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I'm actually quiting smoking right now. It's hard as hell.
I'm just typing. I at work all day long but i don't even count how much time I wasted on typing. Being at work not nessesarily mean working ;)
totally agreed my friend
i love every single game in the series except BOS for xbox...
these forums are practically dead anyway
Hey, did you notice that Fallout 3 sucks compared to the first two? the plot for example makes no sense at all.
Sorry, it's just stronger than me, i should join the Anonymous Fallout Haters.
WBGhiro: Hey, did you notice that Fallout 3 sucks compared to the first two? the plot for example makes no sense at all.
Sorry, it's just stronger than me, i should join the Anonymous Fallout Haters.

You mean No Mutants Allowed? heh.
I'd join NMA, but I feel they're a bit "one note", I dislike whats going on with new games in general. For example, (although I'd love to be shown some depth), Alpha Protocol.
I can forgive the title, but I can't forgive lock-picking mini games (especially if just re-skinned from oblivion!).
I know this sort of thing sells well these days, but I'm annoyed that the Oblivion/Fallout model is being used as an "RPG" these days. It leaves those of us that liked top down or isometric, party-based, turn-based, stat heavy, dialogue heavy RPGs out in the cold.
Thank god for the back catalogue and a few indy developers.
Andy_Panthro: I'd join NMA, but I feel they're a bit "one note", I dislike whats going on with new games in general. For example, (although I'd love to be shown some depth), Alpha Protocol.
I can forgive the title, but I can't forgive lock-picking mini games (especially if just re-skinned from oblivion!).
I know this sort of thing sells well these days, but I'm annoyed that the Oblivion/Fallout model is being used as an "RPG" these days. It leaves those of us that liked top down or isometric, party-based, turn-based, stat heavy, dialogue heavy RPGs out in the cold.
Thank god for the back catalogue and a few indy developers.

I wish the Deus Ex/SS2/VTMB model was used for some RPGs. Yeah they weren't isometric or turn-based but they still rocked faces. I don't mind lockpicking minigames but ONLY and ONLY if they are done right. I liked the Thief 3 lockpicking minigaame because of how your perspective shifted as Garret actually lowered himself to better access the lock about to be picked. Plus, at least that mini game had you using two lockpicks instead of just one to pick a lock. Once I saw that trailer for AP and saw that lockpicking minigame in there I died a little on the inside. Oh and i read somewhere that the game itself is being delayed until October/late 2009 because it's apparently going multi-platform whereas it should have been done in the proper order. PC Elite Uber Gamers first, console proles can have a badly done port of said game with all the dumbing down they require and they will like it.
By the way, care to join the "I am waiting for Age of Decadence to rock my world!" club???
Also, I heard good things about Spiderweb Software's Geneforge V, which just recently came out for the PC and is no longer just for Macs. It may not be the real Fallout 3 but I heard it has turn-based combat, isometric perspective, and, supposedly, it is stuffed full of choices and consequences...
Post edited March 17, 2009 by JudasIscariot
JudasIscariot: By the way, care to join the "I am waiting for Age of Decadence to rock my world!" club???

Already waiting... watching and waiting... like some crazy, RPG-obsessed stalker.
I've heard good things about spiderweb, and I think I played a demo of one of the older games (Avernum possibly, it was top down and possibly tile based). Are the games accessible for those who haven't played the previous ones in the series?
JudasIscariot: By the way, care to join the "I am waiting for Age of Decadence to rock my world!" club???
Andy_Panthro: Already waiting... watching and waiting... like some crazy, RPG-obsessed stalker.
I've heard good things about spiderweb, and I think I played a demo of one of the older games (Avernum possibly, it was top down and possibly tile based). Are the games accessible for those who haven't played the previous ones in the series?

Yes they are. Each game is a brand new story within its respective "universe" for lack of a better term. The stories from other games are referred to here and there but that is mostly for flavor. Plus the demos are freaking huge and no features are locked down until you hit the brick wall of "This area is available in the full game", although you get a sufficient feel for how the rest of the game will play for you.
Speaking of stalking, I would be camping outside V.D. Weller's house with a laptop and my beggar's clothes and putting on a Charles Dickens style accent and going "Please, sir, may I have the turn based iso metric skill check heavy product you're making in there?"
The thing is
..We already KNOW people don't like Fallout 3. Most of the hard core fans made up their minds before the game was even releasedI just wish they'd shut up about it. Just stop posting..get a freaking life. Stop using every freaking thread to complain about it.
That is what this thread is about. Go somewhere else and stop complaining.
Obviously it hasn't worked (See threads above.) Must be something about these type of fallout fans that make them in to big whiners, is all I can figure.
Post edited March 17, 2009 by deejrandom
deejrandom: The thing is
..We already KNOW people don't like Fallout 3. Most of the hard core fans made up their minds before the game was even releasedI just wish they'd shut up about it. Just stop posting..get a freaking life. Stop using every freaking thread to complain about it.
That is what this thread is about. Go somewhere else and stop complaining.
Obviously it hasn't worked (See threads above.) Must be something about these type of fallout fans that make them in to big whiners, is all I can figure.

