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Hey all! Unfortunately, the update will come at a later date. The silver lining here is that it may contain additional bug fixes. Our apologies for that inconvenience.
Post edited June 03, 2024 by king_kunat
P-E-S: Personally, I would never buy a game just for a mod.
I bought stellaris almost at release and never played it in vanilla, always with the star trek mod. Same thing with fallout 4, I don't think I ever played it vanilla, always with mods, moderm firearms, for example, is a must for me, the vanilla guns suck IMO lol
Post edited April 26, 2024 by anzial
slavdaniels: I'm not understanding the demand here, it's barely a patch. All I see is new bugs and broken mods, all for a few reskins.

It's nice to hear it's coming to GOG though.
Sounds like we'll need it to play the London mod. That's the only reason I care about it. I just hope the mod is actually good, and that it's not nearly as messy as "The Frontier" was.
Post edited April 26, 2024 by Nergal01
Any news about extra content? Does Enclave Remnants, Enclave Weapon Skins, Enclave Armor Skins, Tesla Cannon, Hellfire Power Armor, X-02 Power Armor, Heavy Incinerator, Halloween Workshop and Makeshift Weapon Pack will be available in GOG version?
king_kunat: Hey all! Unfortunately the update will come at a later date, most likely the second week of May. The silver lining here is that it may contain additional bug fixes. Our apologies for that inconvenience.
Please, PLEASE, release the patch as an updater, rather than replacing the offline installer entirely, if possible. Or at least release an updater for the old offline installer alongside a new offline installer. It'd be awesome to be able to keep the old version, since a lot of mods will never get ported into the latest patch.
Anothername: Is that like that big Skyrim update that IIRC nuked compatibility with several hundreds of mods?
dnovraD: Were people seriously expecting any better from Bethesda Softworks?
Banjo_oz: Can the kind folks at GOG *please* keep the last version of the pre-"update" game available in offline downloads indefinitely as well as offering the "next gen" version which breaks most mods and adds lots of new bugs? I would love to have the last "non-nextgen" version preserved in my account (especially since I don't use Galaxy so rollbacks don't count).

Anothername: Is that like that big Skyrim update that IIRC nuked compatibility with several hundreds of mods?
Banjo_oz: Yes. :(
Thanks :)

I'm a bit two fold on that. AFAIK we are talking something like a next gen engine re-write update; a step too big to keep all the mods in mind but, especially with the very well done timing by Beth (*unrelated side rant* Yo, WBros/Superhero game devs; take note; you release when you land, not fumble around for over a decade just to release an embarassing POS like Suicide Squad *rant off*) could give FO4 a great 2nd wind and might make modders for it more eager to revisit some of their releases. Its not like they are in a hurry for Starfield related stuff.

Totally not sure though what to do with my current game and the time/effort I invested in the current save yet. Loosing that sucks. But I guess I'll take a wait and see stance. The great thing with the Gog version is that I decide when to update so I likely end up seeing how true my assumption is about modders flogging to the FO4 next gen update before doing anything.
Post edited April 27, 2024 by Anothername
Here's a message from Folon that should give us hope for a quick mod release:

We cannot express enough how truly grateful we are for your support and kind words and we just wanted to drop you all a massive thank you for jumping on board!

Seriously, your support couldn't have come at a better time, and it means the world to us.We understand that recent updates and setbacks may have caused some frustration and disappointment - But seeing your encouragement and kind words really lifts our spirits.It's been a bit of a rollercoaster ride for the past week. The new update announcement was soul crushing for us, we feel we let the fans down, we were SO close. But knowing that you're backing us up keeps us going strong... So, we're hanging in there.

We've now all got the update and it isn't as damning as we first thought. However we are still waiting for the updates we need for F4se (And our own fixes afterwards). The biggest issue is that the new update has broken "Material swaps", BGS are on top of it... so fingers crossed for a fix soon!

Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for joining us on this journey. Together, we'll overcome this Next-Gen obstacle and continue to create something truly special and get it in your hands in no time!

With sincere gratitude,
A note for those who want to download the offline installer and don't have the game installed in English: the high-resolution texture pack only appears for download if you put the offline installer option in English. In any other language only the game (32GB) appears. My tip: download the offline installer in your language normally, then change the language to English and download the texture pack (58GB).
solved.jpg (273 Kb)
fallout4.jpg (252 Kb)
slavdaniels: I'm not understanding the demand here, it's barely a patch. All I see is new bugs and broken mods, all for a few reskins.

