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dgnfly: To be honest, I doubt its that. You might wanna market the game on the store but you don't have to be in line with the other storefronts on release date and you could just release it during multiple games cause most people wanting this game will look for it. You kinda make it sound like a physical release.

Would you care if it got released up front or would you think it is better it never released at all? I for one care more, in general, it being released DRM free than it taking front and center on the storefront. But if that would be the conflict Xseed wouldn't have said '' Didn't Meet Store Requirments'' seems more the Snob kinda way for refusing the game.
I am also rather curious as to what those "Store Requirements" are, if it was just a timing window then I'm going to hope it shows up on GOG later.

I'm REALLY hoping it isn't because someone disliked the games art. It looks pretty good to me.

. . . is there a chance it was mistaken for a mobile game port?

It doesn't look like one to me but I'm aware that a version of it was re-released on the iPhone.

The game is actually a port of a PS3 game if I'm not mistaken and does not have mobile as its origin.

dgnfly: It also wouldn't make sense why they refused other games in the past even games like Mercenary Kings, Seriously some of those unknown titles on the reject list do have positive reviews on Steam.
Ack! I ended up purchasing Mercenary Kings elsewhere. I would have bought it here. >_<
Post edited May 19, 2019 by SpellSword
low rated
Kyousuke.: I laugh how people say that they don't want gog to be a toxic community like the steam one AND YET they are the ones making it toxic in the first place!
GameRager: This community is MILES better than steam forums in that regard.

dgnfly: I'm not calling people Trolls or haters but more calling out people that have no real interest in the matter for being nothing but clowns that can't say anything useful. Even if the SJW part is possibly creating a flame war it is still a problem in the gaming world. I appreciate the advice, but I just can't act like a fake nice guy I just like acting like I really am.

Sadly with matters like this pretty upfront and serious.
GameRager: Understood, but using that term causes a ton of problems around here & imo such comments are best left to PMs/emails/etc. This way one can air their grievances with like minded people without causing a stir within the forums/getting possibly reported/banned.

(I was like you[and still am to a degree] about being upfront about stuff, but I realized that tempering it with civil language gets my point across as less confrontational/rude and more civil/relateable.)
I know full well how dangerous just debating certain topics are, And you don't even have to be rude before you get death threats or comments about how you should kill yourself. seriously i got this on Facebook and i get banned while I didn't even use rude or harsh language. I noticed even nice words don't matter to some people and they'll try to paint you into a corner with their fake narrative. Opinions have become so dangerous these days if they don't fit a certain narrative.

To be honest I worry sometimes about banning but I'm more afraid of losing the general idea of not being able to speak my mind.

dgnfly: You serious since the start of this topic contributed nothing but complain about the use of words
tinyE: "Toxic is now just a word used by people who can't cope with different opinions these days. A simple stop word you make it seem you're the victim."

An exact quote, from you, less than ten minutes ago. :P
Funny coming from a person like you who said nothing like said a million times of use and is just here for attention.
Seriously, Can you even make a sensible sentence about the topic at hand or do you get a hard-on with one-liners?
Also, I never use the word Toxic myself it was in reply to somebody else, Gotta love how you cut out the rest of the message but then that wouldn't serve your purpose now would it? Gotta love how people like you try to take thing out off context and recut them to suit your own
Post edited May 19, 2019 by dgnfly
dgnfly: Toxic is now just a word used by people who can't cope with different opinions these days. A simple stop word you make it seem you're the victim. They make it Toxic by denying people choice while steam lets people chose if they wanna buy or don't but they do make it an option and here that option is taken away by a Few unknown people behind the scenes.

but let's not dwell on those sorta topics, I'd like to concentrate on the topic at hand.
Offtopic: I agree, one can simply call something/someone's argument toxic/sexist/racist and shut it(and those who say such) down without having to debate the points being made by those they disagree with.

Ontopic: I wish GOG would reconsider this rejection.
low rated
dgnfly: To be honest, I doubt its that. You might wanna market the game on the store but you don't have to be in line with the other storefronts on release date and you could just release it during multiple games cause most people wanting this game will look for it. You kinda make it sound like a physical release.

Would you care if it got released up front or would you think it is better it never released at all? I for one care more, in general, it being released DRM free than it taking front and center on the storefront. But if that would be the conflict Xseed wouldn't have said '' Didn't Meet Store Requirments'' seems more the Snob kinda way for refusing the game.
SpellSword: I am also rather curious as to what those "Store Requirements" are.

If it was just a timing window then I'm going to hope it shows up on GOG later.

I'm REALLY hoping it isn't because someone disliked the games art. It looks pretty good to me.

