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The simple fact is it doesn't matter what your lead platform is, if you plan to be multiplatform you have to design a UI and other game aspects to work on all platforms from the start. It's just bad developing to do it any other way, and wastes money and time.

Yes, some small percentage of people will hate you for making a list instead of a grid on the PC, but at the end of the day you can't focus development on small percentages of irate people.
StingingVelvet: The simple fact is it doesn't matter what your lead platform is, if you plan to be multiplatform you have to design a UI and other game aspects to work on all platforms from the start. It's just bad developing to do it any other way, and wastes money and time.

Yes, some small percentage of people will hate you for making a list instead of a grid on the PC, but at the end of the day you can't focus development on small percentages of irate people.
For all its faults, Dragon Age: Origin managed to make two separate UIs, at least for parts where it mattered. The inventory was even a filtered scroll list, not a grid, but still felt very PC.

It might be extra money and time, but that's the difference between having a polished PC game and what feels like a port - at least it's not awful like Lost Planet's was with it telling you to press Xbox buttons.
Post edited May 28, 2011 by antihero_
the way i see it, the UI should have been dependent on your control input.

using a Mouse+keyboard= PC like UI

using a gamepad = console like UI.

it would be win win for all
StingingVelvet: The simple fact is it doesn't matter what your lead platform is, if you plan to be multiplatform you have to design a UI and other game aspects to work on all platforms from the start. It's just bad developing to do it any other way, and wastes money and time.

Yes, some small percentage of people will hate you for making a list instead of a grid on the PC, but at the end of the day you can't focus development on small percentages of irate people.
It's not a small percentage. In an rpg we are obligated to spend a lot of time with the UI, so its crucial that it's done right. You want to defend lazy/rushed game design go ahead. I didn't buy both the CE and GoG version of the game to get sloppy seconds.

Oh yeah...and f*ck the console market. This is why it sucks.
Post edited May 28, 2011 by scampywiak
StingingVelvet: The simple fact is it doesn't matter what your lead platform is, if you plan to be multiplatform you have to design a UI and other game aspects to work on all platforms from the start. It's just bad developing to do it any other way, and wastes money and time.

Yes, some small percentage of people will hate you for making a list instead of a grid on the PC, but at the end of the day you can't focus development on small percentages of irate people.
scampywiak: It's not a small percentage. In an rpg we are obligated to spend a lot of time with the UI, so its crucial thats its done right. You want to defend lazy/rushed game design go ahead. I didn't buy both the CE and GoG version of the game to get sloppy seconds.

Oh yeah...and f*ck the console market. This is why it sucks.
i agree with the first part. Especially with a weight system and no storage.

and the fact we have junk

and quest items litter the all category
ecat: I must admit, I cannot shake the feeling that CDP created TW2 as a demonstration of their l33t console game making skills and sold it to me as a full price PC product. But, ugly, boring and wasteful user interface not withstanding, I could live with this if I wasn't finding other design decisions equally annoying.

TW1 had many issues; cut scene hell, stilted and forced conversations, sometimes endless and pointless combat, loading times, dodgy translation, bugs(!) the list goes on. Still, at the core there was an engaging and entertaining experience, there were times I could marvel at the beautiful and intriguing world the game created and forget about all the failings. TW1 did well overall, TW1 is the reason I bought TW2 on release.

I'm finding TW2 to be very hard work. The basic UI doesn't help, neither does my wide range monitor accentuating the bloom effects. Leaving these two aside, the new pop-up action for near by objects is so annoying; put a torch, a door and a chest in close proximity and the system falls apart, running through a forest creates and endless stream of pop-text all in red, etc. Pop-up red 'climb', pop-up red 'descend', pop-up red 'talk', if anything was designed to pull the player out of character, to remind the player the player that are 'playing a game' could there be anything worse?

Of course there is something worse, QTE. So, I'm pulled into the story by some interesting dialogue delivered by some expensive voice actor. The voice, the writing, the waves of intrigue have me spellbound when suddenly QTE - PLAY ME I'M A GAME. It is like trying to read a good book while someone is endlessly poking you with a stick. Why?

But nothing could be worse than QTE right? Wrong. What is with these boss fights? Okay, these are supposed to be big, dramatic scenes with huge dramatic monsters. I accept they are difficult to pull off, but reducing them to formulaic, point and click puzzles against the clock? Come on? An epic encounter becomes an epic, PLAY ME I'M A GAME, mess, and the inclusion of QTEs adds insult to injury. Reduce the ambition guys, it can only improve the game play.

Combat: What's that Geralt? Oh, you need a couple of moments to finish your animation before you can jump out of the way? No worries, just cast a Sign. Oh, you can't do that either? Oh well, I'll just light a cigarette and get back to you when you are ready.

Visuals. I can go from blindingly bright to pitch dark in a single step. And contrast! There are times the level of contrast in some scenes pulls the eyes out of my head.

Detail, perhaps too much when the background drowns out the objects or mobs you are searching for?

Faces, in conversation with NPCs a cut to Geralt's face just SCREAMS high res texture and what's with this clicky finger glowy eye persuasion animation...

You see, this is the point I am at right now. So many little annoyances, many more than mentioned above, have cascaded to the point where even the smallest issues are grabbing my attention.

