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They're still here. It's up to you for how long.

Xenonauts 2, the sequel to one of the most celebrated alien-crashing strategy games, is coming soon, DRM-free to
If you're eager to make new enemies, grab your squad and engage them now in the free Demo. Then go ahead and check out the game's Kickstarter campaign.

The aliens clearly cheated. They must have taken an extra turn while we weren't looking and pulled off a successful invasion during this alternate-timeline Cold War period. Now humanity must again start from scratch, establish a fully-equipped base of operations, and push back the unsportsmanlike invaders across the globe.
Don't expect this to be easy, though: the aliens will hunt you through fully destructible 3D battlefields, while you try to balance your funds, adapt to the emergent conditions of the campaign, and keep your soldiers alive so that they improve with each rank.
Carradice: So many games, so little time.

The original Xenonauts still waiting for a chance in the backlog.


Edit: Plus, kudos to the developer for offering a playable demo. We need more like these. Especially in a world of paid alphas and blind purchases.

Edit2: Now what the people like me need is that someone who has already played Xenonauts tries Xenonauts 2 and let us know whether we can directly skip the first and move on directly to the second.
same here 89% of all games i bought since i joined ( 2014) are waiting
same goes for 70 or more other smaller games ( steam and gamersgate)
Buy first and play someday i guess :D
amund: Looks good, I may get this one in the winter sale. The first one was good, wasn't much of a story but still worth to play if you like this kind of games. I'm a bit tired of zombies/aliens though, wouldn't mind a mad max game with XCOM style of gameplay where you fight against different factions.
You're thinking of Jagged Alliance 2?
This has got to be the worst conversion algorithm ever! Either that, or they're really not asking for much.
convert.jpg (101 Kb)
amund: Looks good, I may get this one in the winter sale. The first one was good, wasn't much of a story but still worth to play if you like this kind of games. I'm a bit tired of zombies/aliens though, wouldn't mind a mad max game with XCOM style of gameplay where you fight against different factions.
Quark02: You're thinking of Jagged Alliance 2?
Could be, never really got around playing them but might give it a try. I loved Silent Storm because because it didn't really have any monsters, just people. Anyway, thanks for the tip I had totally forgotten about that game, I own it too.
GR00T: Just what he said. You can DL the off-line installers of the demo and keep them, so you'll still have the demo after it gets removed, if you want it.
kmanitou: So it's just an installer? Why not just say that... this fucking place already...
Not sure what your beef is. He was responding to someone that commented about the demo disappearing after the game goes into alpha on GOG. So he pointed out that if you want to keep the current demo, you can DL the off-line installer for it. What's the issue?
kmanitou: So it's just an installer? Why not just say that... this fucking place already...
GR00T: Not sure what your beef is. He was responding to someone that commented about the demo disappearing after the game goes into alpha on GOG. So he pointed out that if you want to keep the current demo, you can DL the off-line installer for it. What's the issue?
What not just say that instead of talking about a "back up"?
GR00T: Not sure what your beef is. He was responding to someone that commented about the demo disappearing after the game goes into alpha on GOG. So he pointed out that if you want to keep the current demo, you can DL the off-line installer for it. What's the issue?
kmanitou: What not just say that instead of talking about a "back up"?
Because it is a backup. The demo is being removed from your shelf as well as from GOG if you have it in your game library. So if you want to retain the demo, you need to DL the installer so it's personally backed up. If you don't do that, you won't be able to access the demo after it gets removed. I really don't understand your point here.
gamesfreak64: tried the demo .... that was a hot experience

windowed at 800 x 600 and fastet setting meaning average graphics and still the heat is on....

I know its alpha but they won't be able to get it running okay on old systems like mine

i guess a new i5 and a GPU > my poor GTX 750 ti will run the game okay at average settings....

an i7 will run it very well i guess
and a min. of 2.4 or 2.8GHz ( younger then 2014 stuff) aswell

My 2 cents after a very brief play:

at first sight the demo looks good, but

too many settings,
too many options
and too many controls to get the team going,

i guess they overdid the ease of use a little , i mean i got familiar with jagged alliance game pretty fast and knew how to control and deploy my team.

i dont know what the final keyboard shortcuts will do but for the movement it would be wise to nick the way the jagged characters moved: use page up and down to cycle between the crawl and stand up.

Afteral i guess its not forbidden to copy keyboard shortcuts in a game to control your characters like the jagged alliance game i mentioned, commandos had easy controls aswell.