. . . is there a chance it was mistaken for a mobile game port?

It doesn't look like one to me but I'm aware that a version of it was re-released on the iPhone.

The game is actually a port of a PS3 game if I'm not mistaken and does not have mobile as its origin.

dgnfly: It also wouldn't make sense why they refused other games in the past even games like Mercenary Kings, Seriously some of those unknown titles on the reject list do have positive reviews on Steam.
SpellSword: Ack! I ended up purchasing Mercenary Kings elsewhere. I would have bought it here. >_<
I owned the game on Ps3, it's a bit tedious but nothing serious that makes the game unplayable, But then again most Dungeon RPG are. I'm just on GOG, for the most part, to buy games DRM free and I pretty much just building up a massive gaming library which I will now be stopping thanks to GOG themselves. To be honest most of the games I buy I don't even play or barely cause I'm strapped for time with work and all so they should be happy I'm investing in them at all.
tinyE: The only way to stop censorship is to not allow SJWs to speak!

dgnfly: I love how you try to spin the narrative, I never said about not letting other people speak I'm just calling out people that don't care to stop acting as it impacts them while they are simply here to complain why it shouldn't appear while they would never even bother buying the game. SJW are allowed to speak but that doesn't mean you are always right and like I said you contribute nothing of value other you complaining about us debating the game and trying to grab attention.

You serious since the start of this topic contributed nothing but complain about the use of words, or you triggered how they are used. here some advice, Grow up!! Love how you changed back your tagline after I called you out on it. Now you'll be less fake.
A bit of advice: Tiny is usually like this to many who don't follow his way of thinking. It's often best to carry on as if he said nothing at all when he does such.
SpellSword: . . . is there a chance it was mistaken for a mobile game port?
We already have mobile game ports here, so that wouldn't even suffice as an excuse. Even without them, sounds pretty weird that someone in charge could pull such a blunder...
low rated
dgnfly: Toxic is now just a word used by people who can't cope with different opinions these days. A simple stop word you make it seem you're the victim. They make it Toxic by denying people choice while steam lets people chose if they wanna buy or don't but they do make it an option and here that option is taken away by a Few unknown people behind the scenes.

but let's not dwell on those sorta topics, I'd like to concentrate on the topic at hand.
GameRager: Offtopic: I agree, one can simply call something/someone's argument toxic/sexist/racist and shut it(and those who say such) down without having to debate the points being made by those they disagree with.

Ontopic: I wish GOG would reconsider this rejection.
I doubt they'll change their minds or else they should have done so with Mercenary kings, Hatred which stands at 5000 on the wishlist but seems to trigger people while just being more a clone of postal, and then there is Agony which I just like for its weird art and topic. ''Agony'' was submitted 3 times by the devs and GOG kept rejecting it.
GameRager: Offtopic: I agree, one can simply call something/someone's argument toxic/sexist/racist and shut it(and those who say such) down without having to debate the points being made by those they disagree with.

Ontopic: I wish GOG would reconsider this rejection.
dgnfly: I doubt they'll change their minds or else they should have done so with Mercenary kings, Hatred which stands at 5000 on the wishlist but seems to trigger people while just being more a clone of postal, and then there is Agony which I just like for its weird art and topic. ''Agony'' was submitted 3 times by the devs and GOG kept rejecting it.
Postal/Postal 2 were added BEFORE the curation team came on the scene. I can guess why they rejected them. ;\

P.S. I submitted a friend request so I can chat with you about some things we can't/shouldn't talk about here. If you care to talk more about such offtopic stuff in general feel free to accept it/add me to your PM filter.
Post edited May 19, 2019 by GameRager
GameRager: This community is MILES better than steam forums in that regard.
Oh, this absolutely. What I meant is that it's BECOMING, albeit slowly, similar to the steam one.
low rated
dgnfly: I love how you try to spin the narrative, I never said about not letting other people speak I'm just calling out people that don't care to stop acting as it impacts them while they are simply here to complain why it shouldn't appear while they would never even bother buying the game. SJW are allowed to speak but that doesn't mean you are always right and like I said you contribute nothing of value other you complaining about us debating the game and trying to grab attention.

