SargonAelther: Does the script check the free space on the drive?
_Auster_: From my experience, no, it doesn't. (at least once it started downloading 9 GB worth of files when my external hard drive had only 2~3 GB of free space)
Edit: forgot a small detail and adding the explanation below.
About saving in specific directories, the argument
savedir mentioned in the GitHub page should let you download the files to specific folders.
It doesn't check for free space at the moment, I could implement something but it wouldn't always be correct (some files will be updated rather than duplicated, some files might be deleted dependent on how you organise things, some files might fail to download and end up taking up "work" space in !downloading).
You can put a download limit on the amount to be downloaded though, and while that's not exact either it should work fairly well for this purpose. I'd make sure to leave a buffer of ~500 MB on top , so that there's room for the error in estimation + the logging. Add the argument
-downloadlimit X
to the download command where X is the limit in MB.
_Auster_: Not sure what the system is, but on Linux, I'd run:
cd /path/to/ ; python3 update -os windows linux mac -lang en bl ru gk sb ar br jp ko fr cn cz hu pt tr sk nl ro es pl it de da sv fi no ; python3 download -id game_example_1 /first/download/path/ ; python3 download -id game_example_2 /second/download/path/ ; python3 download -id game_example_n /N/download/path/
_Auster_: The command tends to get pretty big like this, but I have the process mostly streamlined thanks to the native macros function my text editor has.
And the symbol ; in Linux commands separates multiple commands and makes so that after a command is done, the terminal will run the next command automatically.
If you're only using a small handful of locations eg one disc for windows and another for linux for example, you can use multiple download commands each with a different specified download directory and the appropriate -lang/os/extra/game filters, and that saves having to manage individual paths. I've done this in the past (one disk for Windows / Extra, one for Linux / Mac )