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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Lost Alpha should release today.

New standalone game in the zone.
New engine.
New features and locations.
Original cut features and locations from SoC.
New story.
Full voice acting.

Post edited May 01, 2014 by Sachys
<span class="bold">Bickadoodle</span>

Bickadoodle is a short adventure made with the Wintermute Engine in four weeks. It’s a comedy stick-man fairy-tale with a twist. Laugh! Vanquish evil! Use magic potions! Quest for treasure! Ride your very own horse! Maybe find true love?

<span class="bold">The coming of age &ndash; a Lorna Bains whodunit</span>

Tallahassee, 1933.

Meet Lorna Bains, young college student, part-time waitress at a local café…and aspiring journalist too!
It’s a very special day for Lorna.
Not only will she write her application letter for a big new york city newspaper today, she turns 21 years old too!
But instead of getting a cake and gifts, her life will be turned upside down.
Novotnus: Mudlarks
Realistic mystery point and click... looks worth checking.
Looks like this will be one of Desura's Freedom Friday releases tomorrow.
IAmSinistar: Looks like this will be one of Desura's Freedom Friday releases tomorrow.
With some fixes :)
triock: Bickadoodle
I was just scanning the thread when I went OMG, there's a free Blackadder game!, but then I actually paid attention and saw it was not so.
Desura's Freedom Friday - May 2

Some sweet goodness this Friday with several tasty releases!


"A mysterious point and click adventure game... a tale of friendship, the supernatural and unravelled secrets"

Your name is Winston. You are very much a regular, normal chap - living in London with your girlfriend and holding down a 9 to 5 office job. Among your various hobbies, you are a mudlarker. That is, the practice of combing the shore of the River Thames for historically interesting objects that may have gone underwater hundreds of years ago. One day, you and your co-mudlarker Vincent stumble upon what appears to be a valuable golden locket - and your destiny is changed forever. Two days after the find, Vincent disappears on the shore, leaving only the locket behind...

Dwarf Tower

Dwarf Tower is our new game, that takes some proven gameplay concepts, and puts them in a stylish form. Build your tower, gather spells, and use them to destroy the enemy tower. Challenge your friends in online multiplayer mode. Think of Sea Battle, mixed with some Worms fun, and Faster Than Light room management. Add beautiful pixel-art graphics, animation, and wonderful music from Kevin MacLeod.

Dwarf Tower is a turn-based tactics game of tower building and spellcasting. Each turn you develop your tower by placing blocks, constructing rooms, and play various spells. Your tower can have Libraries (store spells), Crystals (generate mana), Dwarf Dwellings (give you dwarves to repair the tower) and some other rooms. The crucial room is Archmage's Chamber. It's position is hidden from enemy and you must protect it at all costs, or you will lose. Room scheme is very important: the higher you place it, the more powerful it gets. Higher tower gets tremendous advantage over the lower one.

Wave Rave

Go crazy on a jet ski in this simulation featuring unprecedented water effects and dynamics! Race courses against opponents or ride wild in a free style mode. Free demo of our shelved, unfinished and untested project exclusively on Desura... Please, don't bother to install the game if you have Intel video card. Check out our other water-themed game Aquadelic GT (very well tested contrary to Wave Rave)!

A Nation of Wind

“A Nation of Wind” is a video game featuring elements of gameplay from both “Arena Shooters” (like Geometry Wars, Super Stardust, and Asteroids), and “Real Time Strategy” games, (such as Populous, Starcraft, and Actraiser). Set in a world of floating islands and airships, the player is tasked with commanding a ship and establishing/defending colonies. Players will be forced to deal with the bizarre creatures that come up from the lower atmospheres to wreak havoc on their airship and settlements, while appeasing the god’s of the land and eventually bending them to the player’s will. “A Nation of Wind” is currently developed by one intrepid artist, Jameson Wilkins. He is a freelancer with several years of experience in the browser and mobile gaming markets, and has studied game design and art the entirety of his life.
I don't think he is updating the thread.
As mentioned by Stooner in the Blizzard Classic Games thread: The Lost Vikings and Rock n' Roll Racing are now available for free if you register at and sign in to the US site (no VPN/proxy required).
IAmSinistar: Desura's Freedom Friday - May 2

Some sweet goodness this Friday with several tasty releases!

