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low rated
Pond86: I doubt it. It doesn't hurt to try but they know their curation system causes issues from the dozens of posts that get posted on the forums. And they haven't changed it in anyway at all yet.

The same could be said about GOG in general though. They seem to have gotten so big they don't really care for their user base or what made people join them in the first place.
wolfsite: GOG does need a wake up call. Despite being around for 10+ years the only "real" alternative people see to Steam is Epic, GOG only gets mentioned occasionally but more as a "Or I forgot this exists" kind of way in the more mainstream parts of the industry.

Wouldn't hurt to give GOG a quick kick in the butt to show them they need to step up a bit more and offer more variety and selection to be seen as a "real" alternative in the mainstream market.
As an alternative you forgot to mention the small contender GamersGate. They have a way to make backup installers(though they're not totally idiot proofed like the GOG ones and require extra steps to obtain) and offer many games GOG does not.
low rated
fronzelneekburm: Dude, Daikatana is Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel compared to the dogshit they've released in recent years. And that's coming from soneone who HATED every mind-numbing second of Daikatana!

Hello Neighbor, anyone?
GameRager: Aside: I actually LIKED Daikatana(minus the AI getting stuck in walls and the lame end fight)'s LOADS better than some of the recently added indie games, imo.
karnak1: To everyone concerned:

I just followed tfishell's advice and sent a support form (see posts above) asking GOG to review their "curation" standards.
Regardless of the reaction I ask everyone to do the same, so that the GOG staff will at least know that we're pissed and that they risk losing our money.

Thanks in advance to those who'll do the same.
GameRager: I did earlier and mentioned this/other threads & the wishlist entry for the game in OP's post.

OHMYGODJCABOMB: I don't get it, GOG. You gladly accept such "wonderful" (and definitely not too niche) games like SIMULACRA or Swag And Sorcery here, but refuse to release some more worthy (and obviously more profitable) games. What's the point?

This "curation" thing has gone way too far.
GameRager: GOG's curation is getting to be like those wine snobs who were called out in blind tests when they preferred wines(boxed ones no less and cheapo wines as well) they previously rejected in non-blind tests.
My reply from them made it seem more like they have been refusing more games.

''we, unfortunately, have to reject many of the submissions, so that those that are approved get proper exposure on the storefront.''

Makes you wonder if they have rejected even more of the communities favorites games that we don't know about.
And you right about the snob part if you ask me.

''Our BizDev and QA teams thoroughly research and evaluate every incoming title, but I'm afraid that I am unable to disclose the details as to how exactly they make their final decision''

In other words were are subject to the taste of the BizDev and QA for getting our games, Talk about leaving it up to the people on what is or isn't acceptable and why I think a non-curated one would be better cause it should be in the hands of the consumer, not the so-called select few snobs.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: This kind bad decision on GOG's part does nothing other than to further diminish its reputation among devs, which already isn't good. And it also ticks off GOG customers and therefore motivates them to buy their games elsewhere instead.
This. I can't speak for others, but I came here for some of GOG's original principles.....classic/new games offered DRM-free with simple installers.....even though I have no qualms with cracking legally bought steam games to achieve basically the same functionality in the end.

I spent my money to show GOG/it's parent company that I appreciated the DRM-free stance they were taking while also providing me/others with convenient backup installers that were easy to work with. Now that GOG is becoming less about the classics/new retro titles & more about the indies/modern games it becomes a bit harder to support them overall(especially when I can get some games GOG doesn't offer as DRM free on other stores nowadays).

dgnfly: I'm for a non-curated storefront that way people can just choose with their wallet and they could just make a section with games ranked low by users.
i_hope_you_rot: So you want a non curated Steam store clone without any gates ? Don't you think that will let the flood of shovelware in ?
Protip: They already let some shovelware in WITH curation in place.

BreOl72: Am I the only one who thinks the thread title is a bit clickbait-ish?

Because, when I read Wizardry, the first thing that comes to my mind is this:


respectively this:

You know: the original series that ran from 1981 to 2001, and of which we so far only got the last three parts (6,7,8) here on GOG.

So, when I read "GOG TURNED DOWN WIZARDRY", I'm not necessarily thinking of some spin-off from 2009.
Afaik it is made by the current IP holders, so it IS part of the official series.

Also as to clickbait: Big words attract those with limited time/attention spans the most.
Post edited May 19, 2019 by GameRager
dgnfly: My reply from them made it seem more like they have been refusing more games.

''we, unfortunately, have to reject many of the submissions, so that those that are approved get proper exposure on the storefront.''

