cdpr kept quiet funboys still defended them
Supremtin: so just when I try to make the thread funny to release all the pent up tension, this is what you had to say about it?
tinyE: That was you trying to make it funny? It sounded like you were trying to be an asshole. :P
nah am pretty sure I would have said something like 'hey fucking asshole cthulhu stop being a dick and join the fight'
Post edited May 31, 2015 by Supremtin