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Hey all! Please visit this thread for more up-to-date information:

Right now, I can't unfortunately give you anything concrete.

The update proved to be more difficult than expected but we're determined to make it happen. We're actively working with Bethesda to bring it here. No ETA to give you though :/
Post edited June 11, 2024 by king_kunat
So you're delaying the update while the rest of the world is enjoying it already, because.. mods?

Sound like a poor excuse :)

The ones who mod the game won't benefit from the update. And they don't have plans updating it.
The absolute majority who don't mod - are not getting the update.
bat0nas: So you're delaying the update while the rest of the world is enjoying it already, because.. mods?

Sound like a poor excuse :)

The ones who mod the game won't benefit from the update. And they don't have plans updating it.
The absolute majority who don't mod - are not getting the update.
What are they enjoying from this update? You said like it brings something new and exciting. I saw in the notes just a few items from the club being added in 2-3 quests and .... well that's it. And we didnt get actual confirmation if these items will be added for GOG which sucks. Initially the patch was delayed just before it came out on steam and it was mentioned the update for GOG wont unclude any Creation Club content even though these new items are actually added to the game - you don't need the online component (that was removed from the GOG version) to get them. You just loot them from places from what I read. I really hope they will bring the full patch uncluding these new quests/items
Post edited May 02, 2024 by Hirako__
bat0nas: So you're delaying the update while the rest of the world is enjoying it already, because.. mods?

Sound like a poor excuse :)

The ones who mod the game won't benefit from the update. And they don't have plans updating it.
The absolute majority who don't mod - are not getting the update.
Totally agree, its just a minority using mods, and I doubt mod users could care less about anything contained within the update that their mod lists don't already cater for. Just give us the majority vanilla users the full update and anyone who wishes to use mods can save the existing installer backup files (which they probably already have), turn off the auto update (again, they probably already have), and continue to use the existing version until mod designers catch up, then they can update (if they even want to). No harm done to mod users and the rest of us can finally have the update were owed!...
bat0nas: So you're delaying the update while the rest of the world is enjoying it already, because.. mods?
Sound like a poor excuse :)
jayyzee: Totally agree, its just a minority using mods, and I doubt mod users could care less about anything contained within the update that their mod lists don't already cater for. Just give us the majority vanilla users the full update and anyone who wishes to use mods can save the existing installer backup files
No one is delaying anything "because of mods". The update simply isn't ready yet.
Read what the announcement said:
Virgile: The updated build, once greenlighted by both Bethesda and GOG, would be available via our GOG Galaxy beta branch system -and as an offline patch- to allow you to enjoy your modded version until you consider that the time is right.
That would allow us to choose whether to install the new update --or-- keep the old version for mod compatiblity.
Post edited May 03, 2024 by g2222
jayyzee: Totally agree, its just a minority using mods, and I doubt mod users could care less about anything contained within the update that their mod lists don't already cater for. Just give us the majority vanilla users the full update and anyone who wishes to use mods can save the existing installer backup files
g2222: No one is delaying anything "because of mods". The update simply isn't ready yet.
Read what the announcement said:
Virgile: The updated build, once greenlighted by both Bethesda and GOG, would be available via our GOG Galaxy beta branch system -and as an offline patch- to allow you to enjoy your modded version until you consider that the time is right.
g2222: That would allow us to choose whether to install the new update --or-- keep the old version for mod compatiblity.
and yet they say in the op announcement this too''TLDR: We are considering freezing our build of Fallout 4 to provide the modding community with the necessary time to make their mods compatible with the last update.'' so it is indeed being considered to be delayed because of mods possible a longer delay then what we'd get otherwise.

note would have double quoted if I knew how to do so instead of copy and pasting text
Post edited May 03, 2024 by BanditKeith2
BanditKeith2: and yet they say in the op announcement this too''TLDR: We are considering freezing our build of Fallout 4 to provide the modding community with the necessary time to make their mods compatible with the last update.'' so it is indeed being considered to be delayed because of mods possible a longer delay then what we'd get otherwise.

note would have double quoted if I knew how to do so instead of copy and pasting text
"freezing our build" means they keep the current version as a baseline and provide patches for those who want to update. The alternative would be -- how they usually handle it -- to remove the current version and REPLACE it with the new version.

(edit: duplicated post)
Post edited May 03, 2024 by g2222
Virgile: Salutations!

Hope you’re all doing well so far this week :)

Just sharing the current status of the Fallout 4 Next Gen update.

First of all, rest assured that both Bethesda and GOG teams are working on delivering the DRM-free version of this update as soon as possible.

However, we heard the feedback from the gaming community about the said update, that while bringing many useful improvements and additions, it sadly renders a tremendous amount of amazing mods unusable.

TLDR: We are considering freezing our build of Fallout 4 to provide the modding community with the necessary time to make their mods compatible with the last update.

The updated build, once greenlighted by both Bethesda and GOG, would be available via our GOG Galaxy beta branch system -and as an offline patch- to allow you to enjoy your modded version until you consider that the time is right.

Let us know your thoughts, wish you all a pleasant week.

Worm regards,

I like the idea of this, sounds reasonable and less chaotic than with the steam update. It would however be nice if in general GOG allowed prior versions of the offline installers to be accessible by people instead of just the most recent release. I am aware it is possible to roll back via gog galaxy but that cuts against the stated line by GOG that galaxy "would always be optional".

It should be a game of cat and mouse where you have to catch the version of the offline installer before the update else never be able to get it again!

Truth is there is not really a rational reason why prior offline installers can't be made available and odds are being a bethesda game, even with the best efforts of the modding community.... they probably did screw something up.
Virgile: Salutations!

Hope you’re all doing well so far this week :)

Just sharing the current status of the Fallout 4 Next Gen update.

First of all, rest assured that both Bethesda and GOG teams are working on delivering the DRM-free version of this update as soon as possible.

However, we heard the feedback from the gaming community about the said update, that while bringing many useful improvements and additions, it sadly renders a tremendous amount of amazing mods unusable.

TLDR: We are considering freezing our build of Fallout 4 to provide the modding community with the necessary time to make their mods compatible with the last update.

The updated build, once greenlighted by both Bethesda and GOG, would be available via our GOG Galaxy beta branch system -and as an offline patch- to allow you to enjoy your modded version until you consider that the time is right.

Let us know your thoughts, wish you all a pleasant week.

Worm regards,

I like this, should be nice to have the actual game and the last one if you want to go back using GoG Galaxy.
Sorry for the Question, but where i can get the Offlinepatch?
Rygar1972: Sorry for the Question, but where i can get the Offlinepatch?
You can download it from your library or GOG Galaxy.
But there is no offline patch from GOG that has the Next Gen update.
high rated
I bought fo4 on gog to play the updated version.
i have no interest in mods, I just want it to work so I can play the campaign.
let me install the patch and be done with it.
I recently bought Fallout 4 GOTY and downloaded the patch that goes with it, and my game is constantly crashing to the desktop. Has anyone else run into this? Any suggestions?
Post edited May 07, 2024 by A_Noid
Post edited May 07, 2024 by nova_F117
A_Noid: I recently bought Fallout 4 GOTY and downloaded the patch that goes with it, and my game is constantly crashing to the desktop. Has anyone else run into this? Any suggestions?
I had the same issue with the GOTY edition bought from GOG - can't even enter the vault in the beginning, it crashes to desktop before I can get there.
FIXED by disabling weapon debris in options.
Post edited May 08, 2024 by cosminbolohan
Thanks for the update