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I guess GOG wants to keep the game intact with the multiplayer. I don't know how (or why) they're planning to do so, but seems to me that's the most difficult path by far and i'd stop holding my breath, especially with all the other work they're doing.

I just wish they'd be a little more forthcoming with an official statement or support post about how the problem can be avoided until a fix is available. This information is already in this thread but buried long ago.

1. Buy F.E.A.R
2. Install F.E.A.R (GOG's installer does not install the Securom dormant files)
3. Delete FEARMP.exe from installation folder (THIS installs Securom dormant files when running multiplayer the first time)
4. Stop F.E.A.R.I.N.G Securom.
5. Read the following post if you do need to get rid of the dormant license files that FEARMP.exe installs.
Post edited April 22, 2015 by MikeMaximus
mobutu: iBump
any news or progress on this? or it's still considered lowest priority on the to-do list?
low rated
in case that you want to get rid of all securom files on your computer,

just click here!
apehater: in case that you want to get rid of all securom files on your computer,

just click here!
Very mature!

In case you don't get it ... that was an ironic statement.
Post edited June 26, 2015 by john_hatcher
low rated
apehater: in case that you want to get rid of all securom files on your computer,

just click here!
john_hatcher: Very mature!

In case you don't get it ... that was an ironic statement.
in case that you prefer a more mature approach: go fuck your self!
Post edited June 26, 2015 by apehater
mobutu: any news or progress on this? or it's still considered lowest priority on the to-do list?
Guess it is still way down on the priorities list, and yet should probably just be a very simple fix for them, to remove the FEARMP.exe from the installer.

On February 20th, Firek from GOG said they have a workaround in the works.
On April 21st, Ciris from GOG said it is something they plan to fix.

It is now July 23rd, 3 months on from Ciris's comment and 5 months on from this supposed workaround that was being worked on, and still no update. Very disappointing, GOG, very disappointing. Usually I sing your praises for your whole DRM-free distribution and the classic games you release, but I'm afraid this is one of those rare occasions where you've made a mistake and you really should have resolved this by now.
Oh damn it. It's August already and let me check ... nothing has changed. That's the way to go GOG. I'll surely buy from you any time soon.
erm ... bump?
It seems GOG would prefer it swept under the rug, they seem to be doing their best to pretend this didn't even happen.

and another example in the same category which is getting the same silence treatment:
mobutu: erm ... bump?
It seems GOG would prefer it swept under the rug, they seem to be doing their best to pretend this didn't even happen.

and another example in the same category which is getting the same silence treatment:
I was waiting to if they updated the installer for FEAR, but I just gave up and installed it and then deleted the multiplayer exe as it was the culprit and I really don't have any intention of playing anything but single player anyways.
Is this still being discussed? I thought the solution of "don't click on multiplayer" was established?!
All we can do is keep bumping this thread up, to raise awareness. GOG said they were looking into this were working on a workaround, but that was months ago. Plus the multiplayer component of F.E.A.R is supposed to be disabled anyway, isn't it, due to a standalone multiplayer version? I can't see why they can't just repackage the installer with the multiplayer executable removed.

GOG is usually really great, so this is one disappointment that affects a game I own here (I am aware of a couple other similar cases but not with games I own). So come on GOG, help us out here.
korell: All we can do is keep bumping this thread up, to raise awareness. GOG said they were looking into this were working on a workaround, but that was months ago. Plus the multiplayer component of F.E.A.R is supposed to be disabled anyway, isn't it, due to a standalone multiplayer version? I can't see why they can't just repackage the installer with the multiplayer executable removed.

GOG is usually really great, so this is one disappointment that affects a game I own here (I am aware of a couple other similar cases but not with games I own). So come on GOG, help us out here.
People might need to accept that GOG cant do everything. Funny thing is, the multi-player was not that good in the first place.
Post edited September 11, 2015 by darthspudius
high rated
darthspudius: People might need to accept that GOG cant do everything.
I'm pretty sure people are in general reasonable and they don't expect GOG to do "everything".
Except that the issue here is not "everything" but a very small thing to do, easy to resolve, and this is why it's disappointing to see that gog can't even repack the installer with multiplayer removed.

And lets not even begin with "how come they didn't see it in the first place", when they "tested" the game before the launch: You have a game_menu and you have a tester: the job of the tester is to click on all the options available in the menu, including multiplayer. But no, no tester of GOG clicked on multiplayer to see that when clicked the game installs useless bloatware. Mind boggling at least.

As much as I like gog, seeing how they treat these little problems (see defcon also) that have a bit outcome when resolved is truly disappointing.
Post edited September 11, 2015 by mobutu
darthspudius: People might need to accept that GOG cant do everything. Funny thing is, the multi-player was not that good in the first place.
If the fix is deleting a single executable and repackaging the installer, then that is not unreasonable to ask GOG to do.

Telling users not to click a button/executable is not a solution. Buttons can be pressed accidentally, users might not be aware of the issue and suddenly find SecuROM files put onto their machines.

I want to know where this workaround is that they said they were working on. It certainly doesn't take months to delete an executable, repackage and upload to the server as a new version installer.