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high rated
Hey all! Unfortunately, the update will come at a later date. The silver lining here is that it may contain additional bug fixes. Our apologies for that inconvenience.
Post edited June 03, 2024 by king_kunat
Olá gostaria de saber se as missões da nova atualização serão inclusas no jogo?
alceryes: Can you give us a 'yes' or 'no' as to whether the additional next-gen release content is in the GOG version of the next-gen update?
king_kunat: The Free Creation Club Content that's available in Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update (Enclave Remnants, Armor and Weapon Bundle, Makeshift Weapon Pack and Halloween Workshop) still requires to have Creation Club as a whole. Creation Club itself requires constant internet connection + having an account on Bethesda's website. That means it's considered as DRM thus we don't have it.

So to have a clear answer: the aforementioned Free Creation Club Content won't be included in our version of the Next-Gen Update.
I'm sorry but that's disappointing. If I knew that the gog version is gonna lack those features I wouldn't have bought.:(
king_kunat: The Free Creation Club Content that's available in Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update (Enclave Remnants, Armor and Weapon Bundle, Makeshift Weapon Pack and Halloween Workshop) still requires to have Creation Club as a whole. Creation Club itself requires constant internet connection + having an account on Bethesda's website. That means it's considered as DRM thus we don't have it.

So to have a clear answer: the aforementioned Free Creation Club Content won't be included in our version of the Next-Gen Update.
JAN_KWTX: I'm sorry but that's disappointing. If I knew that the gog version is gonna lack those features I wouldn't have bought.:(
I wonder if someone will figure out how to make the new Free Creation Club Content from Steam-version work on the GOG version.
king_kunat: The Free Creation Club Content that's available in Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update (Enclave Remnants, Armor and Weapon Bundle, Makeshift Weapon Pack and Halloween Workshop) still requires to have Creation Club as a whole. Creation Club itself requires constant internet connection + having an account on Bethesda's website. That means it's considered as DRM thus we don't have it.

So to have a clear answer: the aforementioned Free Creation Club Content won't be included in our version of the Next-Gen Update.
Arthmoor: This doesn't make any sense. For Skyrim SE your download includes the 4 free DLCs that were added to the base distribution in November of 2021. This doesn't appear to have caused any problems as this content does not require any sort of connection to the internet beyond letting Galaxy download the content.

The same is true of the NG Update for Fallout 4. There are now 9 new DLCs which have been added to the base game distribution. No connection to the Creation Club is required at all to download this, and everyone on Steam got them with the update without having to enter the Creation Club menus at all.

It's also inaccurate to say that the CC requires a "constant internet connection" because it only ever connects when you actively seek out the use of the menu option. Which you won't need anyway for this update.

Also as an unrelated aside, why is there no post reporting options anywhere? There's a pretty obvious spam post that needs to be dealt with....
Fully agree. Thanks Arthmoor.
This is disturbing and sad news indeed. I fear that this may push some GOG fans over to Steam.

I hope that post is an error and all the new free content will actually be included in the GOG version of Fallout 4 next-gen.
Theoclymenus: Thanks Odessam ^^. This is really bad news.

Definitely a good idea to download (and back up) UFO4P v2.1.5 (GOG OldGen-compatible version) asap. The GOG “NewGen” version of FO4 is going to be crippled for modding without UFO4P, so many mods depend on it.

I don’t understand why the mod authors of UFO4P patch feel that they cannot keep v2.1.5 available as an optional file, but the same policy was adopted with Skyrim and I guess it’s not even worth asking the question.

What an absolute clusterf*ck of a situation, whichever party is to blame (I’ve got a feeling this isn’t GOG’s fault).
The new, free content is now part of the base game. The Creation Club is NOT required for the full next-gen update.

I don't think anyone is trying to place any blame here, but we who have purchased the GOG version of Fallout 4 GOTY, expect GOG to be able to deliver the full next-gen experience, extra content included. If GOG needs to hire more people with the technical acumen to make this happen then they should do so.
Post edited May 26, 2024 by alceryes
Theoclymenus: Thanks Odessam ^^. This is really bad news.

Definitely a good idea to download (and back up) UFO4P v2.1.5 (GOG OldGen-compatible version) asap. The GOG “NewGen” version of FO4 is going to be crippled for modding without UFO4P, so many mods depend on it.

I don’t understand why the mod authors of UFO4P patch feel that they cannot keep v2.1.5 available as an optional file, but the same policy was adopted with Skyrim and I guess it’s not even worth asking the question.

