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Hey all! Unfortunately, the update will come at a later date. The silver lining here is that it may contain additional bug fixes. Our apologies for that inconvenience.
Post edited June 03, 2024 by king_kunat
Palestine: With regard to offline installers, would you please add clarification as to whether or not there will be an option to choose between the next-generation update and the 'legacy' version?
acute71: Download the files before the update lands, better safe than sorry :)
Naturally, as this has become a necessity with the advent of digital distribution.

However, my post was written out of concern for both past and future purchasers whom may not read the forum and/or are unaware of the impending next-generation update.
king_kunat: The DRM-free version of Fallout 4 GOTY we offer on GOG does not include the Creation Club feature – that also means that the update itself will have everything in it, except for the Creation Club related content, hence the delay.
What? GOG needs to clarify what this means exactly. Skyrim included the added creation club content as a DLC. We need to know if GOG will get the same or if we will get shafted... like normal.
I hope I don't get stuck with the new version getting stuck with what are likely lore fixes to fall in line with the TV show. I hope I am wrong about this.
king_kunat: Hey everyone! The Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update was supposed to roll out tomorrow (25th April, 2024) on our platform. While we confirm that the update will of course be available on GOG, it will be slightly delayed.

The DRM-free version of Fallout 4 GOTY we offer on GOG does not include the Creation Club feature – that also means that the update itself will have everything in it, except for the Creation Club related content, hence the delay.

We're doing our best to have it ready as fast as possible and we hope to still release it this week (we'll keep you updated on the matter here). Stay tuned!

And of course, if you don't care about the update at all (because of your mods or any other reason) – remember that you can skip it by disabling auto-updates or using the Rollback Feature in GOG GALAXY.
SO... "fully updated version" on the games page is just a typo?
mm only bought this as it was a deal and thought the GOTY edition included everything in new update.

considering refund now
I don't think the patch will be this week, hopefully next week on gog.
I'm a little confused why the free Creation Club content can't be provided in the Next Gen update of the GOG release... since it could simply be provided by Bethesda as a separate installer for that content. All the content is really a bundled of mod files. (Not sure they are even digitally signed, as bootlegged copies of the Creation Club content are floating around the Internet and they currently work with the DRM-free release.)

I am really hoping for the day GOG can offer all of the Creation Club content as a one-time DLC option. Kind of like the Anniversary Edition of Skyrim.
Post edited April 25, 2024 by andrew.staley
I don't care about the Creation Club content, but it is time you kick up a stink about DRM-free being like a curse-word, and the fact that we don't get teh modding tools, still.

The worst thing about this is that those tools have been freely available on the high seas since the game came out, and those tools work perfectly with the High Seas Release, the Steam release, AND the GOG release, and Bethesda likely knows that the Nexus and all the fixes and creations there are 99% created by pirates like me, and, using this exact toolset, we've fixed their games up in our skint youths, and now we've grown up, chilled out and joined GOG - and what do we get?

Punished for doing the right thing, again... GOG Skyrim and FO:3/NV come with the Creation Kit, btw. This is NOT GOG's fault!! Why Bethsoft force us out onto the stormy High Seas? :-(

At this point, piracy is fully justified on so many fronts, GOG tried to be a finger in the dam, but they just keep adding more wood and bike batteries(!) to the fire that is the gaming industry, nickel-and-diming and rent-seeking us to keep their cushy positions and huge offices while the rest of us slave in a factory for minimum wages and express themselves using pirate tools on potato PCs so the rich can Download Vortex and a 1000-mod Collection and spout about how great Bethesda games are(!) (2% game, 98% mods at that point!!)

Phew, rant over. GOG, please beat Bethesda with this while they are down about modding in general. Rent-seeking &£*@s (insert expletive here) all of them!
andrew.staley: I'm a little confused why the free Creation Club content can't be provided in the Next Gen update of the GOG release... since it could simply be provided by Bethesda as a separate installer for that content. All the content is really a bundled of mod files. (Not sure they are even digitally signed, as bootlegged copies of the Creation Club content are floating around the Internet and they currently work with the DRM-free release.)

I am really hoping for the day GOG can offer all of the Creation Club content as a one-time DLC option. Kind of like the Anniversary Edition of Skyrim.
I am using Creation club content I own (incl. the freebees) from my steam installation of Fallout 4 with my GOG installation. I just created a zip per CC item and added that via Vortex to my GOG version of Fallout 4. Works perfectly fine. I have both the Steam version and the GOG version installed. I use the steam version to get any freebees from the Creation Club I want :)
acute71: Download the files before the update lands, better safe than sorry :)
Until further information is given, I'll treat this as a DELISTING. Who knows if the classic version will stay available or not. Downloaded my backup copy last night. Don't want a repeat of the Skyrim update incident, which I sadly noticed too late and now the 1.6 versions are gone forever.
Post edited April 25, 2024 by g2222
Lukin86: I don't think the patch will be this week, hopefully next week on gog.
Next week? Why do you say that?
Just got a thirty two gig offline back up I haven't seen any update yet, also do we download the high res pack? NYC eastern time
Lukin86: I don't think the patch will be this week, hopefully next week on gog.
jpmaraujo: Next week? Why do you say that?
Time for them to make the patch. I wouldn't be surprised if it took longer than expected and that we would have the patch next week or even the week after that. There is already a precedent with Skyrim.
g2222: Don't want a repeat of the Skyrim update incident, which I sadly noticed too late and now the 1.6 versions are gone forever.
How could skyrim possibly got worse?

DRM-free aside, GoG got the absolute worst version: Skyrim Retarded Edition. Played the Legendary Edition for 1000+ hours and never experienced anything like what i experienced in this SE!

The worst bug was the Alftand audio corruption (SE only, known since 2016, still unfixed) that also prevented the game from quitting, yay! And the one that finally got me to uninstall the game: all of a sudden pickup, eat, door etc. sound effects stoped working. Not to mention that i was forced to use the terminal numerous times to complete quests...
all this in an unmodded game BTW.

Oh and the installers were botched to begin with! You are forced to download and install ~14gb of junk language files for no reason whatsoever!

IDK about Fallout 4, but i can be certain that this is gonna be fun! And likely cement my decision to not buy another bugthesda game again. Though i'm still considering Fallout NV, likely still be more stable game than whatever they plan to do with 4.
king_kunat: Hey everyone! The Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update was supposed to roll out tomorrow (25th April, 2024) on our platform. While we confirm that the update will of course be available on GOG, it will be slightly delayed.

The DRM-free version of Fallout 4 GOTY we offer on GOG does not include the Creation Club feature – that also means that the update itself will have everything in it, except for the Creation Club related content, hence the delay.

We're doing our best to have it ready as fast as possible and we hope to still release it this week (we'll keep you updated on the matter here). Stay tuned!

And of course, if you don't care about the update at all (because of your mods or any other reason) – remember that you can skip it by disabling auto-updates or using the Rollback Feature in GOG GALAXY.
What is the Creation Club releated content?