Finally there is too much text, and the screen is cluttered so forget the settings > 1280 , cause they wil NOT work, not at a 17 inch at 1280 or higher

This will be a game that will shine on 1920 x1080 and up.... the demo does not play well on smaller unless you can read pixel fonts that are not only tiny but also blurry.

Conlusion: its a helluva game IF
you own a good PC and no dinojunk i have too play with
1920 x1080 or up (screen)
Unity engine is notorious for this.
gamesfreak64: tried the demo .... that was a hot experience
Conlusion: its a helluva game IF
you own a good PC and no dinojunk i have too play with
1920 x1080 or up (screen)
Flesh420.613: Unity engine is notorious for this.
Also, in this early stage, it is understandable that it is not well optimized. Back when demos were common, it often happened that the hardware requisites of the final game were lower than those of the demo.

Plus, being an indie game, it is more than understandable that they do not have the resources of projects with larger budgets that can polish the optimization way more.

And yes, it is Unity. Starcrawlers at the beginning was another hot experience too...
low rated
I wonder why they`ve so ripped off Xcom 2 with the ant hill view thing? I mean did they really have to? they could`ve either stayed with a better version of the floor plan mode or used some imagination for something better. I mean it`s such an obvious on-the-nose copy.

I already have the original Xenonauts and quite liked it, but it was a bit of an acquired taste. I just hope they can make REAL progress with this one to do it justice this time.

GR00T: Not sure what your beef is. He was responding to someone that commented about the demo disappearing after the game goes into alpha on GOG. So he pointed out that if you want to keep the current demo, you can DL the off-line installer for it. What's the issue?
kmanitou: What not just say that instead of talking about a "back up"?
Actually he`s right. The changing of the name to `backup` raises my questioning thoughts. Why is it a `backup`, to those of us not using Galaxy, it`s not a backup. I think some very careful slight of hand is being used here.

"I can`t see what the problem is!"

I`m sure some will say that. The problem, from an astute observer, is how the non-GOG Galaxy downloads are being relegated in importance. This indicates a careful push to GOG Galaxy.

And no, I won`t explain any more- use your brain. They certainly know what they`re doing.
Post edited June 21, 2018 by Socratatus
Pretty neat news, I have one question though. Wasnt the Studio planning a diffrent type of Game? Migth remember this wrong, but i think i read it in the Goldhawk forums that the team/studio wished to take a break from Xenonauts and make something else when they were finnished with it. But this migth be my memory playing tricks on me.
Socratatus: Actually he`s right. The changing of the name to `backup` raises my questioning thoughts. Why is it a `backup`, to those of us not using Galaxy, it`s not a backup. I think some very careful slight of hand is being used here.

"I can`t see what the problem is!"

I`m sure some will say that. The problem, from an astute observer, is how the non-GOG Galaxy downloads are being relegated in importance. This indicates a careful push to GOG Galaxy.

And no, I won`t explain any more- use your brain. They certainly know what they`re doing.
Yes, I know. GOG's going to push Galaxy until it's mandatory, they're going to force everyone to be tied to the client and they'll be Steam MK II. This hysteria and paranoia has been going on since GOG announced the Galaxy client in the first place, literally years ago. And yet we still have our 'classic' installers - off-line, back-up, you can argue the significance of the nomenclature ad nauseum but the reality is Galaxy still isn't a requirement, GOG has repeatedly said it's going to remain optional, and they actually made those 'classic' installers easier to find than they were when they first brought out the Galaxy-laden installers.

So, yeah, I'll pass on the 'astute' observation.
These grand conspiracies are starting to get Alex Jones levels.

I have no issue people discussing them. What I do have an issue with is starting to turn a discussion into insults or generally rude comments. If this goes on, i will step in.
10 hours into their Kickstarter campaign they already have reached 96 % of their goal. I think they’ll get the remaining 4 % in the next 29 days without much trouble. ;)
Post edited June 21, 2018 by 4-vektor
Lobuno: The first Xenonauts was abandoned with many flaws. I've played the several released demos of X2, and it looks more like X1.5. What do you know about this game, people, that make you think this gonna be better??? Do you have access to a secret beta release with the game almost finished that I know nothing of??? IMHO Fanboyism kills the industry.
It's a matter of taste mate, I personally enjoyed Xenonauts more than the new XCOMs, which I liked, but not as much.