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deejrandom: Heh I don't agree. Lot of real gamers I know love the game.
moonfear: you live in some F3 fan breeding grounds ? I don't know about anyone around me, who thinks that F3 is good game, except PC magazines, on the other hand, my friends are that old gamers generation, haven't been in kindergarden to ask for their opinion ;)

wasnt fallout 3 rated M? try primary school
Guys, guys don't start a flame war. We have to care about our reputation, or others may start to think that this eastern Europe is a savage place ;)
ad 1) why not ?
ad 2) i am caring about my rep.... as flamer ;)
ad 3) and isn't it savage place ?
just kidding. But I really don't have any friend who can say something positive about F3 (ok, blowing nuke in megaton IS good part of F3)
Summit: Guys, guys don't start a flame war. We have to care about our reputation, or others may start to think that this eastern Europe is a savage place ;)

flame war is such an ugly expression... cant we all use "debate war"? whats with the flame part anyway...
theres a savage world out there...
Post edited March 24, 2009 by razvan252
What can I say? I do: Family people that have been gaming at least as long as I have.
What interests me is it seems that people can't accept the idea that other people think this is a good and fun game. Yet I know I accept that you don't think it is..Doesn't matter to me if you don't like a game I do. That is what irritates me the most, really. Different people have different tastes? Wow...that is just...we need to phone the president because that idea has never been offered before!
As for no one remembering this game? Hmm. People still play daggerfall, Morrowind, and oblivion from beth and the newest one of those is 3 years old. Beth does a good job of post launch community relations, especially in regards to modding. Even if no one likes Fallout 3 (which they do) it is still a great paltform for modification and will be around for years because of that.
I know you can argue that FO1 and 2 didn't need modding to keep it around, heh. Well yeah that is one of the reasons they are still being played; there are some great mods for it...some fixing all the stuff that was wrong with the game to begin with.
It'll be interesting to see what modders do with Fo3: I"m expecting full recreations of FO1 and 2 actually. Probably get death threats if people do that though...heh.
moonfear: ad 1) why not ?
ad 2) i am caring about my rep.... as flamer ;)
ad 3) and isn't it savage place ?
just kidding. But I really don't have any friend who can say something positive about F3 (ok, blowing nuke in megaton IS good part of F3)

We Eastern Europeans aren't savages. We just happen to have higher standards!
moonfear: ad 1) why not ?
ad 2) i am caring about my rep.... as flamer ;)
ad 3) and isn't it savage place ?
just kidding. But I really don't have any friend who can say something positive about F3 (ok, blowing nuke in megaton IS good part of F3)
JudasIscariot: We Eastern Europeans aren't savages. We just happen to have higher standards!

Well I know you guys have been producing some good games of late :D *thumbs up*
JudasIscariot: We Eastern Europeans aren't savages. We just happen to have higher standards!
deejrandom: Well I know you guys have been producing some good games of late :D *thumbs up*

The Witcher! A polish product I'm really proud of. One of my 5 top games
Post edited March 25, 2009 by Summit
original war, operation flashpoint, hidden and dangerous, and some really really old adventures (agent mlíčňák, don't know english translation)
moonfear: original war, operation flashpoint, hidden and dangerous, and some really really old adventures (agent mlíčňák, don't know english translation)

Don't forget the Serious Sam series. Awesome, no bones about it, kill everything you see FPS. I know those games aren't that new, but they are fun if you just want to kick back and kill lots of things with big weapons.
Meh, fallout 1&2 were good games, so is 3.
I think it boils down to age. Correct me if I am wrong, but I'm going to guess you are all old enough to have played fallout 1 and 2 when they came out? I believe they appeal to you, not only because they are good, but because you played them when you were younger.
I'm pretty young, and fallout 3 is a game I played more, because my generation is more accustomed to the fancy graphics, and first person viewpoint.
Yes, I love fallout 1 and 2, but 3 is a game I played more because it's a game for my generation.
Again, I could be completely wrong with the age guess, but, that's my view.
Post edited March 25, 2009 by benpasko
benpasko: Meh, fallout 1&2 were good games, so is 3.
I think it boils down to age. Correct me if I am wrong, but I'm going to guess you are all old enough to have played fallout 1 and 2 when they came out? I believe they appeal to you, not only because they are good, but because you played them when you were younger.
I'm pretty young, and fallout 3 is a game I played more, because my generation is more accustomed to the fancy graphics, and first person viewpoint.
Yes, I love fallout 1 and 2, but 3 is a game I played more because it's a game for my generation.
Again, I could be completely wrong with the age guess, but, that's my view.

No offense, but that isn't a good arguement. I have 3 or 4 friends that all love Fallout 3 and they are my age. I hate arguements based on Age: "This is my generation" stuff...I dunno irritates me. Although I agree fallout 3 is a good game, 'this is a game for my generation' isn't a good least not around here. These old geezers will fall on you like old buzzards to a rotting body hehe...
J/K I don't think anyone here is old. I'd bet most of them are in their 30's..which contrary to popular belief isn't old.
moonfear: original war, operation flashpoint, hidden and dangerous, and some really really old adventures (agent mlíčňák, don't know english translation)

Don't forget Space Rangers 1+2 and King's Bounty!
space ragers are from eastern europe ? I am not good at this :) I just know what is good game for me and what is garbage. maybe we can make separate thread "jewels of eastern europe (and middle so we can add PL and CZ devs too)"
Post edited March 26, 2009 by moonfear
moonfear: space ragers are from eastern europe ? I am not good at this :) I just know what is good game for me and what is garbage. maybe we can make separate thread "jewels of eastern europe"

Fine! I will make a thread in the GD forum ! XD
Thread made!
Post edited March 26, 2009 by JudasIscariot