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P-E-S: I never expect complete adherence to everything in any adaptation.
I haven't watched the show yet, so it's not a judgment on it, but I don't think that rule quite applies in this case, since unless I misunderstood it's not an adaptaion of anything, it's supposed to be another story in canon with the the games. It's really not that "obnoxious and insufferable" to expect the show to hold up to a standard it's creators deliberately and publicly set for it.
Post edited April 15, 2024 by Breja
rtcvb32: My 'bubble'. Personally i watch regularly to keeping up on pop culture events i use Geeks & Gamers, Yellow Flash, Clownfish TV, Midnight's edge, The Critical Drinker, Overlord DVD, and WDW Pro. So far they've proven themselves to be informed and trustworthy. These last two videos involving fallout? Never seen those channels before; And unless they are outright lying about everything then it suggests it's the same BS we've seen in movies and shows in the last 10 years, except people are just getting sick of it.
All good Youtubers that I also fallow (Overlord being particularly outstanding), although Critical Drinker uploaded a short video just this morning to praise Fallout for extensive world-building, nuance morality, and yes: respect to the source material. He's the first right-wing Youtuber I know of to say exactly what I think on the series, that it tells an engaging story that juggles a good variety of protagonists, bursts at the seems with in-world product placement, and challenges the viewer's moral compass with many hardships and revelations. I was also happy with how well he understood the world of One Piece after watching just the Netflix show. Critical knows good cinema when he sees it and it shows when they introduce him to these worlds and his praise could just as easily apply to the source.

But you started this branch of the conversation by linking to Synthetic Man, whose video is burdened with a gross over-indulgence in falsehoods and half-truth. He whines about Lucy being a Mary-Sue, even though her moral grandstanding is constantly countered with pragmatic savagery, she makes peace with the ghoul who sliced off her finger instead of getting hackneyed revenge, and she even gracefully accepts punishment for the violence she committed under false pretense. He paints Maximus as pathetic for not claiming innocence, but I got the impression that the Brotherhood's corruption would include "guilty until proven innocent"; Max played it smart by establishing himself as wanting to serve more than anything. According to Synth, a pregnant vault-dweller gunning down raiders is unrealistic on the grounds that they're hardened killers and she's just a woman, after he also complained that women of Vault 33 get training with literally the same exact gun. My mind goes to the Scouring of the Shire, also a conflict where a people coddled by peace react to violent thugs ravaging their home by responding in kind.
UnashamedWeeb: link
I've finished watching it. I haven't played the series, so I really liked the action and lore from a casual viewer's perspective. In reference to the earlier comment about 'woke' writing, there are a couple things people with those concerns should know:

1. A non-binary character receives like < 10 mins total screentime out of the 8 hr runtime of the show and it wasn't even political or sexual. They were just there. Not to mention the Fallout series has LGBTQ+ folks in many of its games, didn't feel forced or out of place.
2. Communism is one of the group's ideologies and while there are a few lines about criticizing the American Dream, the show didn't focus too much on that all. Rather, it was used more as a backdrop to express people's suspicions of giving corporations too much power.

If those two things dissuade any Fallout fan or anyone else interested in the TV show, I honestly think they're missing out.
Post edited April 15, 2024 by UnashamedWeeb
LegoDnD: although Critical Drinker uploaded a short video just this morning to praise Fallout for extensive world-building, nuance morality, and yes: respect to the source material. He's the first right-wing Youtuber I know of to say exactly what I think on the series, that it tells an engaging story that juggles a good variety of protagonists, bursts at the seems with in-world product placement, and challenges the viewer's moral compass with many hardships and revelations. I was also happy with how well he understood the world of One Piece after watching just the Netflix show. Critical knows good cinema when he sees it and it shows when they introduce him to these worlds and his praise could just as easily apply to the source.
Yeah just watched it. I figured it was full of sarcasm and satire. It makes me wonder if it is going to be like the Witcher TV series where it started off strong, and then got weaker over time. Or maybe it will get stronger over time. It's also possible he's looking over the lens of a Fallout TV show, for people who have no exposure to it. And at that quite a few concessions can be made moreso. In the comments below people though are commenting on the stupidity of 'promoting 3 geekiest weakest people into the brotherhood of steel', and how hollywood screws up after the first season.

As long as it's entertaining and you don't feel like you're being lectured to with modern politics and all that BS, then great. Though from the previous video learning how VaultTech had effectively caused the nuclear apocalypse because they egged and pushed the other superpowers, seems wrong.

LegoDnD: But you started this branch of the conversation by linking to Synthetic Man, whose video is burdened with a gross over-indulgence in falsehoods and half-truth. He whines about Lucy being a Mary-Sue, even though her moral grandstanding is constantly countered with pragmatic savagery
I can only think that any whiff of woke and you become hypersensitive to everything else. Personally i hate stupid choices and things that don't make sense. If it makes sense it can slide, but you can't slide from hitting the ball all the way to home.

LegoDnD: she makes peace with the ghoul who sliced off her finger instead of getting hackneyed revenge <snip> He paints Maximus as pathetic for not claiming innocence, but I got the impression that the Brotherhood's corruption would include "guilty until proven innocent"; <snip> According to Synth, a pregnant vault-dweller gunning down raiders is unrealistic on the grounds that they're hardened killers and she's just a woman, after he also complained that women of Vault 33 get training with literally the same exact gun.
Not sure, haven't seen it so the full plot of what goes on and why i can't judge except from reactions and reviews. Maybe good details were left on the cutting room floor that would make more sense, or what he saw considered too close to pandering.

