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With all my non-existing art skills, I created this abomination. Enjoy and guess.
pewpew.jpg (87 Kb)
Post edited December 18, 2015 by DampSquib
Space Invaders?
Going for a really really really random guess (due to the ship design)...
R _ _ G
R _ _ N _ R
F_ _ _ H _
_ _
_ _ _
_ A _ S
Post edited December 18, 2015 by Cyraxpt
DampSquib: Ikaruga?
That's it. First boss, second form. I guess the colours gave it away?

Cyraxpt: Going for a really really really random guess (due to the ship design)...
R _ _ G
R _ _ N _ R
F_ _ _ H _
_ _
_ _ _
_ A _ S
Which game did you have in mind?
DampSquib: Ikaruga?
Naszrador: That's it. First boss, second form. I guess the colours gave it away?

Naszrador: Snip.
No, the boss gives it away, and the shield around the ship, spent many a happy hour playing it.
Superb know it well.

Please someone else take my turn, thank you.
I'm going to take this turn then.

If it's too dificult, I'll add some details later (but I expect someone to find it very fast)
phandom: I'm going to take this turn then.

If it's too dificult, I'll add some details later (but I expect someone to find it very fast)
Red Alert 2? Those units had crazy amounts of health!
phandom: I'm going to take this turn then.

If it's too dificult, I'll add some details later (but I expect someone to find it very fast)
yup id guess red alert as well
Matewis: Red Alert 2? Those units had crazy amounts of health!
Correct. And solved in only 6 minutes! Your turn then.

I guess, if you have ever fought these airships you can't forget them....
If I remember correctly only the Aegis cruiser could bring it down fast.
phandom: If I remember correctly only the Aegis cruiser could bring it down fast.
Rocketeers! Best defense against them. They are fast cheap and a dozen can quickly bring an airship down before it reaches you.
phandom: If I remember correctly only the Aegis cruiser could bring it down fast.
ZFR: Rocketeers! Best defense against them. They are fast cheap and a dozen can quickly bring an airship down before it reaches you.
Oh yeah I remember. There was this one campaign level, in the snow, where you started more or less towards the bottom right of the map, and you didn't have a lot of time before several of them made it to your base. That I think is where I learned how effective the rocketeers are against them. And on the final level of course.

I have to go out for a bit, but I'll upload something a little later when I'm back.
Naszrador: Which game did you have in mind?
Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages (just realized that i missed one space on the last word), the ship is similar to your drawing as you can see.
Sorry for the wait :P Here's a quickie based on an extremely low-quality image, which is the only one of three other equally low quality images that I could find of the dude. It's a memorable character though, in a well known game. The only thing I'm not sure about is the knife. I can't remember whether he had a cleaver like that, or another type of kitchen knife.

The face isn't 100% accurate, but it gives the general idea, and I want to continue with Thief:Gold now in anycase :P I just finished the very cool Assassins level :D
bad_guy.jpg (242 Kb)
Matewis: Sorry for the wait :P Here's a quickie based on an extremely low-quality image, which is the only one of three other equally low quality images that I could find of the dude. It's a memorable character though, in a well known game. The only thing I'm not sure about is the knife. I can't remember whether he had a cleaver like that, or another type of kitchen knife.

The face isn't 100% accurate, but it gives the general idea, and I want to continue with Thief:Gold now in anycase :P I just finished the very cool Assassins level :D
Shadow Warrior?