It's nice to hear it's coming to GOG though.
Syphon72: Did it least fix the issue with the one graphics setting crashing the game after a few minutes of playing it?
Nope. You mean the RTX crash when Weapon Debris was set on? No, that wasn't fixed.
king_kunat: Hey everyone! The Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update was supposed to roll out tomorrow (25th April, 2024) on our platform. While we confirm that the update will of course be available on GOG, it will be slightly delayed.

The DRM-free version of Fallout 4 GOTY we offer on GOG does not include the Creation Club feature – that also means that the update itself will have everything in it, except for the Creation Club related content, hence the delay.

We're doing our best to have it ready as fast as possible and we hope to still release it this week (we'll keep you updated on the matter here). Stay tuned!

And of course, if you don't care about the update at all (because of your mods or any other reason) – remember that you can skip it by disabling auto-updates or using the Rollback Feature in GOG GALAXY.
Delay it even longer. Seriously. GOG has the only version of FO4 that is actually working - because GOG has the only version for which mods work.

Seriously, tell Bethesda to fix their crap. Then release when it is at least usable.
Wragan: I'll download the game soon to uncheck the auto-update. It's great that I still have time!

Could you, fine people of chat, help me with some information:

How will I be able to play the version of the game that don't have this patch at a later time?

What to set or select when or after installing?

Thanks for the answer(s) in advance!
Just don't update. Play the game with the F4SE launcher. Or, if not that, make sure if you are using GOG Galaxy to uncheck any option to automatically update the game. Also, download the Offsite Installers by going to the GOG website rather than installing in GOG Galaxy. Keep those offsite files safe.
Post edited April 27, 2024 by ccrashh
After reading all stuff on Steam regarding that latest update, I am glad I downloaded the off-line installers and HD upgrade pack a while ago. They are safely stored on a spare (external) hard drive, so whatever happens I am always good. Oh - And I have all the mods I have installed stored away in a mod folder, together with the mod installer, on that same hard drive. So whatever happens, I can always play the present GOG version, including all mods, even years from now. I probably will make another directory for the new version, so I can keep those two separated.

And about that Creation Club and all other extra stuff. Of course GOG have to pack it into an installable format while making sure no payed-for stuff is included. I am a bit surprised people get upset about GOG possibly leaving stuff out. If you just think a bit about it it will be obvious it's not GOG that will decide what stuff is included and what not. GOG can just put in the installers what they are allowed to put in by Bethesda. It's Bethesda that makes the decisions about content, and GOG has to comply. That's probably the reason it takes a bit longer for the GOG installers. They have to make sure only the stuff that is allowed by Bethesda is included, otherwise they will be in BIG trouble!
I think GOG should if they can make the current offline isntaller as a legacy version and just leave it there similar to how it was done with witcher 3. Small issue though is that the moment GOG gets the patch some mods may get updated only for the latest version and their current version may get deleted. So make sure to also download and archive any mods you may want for the current version on GOG!
Post edited April 27, 2024 by Hirako__
I don't play too often, and never use mods, but IMO the most valuable thing G.O.G. can do for us among all these good and bad news is to preserve the access to the previous version installers.

I have my backups locally but I like the idea of having a "plan B" in case something goes wrong with that.

I played that version, and I wouldn't be happy to see new bugs and increased loading times (BTW it is amazing how things can always get worst, wow =D).
Syphon72: Did it least fix the issue with the one graphics setting crashing the game after a few minutes of playing it?
ccrashh: Nope. You mean the RTX crash when Weapon Debris was set on? No, that wasn't fixed.

How was this not fixed!! Was this just a patch for consoles?
Bought this back in November thought It's on special I'll give this a go. Never been able to play it cause it don't support widescreens now it's to late to refund. You know what you only fool me once Bethesda never again not another dime.
ccrashh: Nope. You mean the RTX crash when Weapon Debris was set on? No, that wasn't fixed.
Syphon72: Yes.

How was this not fixed!! Was this just a patch for consoles?
Next-Gen updates are just console pampering. They can't really fix the debris cause it's an outdated tech.

Tartearer: Bought this back in November thought It's on special I'll give this a go. Never been able to play it cause it don't support widescreens now it's to late to refund. You know what you only fool me once Bethesda never again not another dime.
Apparently you want this patch then.
i advise not receiving the update from bethesda, it breaks mods and has a lot of performance issues, if the GOG team isn't familiar with bethesda's rep nowadays i suggest you guys research and even ask the community themselves about it and if they really want to recieve this update, yes, we know it adds a bunch of cool content, but for us modders and potato PC players this'll just ruin the game for us due to issues and updated hardware requirements