Dwarf Tower

Dwarf Tower is our new game, that takes some proven gameplay concepts, and puts them in a stylish form. Build your tower, gather spells, and use them to destroy the enemy tower. Challenge your friends in online multiplayer mode. Think of Sea Battle, mixed with some Worms fun, and Faster Than Light room management. Add beautiful pixel-art graphics, animation, and wonderful music from Kevin MacLeod.

Dwarf Tower is a turn-based tactics game of tower building and spellcasting. Each turn you develop your tower by placing blocks, constructing rooms, and play various spells. Your tower can have Libraries (store spells), Crystals (generate mana), Dwarf Dwellings (give you dwarves to repair the tower) and some other rooms. The crucial room is Archmage's Chamber. It's position is hidden from enemy and you must protect it at all costs, or you will lose. Room scheme is very important: the higher you place it, the more powerful it gets. Higher tower gets tremendous advantage over the lower one.

A Nation of Wind
These two look interesting. The other two are...hmmmmmmmmmm
Niggles: These two look interesting. The other two are...hmmmmmmmmmm
Those both looks good indeed. Wave Rave doesn't interest me, not even the real life version. However Mudlarks could be quite good. Our resident undead kitty can probably sell it better at this point. :)
Rubble N Strafe
A neat-looking horizontal shoot-em up inspired by Harrier Attack.

Duel Toys 2
A fighting / collecting game where you collect and pit toy action figures based off pop culture characters against one another.
Post edited May 04, 2014 by SCPM
Love this thread. :)
Blizzard is giving away three of their early classics:
Desura Freedom Friday - May 9

Among Ripples

Control a pond's ecosystem; experiment with what you can do and see what happens. Among Ripples is an ecosystem management simulator; you add different creatures to the lake and see how they interact and what situations arise. Learn through experimenting how you want your ecosystem to progress!

ACE Online

ACE Online is a unique, fast-paced, intense MMORPG aerial combat game, with a focus on PvP warfare. Enlist in one of two nations, take part in dozens of quests, and vanquish your enemies for total air superiority. Participate in Clan Battles, GM events, and contests to win exciting prizes! Customize your ships to create you own unique look, and then pit yourself against your rivals in intense aerial dogfights! Key Features: - Four distinct types of craft to pilot! Try all four and find your ideal match to suit your individual gameplay style! - Hundreds of weapons to blast your enemies with, including homing missiles, carpet bombs, gatling cannons and more! - Weekly nation battles including Mothership Wars and Strategic Point assaults! - Create your own clan and battle together with your friends enemy clans! - Dozens of customization items, including skins, so you can to enhance your ship's appearance for a unique design. - Join crazy, intense GM events for prizes and bragging rights!


"Zuli is a fun, but challenging arcade game where you take the role of a little albino bat who has to escape from the cave he lives in. Avoid the deadly foes that fly around the cave and eat all the bugs to release Zuli's power (press Space). Make sure that any of the enemies you encounter doesn't touch you or you'll have to start the level all over again. Have fun!"

Survival Island Adventures

You Wake up to find yourself on a island where there is no way out... You play as a survivalist that has survived out in the wilderness for so long and now is on a massive island you can explore the smallest of parts in the world caves mountains or even dungeons! You start off with a gun with no ammo and some planks of wood in your camps stockpile. You can build a shelter to survive in. Build massive forts! Fight off the evil animals waiting for you. Hunt for food! Drink out of rivers and streams and not out of the sea! Get into safezones and gear up! Buy ammo and other items for your character! Even sell weapons and supplies you have found for gold and food!
Post edited May 09, 2014 by IAmSinistar
The official Desura Freedom Friday releases for May 9 are now available. The post above has been amended to contain the four games. Turns out that Survival Island Adventures was the fourth title, rather than Arcturus Proving Grounds.

Survival Island Adventures is listed as a Pre-alpha, which is both a meaningless term and perhaps one of the stupidest descriptors used by a developer yet. One expects to be downloading just a paper sketch of the game idea, or an audio file of the dev rambling about the game.
Post edited May 09, 2014 by IAmSinistar