You serious since the start of this topic contributed nothing but complain about the use of words, or you triggered how they are used. here some advice, Grow up!! Love how you changed back your tagline after I called you out on it. Now you'll be less fake.
GameRager: A bit of advice: Tiny is usually like this to many who don't follow his way of thinking. It's often best to carry on as if he said nothing at all when he does such.
I never commented on this forum until now, but I have been reading during the whole ''Not Tonight'' debacle in which GOG censored my review of it. And all the other SJW incidents and it surely showed Tiny as a Manchild that can't cope with complicated topics. I personally find complicated topics fresh air for new ideas and new ways of thinking. When you narrow mind you'll never understand the truth of a problem.
GameRager: A bit of advice: Tiny is usually like this to many who don't follow his way of thinking. It's often best to carry on as if he said nothing at all when he does such.
dgnfly: I never commented on this forum until now, but I have been reading during the whole ''Not Tonight'' debacle in which GOG censored my review of it. And all the other SJW incidents and it surely showed Tiny as a Manchild that can't cope with complicated topics. I personally find complicated topics fresh air for new ideas and new ways of thinking. When you narrow mind you'll never understand the truth of a problem.
I agree some topics are good to talk about, but this thread isn;t about that topic and it is causing the thread to go offtopic. If you must talk about such rant in the bitch about life in general thread or make a thread(with a civil title/op post) about your problems.
novumZ: Does anyone know if Senran Kagura series from Xseed games was rejected by GOG too?
ReynardFox: In this case, no, GOG actually accepted Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, but XSeed was unable to properly circumvent the DRM the developer used so just abandoned the whole thing.
Pity. As a Dynasty Warriors like games go I've heard it measures up pretty well.

Unless I'm mistaken that game has way more DLC than I'd like, but if it was DRM free I may have been willing to spring for it here on GOG.

(The right amount of paid DLC is zero. Unless it is a proper expansion pack!)

If that is the case though, I'm glad GOG stuck to being DRM free and had to pass on Senran Kagura.

If the Humble version of the game isn't DRM free I'm going to be left wondering if the same DRM problem could have happened here again with Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls.

I just looked it up and it appears that "Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus" doesn't have DLC on the PC version, I'd mistaken it for either the Estival Versus or Burst Re:Newal entry in the Senran Kagura series.

So that being the case, I'd have definitely purchased it on GOG as it is apparently without DLC.
Post edited May 19, 2019 by SpellSword
SpellSword: Pity. As a Dynasty Warriors like games go I've heard it measures up pretty well.

Unless I'm mistaken that game has way more DLC than I'd like, but if it was DRM free I may have been willing to spring for it here on GOG.

(The right amount of paid DLC is zero. Unless it is a proper expansion pack!)

If that is the case though, I'm glad GOG stuck to being DRM free and had to pass on Senran Kagura.

If the Humble version of the game isn't DRM free I'm going to be left wondering if the same DRM problem could have happened here again with Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls.

I just looked it up and it appears that "Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus" doesn't have DLC on the PC version, I'd mistaken it for another entry in the Senran Kagura series.
Uh, from what I remember, XSEED had issues with implementing the MP portion of the game, since most of it was completely steam lobby dependant; XSEED tried to circumnavigate it, but they would have to rewrite the MP function from scratch, reason for which they thought it wasn't worth the hassle and preferred to not release it here, instead of releasing a half hassed release a la necropolis.
Kyousuke.: Uh, from what I remember, XSEED had issues with implementing the MP portion of the game, since most of it was completely steam lobby dependant; XSEED tried to circumnavigate it, but they would have to rewrite the MP function from scratch, reason for which they thought it wasn't worth the hassle and preferred to not release it here, instead of releasing a half hassed release a la necropolis.
Sadly it appears Necropolis ended up being removed from the GOG catalogue in the end due to a problem with the publisher. ( Info Link )

Was the Senran Kagura's multiplayer problem before GOG had Galaxy up and working?

Although not optimal I've read that some games have used it for their multiplayer when the steam multiplayer component is already embedded into the code as the connection method.

Not an optimal solution as the Galaxy client is not currently Linux viable and also it binds multiplayer to the client which is vexing for those who don't use it, such as myself.
Kyousuke.: Uh, from what I remember, XSEED had issues with implementing the MP portion of the game, since most of it was completely steam lobby dependant; XSEED tried to circumnavigate it, but they would have to rewrite the MP function from scratch, reason for which they thought it wasn't worth the hassle and preferred to not release it here, instead of releasing a half hassed release a la necropolis.
Interesting, because we had the whackos in charge of Redout having similar issues and they still released the game here with the MP stripped out of the game and coercing the users with a "if sales are good enough we might think about it": we're small fries undeserving a decent release unless we spend enough for them to care to deliver the same stuff that they do elsewhere...

And oh wonderful world, instead of sticking to the one that tries to bring stuff, and keeps the stuff it can't bring properly from becoming a disastrous release by butchering it, GOG refuses it but allows those half arsed devs to bring here a game stripped of considerably important features...