Yong Yea and Critical drinker both liked it so it's still very much 'wait and see'.
UnashamedWeeb: 2. Communism is one of the group's ideologies and while there are a few lines about criticizing the American Dream, the show didn't focus too much on that all. Rather, it was used more as a backdrop to express people's suspicions of giving corporations too much power.
For what little it's worth, that leader claims to be nothing of the sort. In fact, the Big Revelation (PARTIAL SPOILER WARNING)

is that the corporations are so against healthy competition that they'd rather go full Skynet than have anyone offer an alternative. The Communists are coming from inside the corporations, just like real life.
Post edited April 15, 2024 by LegoDnD
LegoDnD: snip
Yes, can confirm.

Overall, this TV series feels very nuanced (besides the anti-corpo messaging) with different viewpoints from a variety of different characters and backgrounds from vault dwellers, Knights of the Brotherhood, Vault-Tec, scientists, ghouls, the no-nonsense everyday man, surface people, etc.
LegoDnD: The Communists are coming from inside the corporations, just like real life.
Lmfao! But then again, there are different definition of "communism", so I guess to some, corporate capitalism is communism to some.
idbeholdME: 1) If you are a fan of the OG Fallouts and maybe New Vegas - you probably won't like it.
2) If you like Bethesda's Fallout - you probably will like it.
Gersen: I personally haven't watched the show (and most probably won't any time soon) but it seems to be the general consensus, the show is "respectful" of the source material... but only the Bethesda source material, it goes out of it's way to trash anything before 3 and also NV. Whenever it's due to Bethesda usual crappy writing or a conscious attempt to get rid of anything not created by them (Especially New Vegas) seems to be the only debate.
Yes, these series is full of Fallout 3 & Fallout 4 plot twists and plot holes. So be ready to (most likely) get disappointed.

Also, can't stop laughing at the smoothie Ghoul. :)
I don't think they're *actively* trying to get rid of NV or anything, but they're so, so bad at keeping the continuity or just writing in general that I can see them doing it accidentally lmao

At this point the events of NV are up in the air, the stuff they suggest in the show directly contradicts what we see in NV, and to a lesser extend the original Fallouts (like new vaults popping out of nowhere, that both The Master and Enclave somehow missed)
LegoDnD: The Communists are coming from inside the corporations, just like real life.
Mafwek: Lmfao! But then again, there are different definition of "communism", so I guess to some, corporate capitalism is communism to some.
EVERYTHING is Communism! :D
Especially to these Types who spend their Time listening to Lunatics on Youtube, rather than just watching a fun Show.
Mafwek: Lmfao! But then again, there are different definition of "communism", so I guess to some, corporate capitalism is communism to some.
kotcore: EVERYTHING is Communism! :D
Especially to these Types who spend their Time listening to Lunatics on Youtube, rather than just watching a fun Show.
Hey, I am communist in heart, but capitalist in practice. I am sorry, I don't like Bethesda's continuity so for me it isn't fun show at fundamental level.
Mafwek: Hey, I am communist in heart, but capitalist in practice.
I have to say, I will never understand why people say things like that, and why they get a free pass for it. I mean, it's no different than saying "I'm a nazi at heart".
Mafwek: Hey, I am communist in heart, but capitalist in practice.
Breja: I have to say, I will never understand why people say things like that, and why they get a free pass for it. I mean, it's no different than saying "I'm a nazi at heart".
for the same reason they say "there are different definition of "communism""
Breja: I have to say, I will never understand why people say things like that, and why they get a free pass for it. I mean, it's no different than saying "I'm a nazi at heart".
Only if you think that Nazism and communism are the same thing, and considering that Poles got fucked by both Germans and Russians during the 20th century, I can can see your point of view. I have dislike of Stalinism myself.

Thing is, I dislike abuse of private property, the state, liberal bullshit, conservative bullshit, Nazi bullshit and think many things should be free. I think that those things automatically make me communist to most.

amok: for the same reason they say "there are different definition of "communism""
To be fair, there are many definition of capitalism and Christianity as well. And to be fair again, both of those ideologies committed more atrocities than communism did (if only because they lasted far longer). Difference between communism and Christianity (and capitalism to the lesser extent) is that they have redeemable ideas. There is nothing redeemable about Nazism.

Shall we continue derail this thread with political bullshit?
Post edited April 15, 2024 by Mafwek
amok: for the same reason they say "there are different definition of "communism""
Mafwek: To be fair, there are many definition of capitalism and Christianity as well. And to be fair again, both of those ideologies committed more atrocities than communism did (if only because they lasted far longer). Difference between communism and Christianity (and capitalism to the lesser extent) is that they have redeemable ideas. There is nothing redeemable about Nazism.

Shall we continue derail this thread with political bullshit?
No, there are different types of communism, for example Marxist-Leninist Communism, Liberterian Communism, Maoism, Neo-Marxist Communism and so on. There are also not different defitions of Christianity, but different denominations, i.e. different belife systems.

And as you mention Christianity above here, there are even differnt religious Commuinistic systems as well, such as Christian Communism and Islamistic Communism.

These are not differnt defitions, but different systems. Same as there are different captilistic systems, different liberiterian systems etc. They are describing the different political systems.

(and derailing threads is what I do best)
Post edited April 15, 2024 by amok