People made up their minds the second it wasn't van buren and wasn't interplay. I'd have liked to have seen that version as well but I'd also have liked to see Monkey Island 4 without monkey kombat but I don't go on about it every time someone brings up monkey island
deejrandom: The thing is
..We already KNOW people don't like Fallout 3. Most of the hard core fans made up their minds before the game was even releasedI just wish they'd shut up about it. Just stop posting..get a freaking life. Stop using every freaking thread to complain about it.
That is what this thread is about. Go somewhere else and stop complaining.
Obviously it hasn't worked (See threads above.) Must be something about these type of fallout fans that make them in to big whiners, is all I can figure.
Aliasalpha: People made up their minds the second it wasn't van buren and wasn't interplay. I'd have liked to have seen that version as well but I'd also have liked to see Monkey Island 4 without monkey kombat but I don't go on about it every time someone brings up monkey island

I think they wouldn't have been satisfied with Fallout 3 by Black Isle: The game has been built up so much nothing would actually come close to the reality of the game.
But yah, the main thing is I'm tired of hearing about it. I have all four PC Fallout games and I like them all for different reasons. Go figure, right? There are parts of all of them I'd like to see changed (Yes even the first two games. I know I Just blasphemed some unnamed fallout god.) But hey, that's life. There isn't anything (that I know of) that is perfect. Even the sweetest watermelon has seeds you have to spit out ;)
Well fankly I'd change a hell of a lot about F1 & 2, parts of them sucked pretty bad. Things were buggy, illogical, poorly written, fucking awful team AI... I enjoyed the hell out of them but there's still a lot of problems
F3 also had bugs, poor logic, questionable writing and fucking awful team AI so in my mind its a worthy successor...
You can get seedless watermelons you know.
Post edited March 18, 2009 by Aliasalpha
Aliasalpha: Well fankly I'd change a hell of a lot about F1 & 2, parts of them sucked pretty bad. Things were buggy, illogical, poorly written, fucking awful team AI... I enjoyed the hell out of them but there's still a lot of problems
F3 also had bugs, poor logic, questionable writing and fucking awful team AI so in my mind its a worthy successor...
You can get seedless watermelons you know.

You can, but they never taste right.
BTW Do you remember when they released a FO2 patch, it made all your save files unusable? heh yah that was awesome.
Amazing you can still enjoy games that have all that stuff eh? I never understood the complaints about FO3's story...I think it is on par with the first two. But I don't think the first two had a really great over arching plot.
There is something true about this Fallout 3 whine thing. I have played F3 since it was relased. It's more then 100 hours of gameplay. I really, really loved this game. But few weeks ago I found this site and decided to buy F1&2 and play them again. Right now I'm halfway through F2 and seriously. Fallout 3 as a stand alone game is quite entertaining. But compared to F2 is just pathetic. Sorry.
Post edited March 18, 2009 by Summit
Summit: There is something true about this Fallout 3 whine thing. I have played F3 since it was relased. It's more then 100 hours of gameplay. I really, really loved this game. But few weeks ago I found this site and decided to buy F1&2 and play them again. Right now I'm halfway through F2 and seriously. Fallout 3 as a stand alone game is quite entertaining. But compared to F2 is just pathetic. Sorry.

The thing is, man, it's not the idea that it is true or not. it is that people won't shut up about it. Everytime fallout is mentioned, someone has to bring up their dislike of FO3.
Doesn't matter if it is true or not (Which is really a very objective thing.) I just want to stop hearing about it. You shouldn't be sorry about the opinion, but you shouldn't repeat it over and over and hijack threads to complain about it over and over and over again.
And also people should take a bit of time to read the first post in a thread to make sure the know exactly what the thread is this isn't about the substance of people whining about FO3, it is about people not shutting up about their whining about F03 ;)