What an absolute clusterf*ck of a situation, whichever party is to blame (I’ve got a feeling this isn’t GOG’s fault).
alceryes: The new, free content is now part of the base game. The Creation Club is NOT required for the full next-gen update.

I don't think anyone is trying to place any blame here, but we who have purchased the GOG version of Fallout 4 GOTY, expect GOG to be able to deliver the full next-gen experience, extra content included. If GOG needs to hire more people with the technical acumen to make this happen then they should do so.
When you say that “we expect …. the full next-gen experience, extra content included” - do you mean only the free DLCs which are part of what is now the Next Gen base game ? Or ALL the Creation Club content, including the non-free DLCs ? Which one do you mean by the “full experience” ?

As far as I can understand, GOG seems to be implying that Microsoft / Bethesda will not LET them sell the DLC in a DRM-free form ? Or am I completely misunderstanding what king kunat said above ? This is all rather confusing.
alceryes: The new, free content is now part of the base game. The Creation Club is NOT required for the full next-gen update.

I don't think anyone is trying to place any blame here, but we who have purchased the GOG version of Fallout 4 GOTY, expect GOG to be able to deliver the full next-gen experience, extra content included. If GOG needs to hire more people with the technical acumen to make this happen then they should do so.
Theoclymenus: When you say that “we expect …. the full next-gen experience, extra content included” - do you mean only the free DLCs which are part of what is now the Next Gen base game ? Or ALL the Creation Club content, including the non-free DLCs ? Which one do you mean by the “full experience” ?

As far as I can understand, GOG seems to be implying that Microsoft / Bethesda will not LET them sell the DLC in a DRM-free form ? Or am I completely misunderstanding what king kunat said above ? This is all rather confusing.
I only want what is included in the full next-gen update version of the game. I couldn't care less about any other Creation Club Content.

GOG may be implying that the content is locked behind Creation Club access, but others (myself included) seriously doubt that this is true. (see Arthmoor's post)
Theoclymenus: When you say that “we expect …. the full next-gen experience, extra content included” - do you mean only the free DLCs which are part of what is now the Next Gen base game ? Or ALL the Creation Club content, including the non-free DLCs ? Which one do you mean by the “full experience” ?

As far as I can understand, GOG seems to be implying that Microsoft / Bethesda will not LET them sell the DLC in a DRM-free form ? Or am I completely misunderstanding what king kunat said above ? This is all rather confusing.
alceryes: I only want what is included in the full next-gen update version of the game. I couldn't care less about any other Creation Club Content.

GOG may be implying that the content is locked behind Creation Club access, but others (myself included) seriously doubt that this is true. (see Arthmoor's post)
I agree with you, I would be absolutely fine with just the free DLC, assuming that this would make the GOG Next Gen version compatible with UFO4P and other fundamentally important mods. But why on earth would GOG consider releasing a “crippled for modding” Next Gen version ? I fail to see why they wouldn’t instead just forget about Next Gen altogether, given that by most accounts it doesn’t really improve on the Old Gen version much, if at all - AND it would not be supported by crucial mods such as UFO4P…

However, I still don’t understand why UFO4P version 2.1.5 needs to disappear from Nexus mods. Who am I to question any mod author, let alone such an eminent one ? And yet I still can’t fathom the reasoning behind it. Luckily for me I downloaded it in time, but future GOG customers may find out too late… I downloaded another excellent mod of his for Skyrim, Alternate Start - Live Another Life ; less than one day later the GOG-compatible version had disappeared !

As much as I love these games and the mods for them, however, nothing would ever force me to buy from Steam instead. A game which isn’t DRM-free is worth nothing to me.
Theoclymenus: However, I still don’t understand why UFO4P version 2.1.5 needs to disappear from Nexus mods. Who am I to question any mod author, let alone such an eminent one ?
The reasoning is quite simple. Supporting a different patch branch for two different versions of the game is literally TWICE the work. This next-gen update, with all the additional content, is now THE base game.

As far as removing the old patch, this is also quite simple. Arthmoor knows full well that versions of the patch will remain available across the internets. If people want it - they'll be able to find it. By removing the patch for the old version of the game from his mod postings/website he is unequivocally saying that it is no longer supported.
Post edited May 28, 2024 by alceryes
Theoclymenus: However, I still don’t understand why UFO4P version 2.1.5 needs to disappear from Nexus mods. Who am I to question any mod author, let alone such an eminent one ?
alceryes: The reasoning is quite simple. Supporting a different patch branch for two different versions of the game is literally TWICE the work. This next-gen update, with all the additional content, is now THE base game.