. . .
... that actually sounds like it is a different problem.

Perhaps there is a very limited number of games allowed to release at any one time on GOG.

If so then if the schedule for the release date of Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls had the launch during a period that conflicted with an already set to release title then maybe GOG and XSEED couldn't reach an agreement due to that?

It's just a thought.

Although, I don't see why a delayed release wouldn't occur on GOG in that case so maybe my theory doesn't hold water.
dgnfly: My reply from them made it seem more like they have been refusing more games.

''we, unfortunately, have to reject many of the submissions, so that those that are approved get proper exposure on the storefront.''

Makes you wonder if they have rejected even more of the communities favorites games that we don't know about.
And you right about the snob part if you ask me.

''Our BizDev and QA teams thoroughly research and evaluate every incoming title, but I'm afraid that I am unable to disclose the details as to how exactly they make their final decision''

In other words were are subject to the taste of the BizDev and QA for getting our games, Talk about leaving it up to the people on what is or isn't acceptable and why I think a non-curated one would be better cause it should be in the hands of the consumer, not the so-called select few snobs.
So wait.....they are rejecting games(according to them) because they want each game to get storefront exposure? Honestly? Why not just release more news posts online/on the forums when new games drop and let word of mouth spread what titles get dropped here as well. That way, limited storefront or no, they could add more games without issue.

Something just doesn't add up(or that person you responded to was a bot/has swiss cheese for brains) if they gave that as a reply.

P.S. I'd tone it down on calling people(even trolls/haters) names and getting too just makes you/those who do such look bad in the end/overall. Just some friendly advice. :)
low rated
dgnfly: My reply from them made it seem more like they have been refusing more games.

''we, unfortunately, have to reject many of the submissions, so that those that are approved get proper exposure on the storefront.''

. . .
SpellSword: ... that actually sounds like it is a different problem.

Perhaps there is a very limited number of games allowed to release at any one time on GOG.

If so then if the schedule for the release date of Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls had the launch during a period that conflicted with an already set to release title then maybe GOG and XSEED couldn't reach an agreement due to that?

It's just a thought.

Although, I don't see why a delayed release wouldn't occur on GOG in that case so maybe my theory doesn't hold water.
To be honest, I doubt its that. You might wanna market the game on the store but you don't have to be in line with the other storefronts on release date and you could just release it during multiple games cause most people wanting this game will look for it. You kinda make it sound like a physical release.

Would you care if it got released up front or would you think it is better it never released at all? I for one care more, in general, it being released DRM free than it taking front and center on the storefront. But if that would be the conflict Xseed wouldn't have said '' Didn't Meet Store Requirments'' seems more the Snob kinda way for refusing the game.

It also wouldn't make sense why they refused other games in the past even games like Mercenary Kings, Seriously some of those unknown titles on the reject list do have positive reviews on Steam.

That's why transparency is the key, Instead of this in the shadow kinda way of operating.
dgnfly: Just shows how childish and selfish those users are,.They only care about what they want, they could care less what the other people want. They make it seem they need to pay for the game while we ''the actual fans' of those games'' are paying for it. I'm for a non-curated storefront that way people can just choose with their wallet and they could just make a section with games ranked low by users.
I laugh how people say that they don't want gog to be a toxic community like the steam one AND YET they are the ones making it toxic in the first place!

PookaMustard: I still see people saying stuff like "you wouldn't buy it here anyway" or such crap.

It's like Ancient-Red-Dragon here said. It's more a matter of bad decision after bad decision. It's less to do with the game and more with GOG in general. People have an interest in getting games off GOG; signified by the fact that at least a couple people will be asking if a game is available on GOG and then awaiting an answer from the publisher/developer. The more they find out a particular game is rejected, the more they'll go *somewhere else.* Hey Steam, hey Epic.

I would love to see more Japanese bullet hell games here, but I can't really encourage any developers/publishers to drop their games when it is said that DoDonPachi was rejected. Look where you can buy the game now. Wait for it...Steam. Yes, I would totally love buying the DRM'd version because GOG rejected to offer it DRM-free? How does that even work? I imagine that if more Japanese titles were accepted, we'd have more people interested in Japanese games and more sales for them, if GOG thinks that the new Wizardry is too niche or something.

GOG, you started the fckdrm initiative thingy. Least you could do is push it a little further. What other DRM-free storefront do we have with a good standing that can attract devs? Stop shooting yourself in the foot. Loosen up. We can't always expect Opus Magnum articles to keep you sane.