TW1 played well and was enjoyable within its limitations. Over ambition? Loss of focus? Gambit for mass market appeal? TW2 feels like an attempt to push the limitations, appeal to all (and convince the console manufacturers that CDP can do consoles too) but at the moment TW2 reminds me of nothing more than Homer Simpson's dream car.

I stopped playing the game for more than a week to try and gain a fresh perspective and I'll make a fresh start today. TW3 will not be a day one purchase. As for CDP, the champions of PC gaming? My good will is failing, CPD, I am disappoint.
Sounds like you don't know how to play the game and you're complaining cause of that.
And the comment on CDP, good for you go back to bioware......oh wait how about............. oh right nobody focuses on PC and only PC.
scampywiak: It's not a small percentage.
And you know this how?

scampywiak: In an rpg we are obligated to spend a lot of time with the UI, so its crucial that it's done right. You want to defend lazy/rushed game design go ahead. I didn't buy both the CE and GoG version of the game to get sloppy seconds.
Lordy. It's function and works well, it's not like it's broken. It's just designed to work on multiple platforms is all. You would think they killed a puppy or something the way you people rant about it.
scampywiak: It's not a small percentage.
StingingVelvet: And you know this how?

scampywiak: In an rpg we are obligated to spend a lot of time with the UI, so its crucial that it's done right. You want to defend lazy/rushed game design go ahead. I didn't buy both the CE and GoG version of the game to get sloppy seconds.
StingingVelvet: Lordy. It's function and works well, it's not like it's broken. It's just designed to work on multiple platforms is all. You would think they killed a puppy or something the way you people rant about it.
1) stop acting like people are acting in a certain way. you are imposing your own idea of how people are acting, he is not acting like you seem to be imposing onto him.

2) its not ranting. we pointed something out, the pro W2 people counted by spewing BS. and we are trying to get something changed four our enjoyment to go up.

3) meant to work on multiple systems? that's total bs. they released it calling it PC exclusive, and still maintain their "no console version planned ATM".

if they are not planning it yet, why did they make it?

and how much time do you really think it would take to give a pc exclusive 2 ui's depending on the used control system? how much money does that take. it would be minimal.
scampywiak: It's not a small percentage.
StingingVelvet: And you know this how?

scampywiak: In an rpg we are obligated to spend a lot of time with the UI, so its crucial that it's done right. You want to defend lazy/rushed game design go ahead. I didn't buy both the CE and GoG version of the game to get sloppy seconds.
StingingVelvet: Lordy. It's function and works well, it's not like it's broken. It's just designed to work on multiple platforms is all. You would think they killed a puppy or something the way you people rant about it.
Read the reviews. It comes up often. Go to forums; many people hate the UI. If it functioned well, we'd get tooltips, and comparison stats in stores, and no vanishing prices when we scroll, fewer sub menus, and stupid lists to scroll through; we'd get a junk section, grid design, proper mouse support, etc. It doesn't work well. But if you like it, I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm simply calling a spade a spade. The UI is the weakest part of the game.
Post edited May 28, 2011 by scampywiak
cloud8521: 1) stop acting like people are acting in a certain way. you are imposing your own idea of how people are acting, he is not acting like you seem to be imposing onto him.
I don't grant your premise that I did that. I just said you people are ranting, which you are.

cloud8521: 3) meant to work on multiple systems? that's total bs. they released it calling it PC exclusive, and still maintain their "no console version planned ATM".

if they are not planning it yet, why did they make it?
They said a long time ago they want to release the game on consoles. They said before release that they will put the game on consoles. They have never lied, they have never mislead you. It's a multiplatform game but the PC version is the lead version, which is about as good as it gets now-a-days for big budget games like this.

CDP make a sequel with the same mature and consequential story and choices, they make the combat and gameplay difficult and hardcore while other studious are dumbing their crap down endlessly, they make the PC version the lead version, they release the game with no DRM on GOG, they patch the DRM out of the other versions in a week, they patch the game in a week and plan more support, they post on the forums in a friendly manner and accept feedback, the game has a 90 average on metacritic and is selling amazingly well, but OH NO... here comes people saying they have been violated because the menus were designed to work on multiple platforms.

It's silly. It's nit-picking. It's the reason why forums are generally not pleasant places to be and why developers ignore most forum feedback, because it's full of "I am never happy unless the game matches my idea of perfection" bullshit.
Post edited May 28, 2011 by StingingVelvet
Stinging Velvet, it is a great game, but they misled their fans saying it was PC exclusive. If this were the case, we'd get a UI designed for pc. We didn't. We paid a lot of money to support them and I still do, but they need to be honest with the fanbase and treat them fair.

This is not a PC exclusive, and if console players got this treatment you bet they would bitch.
Post edited May 28, 2011 by scampywiak
They did say that they "had consoles in mind" when they were designing the UI.Don't think it was misleading.
Post edited May 28, 2011 by BatistutaSRB
I jsut wish they had added Inventory Sorting at least... I mean hell all the FF series games I played had it.... nothing is more frusterating than buying duplicate diagrams/formulae because they're in a non-sorted clusterfuck of an inventory screen.
Post edited May 28, 2011 by Sidewinder
it does have inventory sorting.
soldiergeralt: it does have inventory sorting.
Sorting by type but I have failed to find the "sort the list alphabetically" button or options since release.