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Which one should i get for my android phone? I've played CT but not FF6
Both are great games. I'd go with FF6, just because you've never played it before. It's a classic. If you liked CT, you'll like FF6.
Final Fantasy 6; I've heard that Death Peak is a pain on the touch screen, and I suspect that they're using the newer translation that removes Frog's unique ye olde timey manner of speech and all kinds of classic lines from the original (some people like the updated translation, but I say it's heresy to remove things like "good morning, Crono!").
Is FF6 as good as people say despite the 14 main characters?

I've also been playing Dragon Quest 1. Do the others get better cause 1 isn't so great.
Post edited October 21, 2015 by Ki11s0n3
Ki11s0n3: Is FF6 as good as people say despite the 14 main characters?
Yes! No! Maybe!

Depends on how fanatical the people in question are. Some people oversell it as though it's the pinnacle of gaming history, others undersell it by harping on minor balancing issues to dismiss everything else it does right. The art style for the Android version is ugly as sin compared to the original graphics, and apparently the translation has been tweaked (though not anywhere near as badly as CT as far as I can tell), but the original game is enjoyable. Kefka is one of the best villains in the franchise's history, and the opera scene is so enduring that recent PC game Undertale even paid homage to it. It can be a bit grindy toward the beginning, and while there are some tricks to mitigate that (have to love the Banon river trick), I don't think they'd work on Android. The characters themselves are all enjoyable to different degrees, though, and the story comes together pretty well.

I'd say it's worth a play if only to see what the hype is all about. It is, after all, a game that's stayed relevant for twenty years, so there's obviously something there. Maybe you'll end up loving it like some of us did.
Post edited October 21, 2015 by 227
Ki11s0n3: Is FF6 as good as people say despite the 14 main characters?
227: Yes! No! Maybe!

Depends on how fanatical the people in question are. Some people oversell it as though it's the pinnacle of gaming history, others undersell it by harping on minor balancing issues to dismiss everything else it does right. The art style for the Android version is ugly as sin compared to the original graphics, and apparently the translation has been tweaked (though not anywhere near as badly as CT as far as I can tell), but the original game is enjoyable. Kefka is one of the best villains in the franchise's history, and the opera scene is so enduring that recent PC game Undertale even paid homage to it. It can be a bit grindy toward the beginning, and while there are some tricks to mitigate that (have to love the Banon river trick), I don't think they'd work on Android. The characters themselves are all enjoyable to different degrees, though, and the story comes together pretty well.

I'd say it's worth a play if only to see what the hype is all about. It is, after all, a game that's stayed relevant for twenty years, so there's obviously something there. Maybe you'll end up loving it like some of us did.
Alright I will thanks
Ki11s0n3: Is FF6 as good as people say despite the 14 main characters?

I've also been playing Dragon Quest 1. Do the others get better cause 1 isn't so great.
I really quite like FF6. The characters all have their own personalities and stories. Granted that 3 of them are rather secondary, and are more for amusement. Probably a lot more dialog than in Chrono. One of the few games where I could name all the characters from memory. The bad guy and the story are also super neat.

DQ 1 is sloooow. I remember liking DQ 4 better, especially because it introduced characters instead of the "lone generic hero". But still, the series seems pretty slow and grindy. I didn't bother beating any of them.
Chrono trigger has a mute protagonist, and mute protagonists in RPGs (specially JRPGs) piss me off, so I recommend Final Fantasy 6. Other than the somewhat disturbing corpse summoning it was very fun.
Does anyone know if how much of a battery drain FF6 is on phones. Like does it drain it fast.
Many people have advised me against the mobile FF ports. Those are the same that are on Steam right now, if you want to know what to expect.

If you can't get a SNES cart, I'd reccomend you to buy a GBA and get FF4 and 6 (at least I'm sure 4 has a GBA port, and the best FF4 port we've seen so far).
low rated
javier0889: Many people have advised me against the mobile FF ports. Those are the same that are on Steam right now, if you want to know what to expect.