Even if you ignore Wizardry, that's XSEED. A publisher who takes their time to offer robust version parity on here, even though they could just drop their games here and call it a day and never get back to it again, like Devolver Digital, which you happily accept games from. You should at least put them on the same pedestal as Devolver if not the highest pedestals XSEED rightfully deserves...

You can afford losing a few PLN by hosting and maintaining a game (which you can make it back by the way if the curation wasn't bonkers), but you can't afford losing reputation from both devs and customers; reputation that Epic can and will capitalize on, by the way.
So damn true. I grew up with a lot of genres and danmaku was one of my favourite of all the times, couch co-op was a blast too!

Since in the latest years I'm consuming more japanese media than western, it's sad to see so few games here, and the ones being here are either older builds (see neptunia) or not curated as the steam counterpart.

So i'm now forced to buy the game outside of GOG thanks for GOG itself.
Post edited May 19, 2019 by Kyousuke.
low rated
dgnfly: My reply from them made it seem more like they have been refusing more games.

''we, unfortunately, have to reject many of the submissions, so that those that are approved get proper exposure on the storefront.''

Makes you wonder if they have rejected even more of the communities favorites games that we don't know about.
And you right about the snob part if you ask me.

''Our BizDev and QA teams thoroughly research and evaluate every incoming title, but I'm afraid that I am unable to disclose the details as to how exactly they make their final decision''

In other words were are subject to the taste of the BizDev and QA for getting our games, Talk about leaving it up to the people on what is or isn't acceptable and why I think a non-curated one would be better cause it should be in the hands of the consumer, not the so-called select few snobs.
GameRager: So wait.....they are rejecting games(according to them) because they want each game to get storefront exposure? Honestly? Why not just release more news posts online/on the forums when new games drop and let word of mouth spread what titles get dropped here as well. That way, limited storefront or no, they could add more games without issue.

Something just doesn't add up(or that person you responded to was a bot/has swiss cheese for brains) if they gave that as a reply.

P.S. I'd tone it down on calling people(even trolls/haters) names and getting too just makes you/those who do such look bad in the end/overall. Just some friendly advice. :)
This wasn't a bot, Don't worry. I actually just contacted them and GOG should be butthurt against the person if they think they weren't the right words or something else theý'll do to shoot the messenger who wrote it, They only got themselves to blame with their higher-ups being stuck up and not transparent. I'm just posting those two comments cause they raise the most questions I know Customer support can't be upfront because of most likely older childish company aspects but I feel we as the community do deserve some truth or answers. A few weeks ago I also asked the person about Agony and Hatred but that was some massive PR I got as a response about great Deals and sales while I care more about getting the game not the price. In-case me saying and showing this thing might be a danger for the person job you ok to delete it.

I'm not calling people Trolls or haters but more calling out people that have no real interest in the matter for being nothing but clowns that can't say anything useful. Even if the SJW part is possibly creating a flame war it is still a problem in the gaming world. I appreciate the advice, but I just can't act like a fake nice guy I just like acting like I really am.

Sadly with matters like this pretty upfront and serious.
GameRager: Afaik it is made by the current IP holders, so it IS part of the official series.
From what I've read about the history of the Wizardry series.

Localizing the original games to japan has had some interesting effects.

When the original games had their japanese release some of the humor and puzzles required references native to the original english culture causing that part of the game to become lost or obscured in translation.

What happened when spin-offs were created locally in japan was that they become much more serious in tone compared to the slightly wacky western Wizardry games, as they no longer contained the same kind of referential humor or puzzles.

At least, that is what I've read.

Whether you'll find that this changed the flavor of the series for better or worse is most likely a matter of personal taste.

I've always wanted to give these spin-offs a try though, they look pretty cool.
dgnfly: Just shows how childish and selfish those users are,.They only care about what they want, they could care less what the other people want. They make it seem they need to pay for the game while we ''the actual fans' of those games'' are paying for it. I'm for a non-curated storefront that way people can just choose with their wallet and they could just make a section with games ranked low by users.
Kyousuke.: I laugh how people say that they don't want gog to be a toxic community like the steam one AND YET they are the ones making it toxic in the first place!
This community is MILES better than steam forums in that regard.

dgnfly: I'm not calling people Trolls or haters but more calling out people that have no real interest in the matter for being nothing but clowns that can't say anything useful. Even if the SJW part is possibly creating a flame war it is still a problem in the gaming world. I appreciate the advice, but I just can't act like a fake nice guy I just like acting like I really am.

