We asked GOG to ensure all EFS purchasers (old and new) have access to both 1.4 and Enhanced. I *think* you now need to download 1.4 for offline and play and copy your old SAV file there to keep your saved games, before you download 1.5. Let me know if you have issues with it
doncon11: Glad to see this released.
Can you comment on my goal:
- I'm in the middle of a 1.4 campaign and want to keep the saved games AND the GOG 1.40 code.
- I want to install 1.5 as a completely separate instance and start a new game there.
Can the 1.5 version be installed via GOG Galaxy installer and let me keep my 1.40 which I had installed to an \efs dir off the root of C: drive.
Or do we have to worry about registry conflicts etc?
I would like to see the setup GOG did for the BladeRunner adventure game where we could have both the original version and the enhanced in our GOG library at the same time.