If you can't get a SNES cart, I'd reccomend you to buy a GBA and get FF4 and 6 (at least I'm sure 4 has a GBA port, and the best FF4 port we've seen so far).
Actually, I would recommend getting a GBA and FF5, skipping FF6. FF6 is overrated and inferior to its predecessor. (Too much watching instead of playing, game balance goes out the window end-game) FF4 GBA is actually not a good port, especially if you are looking at the 1.0 version (the one that was released in the US). FF4 GBA 1.0 has a whole bunch of bugs, like bows not counting as long range (IIRC), and even a bug that can cause the deletion of save files. If you must get the GBA version of FF4, get the 1.1 (European) version, but from what I hear, the PSP version is better if you don't want one of the 3D versions.

The Dragon Quest games are really not that grindy or slow. You can beat most of the series without stopping to level up (though in DQ6 and DQ7 you may want to after you're able to change classes because of all the skills you can learn), the first two games being the only exceptions. Plus, they play at a good pace, especially if looking at remakes. (Note that DQ8 is actually a regression in this respect; battles are slower than in previous installments.)
Ignore those people who say the Android versions are ugly or bad or whatever. Leave their opinions in the dust please. Everyone else is telling you to get a GBA; not worth the time hunting out an old console just because 'oh hey, the grawphics suak' or whatever else they're seeing that I can't see in the graphics. Why hunt out an old handheld and then an old cartridge when the Android ports are waiting for your tap on the buy button? (Unless you're doing it for GBA collection purposes)

But again, as I said, Its FF5 you're looking at. FF6 is still good, but FF5 is better. If you're looking for the sake of comparison here, I think you should get FF6. But outside that, FF5 is your go to. On Android it shouldn't suck much battery.
Post edited October 21, 2015 by PookaMustard
PookaMustard: Ignore those people who say the Android versions are ugly or bad or whatever. Leave their opinions in the dust please. Everyone else is telling you to get a GBA; not worth the time hunting out an old console just because 'oh hey, the grawphics suak' or whatever else they're seeing that I can't see in the graphics.
Speaking as big FF fan: Android/iPhone versions of FF are ugly as deadly sin :((

SNES/GBA versions are much superior. If someone wants unaltered original FF experience, he will have no problems finding what he seeks.

And I agree with Dtgreene, FF VI isn't the strongest game of FF series, it is very short and unbalanced. So unless someone plays games for their story, FF IV and V are MUCH better choice than FF VI.
Post edited October 21, 2015 by Sarisio
I didn't much care for FF5, mostly because I dislike the job class system. It didn't appeal to me in FF Tactics and FF5's version didn't appeal to me either. Besides which, it diminishes character personality. Locke is a rogueish thief, but in FF5, he'd be a uh... whatever he happened to be at the time.
PookaMustard: Ignore those people who say the Android versions are ugly or bad or whatever. Leave their opinions in the dust please. Everyone else is telling you to get a GBA; not worth the time hunting out an old console just because 'oh hey, the grawphics suak' or whatever else they're seeing that I can't see in the graphics.
Sarisio: Speaking as big FF fan: Android/iPhone versions of FF are ugly as deadly sin :((

SNES/GBA versions are much superior. If someone wants unaltered original FF experience, he will have no problems finding what he seeks.

And I agree with Dtgreene, FF VI isn't the strongest game of FF series, it is very short and unbalanced. So unless someone plays games for their story, FF IV and V are MUCH better than FF VI.
Ugly in what? They're much better than your *cough*cough* SNES/GBA ones. But sorry, the Android versions are the best. Not only do they provide controller support and other extras you'll never find in the SNES or GBA versions, they also support a platform of today than ask you to emulate and that kind of stuff. So ugly? No.

Anyways, yes, I agree with anyone who says that FF6 isn't better than FF5 immediately. I don't get why FF6 is sometimes considered to be stronger, but I do know I liked FF5 more than FF6 myself. And I didn't like Kefka either. But Exdeath, ooooooooh boy!
Post edited October 21, 2015 by PookaMustard