Sadly with matters like this pretty upfront and serious.
Understood, but using that term causes a ton of problems around here & imo such comments are best left to PMs/emails/etc. This way one can air their grievances with like minded people without causing a stir within the forums/getting possibly reported/banned.

(I was like you[and still am to a degree] about being upfront about stuff, but I realized that tempering it with civil language gets my point across as less confrontational/rude and more civil/relateable.)
Post edited May 19, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
dgnfly: Just shows how childish and selfish those users are,.They only care about what they want, they could care less what the other people want. They make it seem they need to pay for the game while we ''the actual fans' of those games'' are paying for it. I'm for a non-curated storefront that way people can just choose with their wallet and they could just make a section with games ranked low by users.
Kyousuke.: I laugh how people say that they don't want gog to be a toxic community like the steam one AND YET they are the ones making it toxic in the first place!

PookaMustard: I still see people saying stuff like "you wouldn't buy it here anyway" or such crap.

It's like Ancient-Red-Dragon here said. It's more a matter of bad decision after bad decision. It's less to do with the game and more with GOG in general. People have an interest in getting games off GOG; signified by the fact that at least a couple people will be asking if a game is available on GOG and then awaiting an answer from the publisher/developer. The more they find out a particular game is rejected, the more they'll go *somewhere else.* Hey Steam, hey Epic.

I would love to see more Japanese bullet hell games here, but I can't really encourage any developers/publishers to drop their games when it is said that DoDonPachi was rejected. Look where you can buy the game now. Wait for it...Steam. Yes, I would totally love buying the DRM'd version because GOG rejected to offer it DRM-free? How does that even work? I imagine that if more Japanese titles were accepted, we'd have more people interested in Japanese games and more sales for them, if GOG thinks that the new Wizardry is too niche or something.

GOG, you started the fckdrm initiative thingy. Least you could do is push it a little further. What other DRM-free storefront do we have with a good standing that can attract devs? Stop shooting yourself in the foot. Loosen up. We can't always expect Opus Magnum articles to keep you sane.

Even if you ignore Wizardry, that's XSEED. A publisher who takes their time to offer robust version parity on here, even though they could just drop their games here and call it a day and never get back to it again, like Devolver Digital, which you happily accept games from. You should at least put them on the same pedestal as Devolver if not the highest pedestals XSEED rightfully deserves...

You can afford losing a few PLN by hosting and maintaining a game (which you can make it back by the way if the curation wasn't bonkers), but you can't afford losing reputation from both devs and customers; reputation that Epic can and will capitalize on, by the way.
Kyousuke.: So damn true. I grew up with a lot of genres and danmaku was one of my favourite of all the times, couch co-op was a blast too!

Since in the latest years I'm consuming more japanese media than western, it's sad to see so few games here, and the ones being here are either older builds (see neptunia) or not curated as the steam counterpart.

So i'm now forced to buy the game outside of GOG thanks for GOG itself.
Toxic is now just a word used by people who can't cope with different opinions these days. A simple stop word you make it seem you're the victim. They make it Toxic by denying people choice while steam lets people chose if they wanna buy or don't but they do make it an option and here that option is taken away by a Few unknown people behind the scenes.

but let's not dwell on those sorta topics, I'd like to concentrate on the topic at hand.
low rated
The only way to stop censorship is to not allow SJWs to speak!

low rated
tinyE: The only way to stop censorship is to not allow SJWs to speak!

I love how you try to spin the narrative, I never said about not letting other people speak I'm just calling out people that don't care to stop acting as it impacts them while they are simply here to complain why it shouldn't appear while they would never even bother buying the game. SJW are allowed to speak but that doesn't mean you are always right and like I said you contribute nothing of value other you complaining about us debating the game and trying to grab attention.

You serious since the start of this topic contributed nothing but complain about the use of words, or you triggered how they are used. here some advice, Grow up!! Love how you changed back your tagline after I called you out on it. Now you'll be less fake.
novumZ: Does anyone know if Senran Kagura series from Xseed games was rejected by GOG too?
In this case, no, GOG actually accepted Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, but XSeed was unable to properly circumvent the DRM the developer used so just abandoned the whole thing.
low rated
tinyE: Wait....
dgnfly: You serious since the start of this topic contributed nothing but complain about the use of words
"Toxic is now just a word used by people who can't cope with different opinions these days. A simple stop word you make it seem you're the victim."

An exact quote, from you, less than ten minutes ago. :P
Post edited May 19, 2019 by tinyE