As far as removing the old patch, this is also quite simple. Arthmoor knows full well that versions of the patch will remain available across the internets. If people want it - they'll be able to find it. By removing the patch for the old version of the game from his mod postings/website he is unequivocally saying that it is no longer supported.
The old patch wouldn’t need “maintaining” any more than Old Gen Fallout 4 itself would ?

And why the need to be so “unequivocal” ? Just leave a note under the file stating clearly that “this version is for FO4 version 1.10.163 and is no longer supported”.

If the Next Gen version of GOG Fallout 4 does not match the Steam version, then GOG users will not be able to use ANY version of UFO4P on ANY GOG version of Fallout 4 and will be “up the creek without a paddle”. This could easily be remedied by leaving UFO4P version 2.1.5 up for download on Nexus mods.

But I did already say I didn’t think the question was worth asking. Thanks for the “explanation”, though, I guess, even though it doesn’t satisfy me.

As for where to get older versions of UFO4P from, I personally do not know that. Luckily for me have the file anyway, but future GOGGERS are going to need to find that out.
high rated
This link should continue to work for the 2.1.5 release of the UFO4P, as long as you are logged into Nexus mods before you click on it.
Theoclymenus: This could easily be remedied by leaving UFO4P version 2.1.5 up for download on Nexus mods.
It actually can't, because once GOG deviates from the distribution on Steam in any way, it becomes a hard incompatibility. That's not a situation we're going to put ourselves in on the project as people will aggressively demand we continue support for it even though the platform would no longer be compatible.

People already demand this now even though it's not feasible for us to provide versions for those who won't update their games on Steam.

Also posting links to versions we don't authorize wins nobody any favors.
Theoclymenus: This could easily be remedied by leaving UFO4P version 2.1.5 up for download on Nexus mods.
Arthmoor: It actually can't, because once GOG deviates from the distribution on Steam in any way, it becomes a hard incompatibility. That's not a situation we're going to put ourselves in on the project as people will aggressively demand we continue support for it even though the platform would no longer be compatible.

People already demand this now even though it's not feasible for us to provide versions for those who won't update their games on Steam.

Also posting links to versions we don't authorize wins nobody any favors.
There is no incompatibility between the current GOG version of Fallout 4 (1.10.163) and UFO4P 2.1.5. Both are complete and need no “maintenance”. They both need only to be available to download and use together. Why would you need to “maintain” a patch which is already complete, has been superseded and which works perfectly well with an also complete and superseded version of Fallout 4 ? They are both finished products, no further updates required. I fail to see where you coming from.

If the yet-to-arrive GOG New Gen version deviates from the Steam New Gen version then, yes, there would be problems with the LATEST version of UFO4P (2.1.6d). But we’re talking about Old Gen and UFO4P 2.1.5 here, not New Gen and 2.1.6d.

P.S. I did not post the above link, but maybe the person who did just wants to help a few people to be able to mod GOG Fallout 4 ?
Theoclymenus: This could easily be remedied by leaving UFO4P version 2.1.5 up for download on Nexus mods.
Arthmoor: It actually can't, because once GOG deviates from the distribution on Steam in any way, it becomes a hard incompatibility. That's not a situation we're going to put ourselves in on the project as people will aggressively demand we continue support for it even though the platform would no longer be compatible.

People already demand this now even though it's not feasible for us to provide versions for those who won't update their games on Steam.

Also posting links to versions we don't authorize wins nobody any favors.
Hi Arthmoor,

it is a pleasure to have you here. Thanks a lot for your efforts with UFO4P. I'm using the spanish localized version 2.1.5 with the 2.1.5 version of F4 GOG.

I only want to post this to push some ideas that could help to every one. I think that we are here talking about a new game "Fallout 4 Next Gen". Maybe it is an update, but well, are not different games Skyrim and Skyrim AE?

So, the idea would be to leave at version 2.1.5 the UFO4P in nexus as it is. And open a NEW project for F4NG (2.1.6d), where you could maintain the new updates for this release, without broken the vanilla release of F4 (2.1.5).

But well, this is only a very humble idea.

Well still no patch for fallout 4. It smells like gog's big lie. The patch will never be released. Gog will have an obsolete version. I find it really shameful how gog treats us.