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Kalfear, you're probably right about such game being financial ruin. But I disagree with the reasons. A game featuring homophobia would be hated passionately by any gay advocate groups because it might "deliver the wrong message". So yeah, it wouldn't even target the small vocal minority and the majority would just shrug about it. I really did not think this through, huh.

But still I do wish that another DA:O-like game would give you the option of deciding your sexuality at the start of the game as part of character creation. Pick "straight" and same sex don't bother you, pick "homosexual" and opposite sex don't bother you, pick "undecided" and every last creature in the game tries to dry-hump you. ;)
Valerianus: As a homosexual gamer, I was disappointed by the lack of homosexuality in the game. If BioWare can offer homosexuality in their games, why can't CD Projekt? Why can't Geralt start a romantic relationship with Roche or Iorveth? Why are there no male prostitutes? Why is it that Geralt can't have sex with elven men? Why can't we turn Geralt "gay"? Isn't choice part of being an RPG game?

CD Projekt, it's about time that we be a little more inclusive and acknowledge that homosexuals and bisexuals want their options, too.
While i respect your choice in your way of life, would you truely be happy if every game developer modified their games to appease every sexual nature out there?

Clearly the devs have a vision of how they want to represent their game and characters and that is one of the strong points of the game imo.
Bioware with DA2 made everyone Bisexual to appease some of their fans but inturn watered down their characters personalities creating a weak game and weak characters.

Clearly Geralt isnt attracted to men. As you arent attracted to women. Its a way of life, you cant have everything.
Ren02: Kalfear, you're probably right about such game being financial ruin. But I disagree with the reasons. A game featuring homophobia would be hated passionately by any gay advocate groups because it might "deliver the wrong message". So yeah, it wouldn't even target the small vocal minority and the majority would just shrug about it. I really did not think this through, huh.

But still I do wish that another DA:O-like game would give you the option of deciding your sexuality at the start of the game as part of character creation. Pick "straight" and same sex don't bother you, pick "homosexual" and opposite sex don't bother you, pick "undecided" and every last creature in the game tries to dry-hump you. ;)
I get what you're saying, but how is this relevant to the game? As someone else pointed out (too lazy to scroll back through to check), the fantasy genre is mainly centered around medieval period attitudes and settings, and to be honest, is sexuality of a character that important to your game play? If you care that much about it play an adults only sex game (not trying to be rude, just saying)

And for the record, I'm not anti-gay, I'm anti-being constantly hammered with political correctness BS and minority groups pushing their political agendas in every media available. Games are about entertainment, not soap-boxing.
Hey Kalfear I'm with you on this one

If I'm reading correctly between the lines of your well argued posts... enjoyed staring at Geralt's sweet cheeks just as much as I did.

Just starting my 11th playthrough

Post edited June 02, 2011 by Gregster6
My thoughts on this: Geralt is a straight witcher. No need for him to be gay or bisexual. The witcher showed a lesbian relationship in the game. If the main character was gay I'd be fine with it too, but he's not. Just as there are gay people, there are a lot of straight people.

And as much as choice goes: Homosexuality is definately NOT a choice in my opinion. So there you have it. In real life you can't choose to be gay, you're either gay or you're not. Same goes in the witcher.
Post edited June 02, 2011 by Senteria
Kalfear - I covered this in the other thread but will repeat it here. 1) Just because homosexuality was illegal, doesn't mean homosexuals didn't exist, didn't have lovers. They just had to be more careful about it. 2) This is FANTASY. So for one, it's not our world, and the rules can be different, they can also borrow bits and pieces from other cultures of a similar technological level. the Japanese, the Greeks and others were accepting of homosexuality at about the same level of development. Also, fantasy has a long history of dealing with modern issues dressed up in medieval clothing, and The Witcher is especially blatant about this. If it can cover topics like genetics, racism, and environmentalism, why not this? One of the big draws for writing fantasy or sci-fi is the ability to take certain issues and divorce them of real-life prejudices. I will grant this doesn't work so well with sexuality, but to say fantasy fiction shouldn't deal with modern issues is absurd.
Senteria: My thoughts on this: Geralt is a straight witcher. No need for him to be gay or bisexual. The witcher showed a lesbian relationship in the game. If the main character was gay I'd be fine with it too, but he's not. Just as there are gay people, there are a lot of straight people.

And as much as choice goes: Homosexuality is definately NOT a choice in my opinion. So there you have it. In real life you can't choose to be gay, you're either gay or you're not. Same goes in the witcher.
Well said, just because we live in the year 2011, doesn't mean we have to cater to all whims at the expense of altering the main protagonist's sexual orientation.
Perhaps I would have liked the option for beastiality; donkeys have a certain sexiness to them,no? That's a choice to, but likely not one that would fit Geralt's preferences...although I could be wrong. Perhaps next time, they include transgender or cross-dressers? Either way, I'm sure there are magazines, games or websites that would gladly cater to you.

Unlike Bioware, that forced homosexual choices down your throat [no pun intended] with unclear dialogue options. I feel they went overboard to appeal to all interest groups.
Senteria: My thoughts on this: Geralt is a straight witcher. No need for him to be gay or bisexual. The witcher showed a lesbian relationship in the game. If the main character was gay I'd be fine with it too, but he's not. Just as there are gay people, there are a lot of straight people.

And as much as choice goes: Homosexuality is definately NOT a choice in my opinion. So there you have it. In real life you can't choose to be gay, you're either gay or you're not. Same goes in the witcher.
MikeP999: Well said, just because we live in the year 2011, doesn't mean we have to cater to all whims at the expense of altering the main protagonist's sexual orientation.
Perhaps I would have liked the option for beastiality; donkeys have a certain sexiness to them,no? That's a choice to, but likely not one that would fit Geralt's preferences...although I could be wrong. Perhaps next time, they include transgender or cross-dressers? Either way, I'm sure there are magazines, games or websites that would gladly cater to you.

Unlike Bioware, that forced homosexual choices down your throat [no pun intended] with unclear dialogue options. I feel they went overboard to appeal to all interest groups.
Well I think it's fine how bioware did it. You create your own main character, thus you can do what you want. In this case, you play the role as geralt. Not the role of a character you created yourself. Since the game is based on the books, Geralt has a certain identity that has already been created. The developers are trying to create that identity digitally.
low rated
Gays are sick, Mentally and Spiritually
Man you completely numb and sick, hope some big Gay will tear your little ....
Valerianus: As a homosexual gamer, I was disappointed by the lack of homosexuality in the game. If BioWare can offer homosexuality in their games, why can't CD Projekt? Why can't Geralt start a romantic relationship with Roche or Iorveth? Why are there no male prostitutes? Why is it that Geralt can't have sex with elven men? Why can't we turn Geralt "gay"? Isn't choice part of being an RPG game?

CD Projekt, it's about time that we be a little more inclusive and acknowledge that homosexuals and bisexuals want their options, too.
No offence but I don't want that kind of thing in a game as for sex in the game, I can take it or leave it. its there but not spoiling the game whereas it would be if it did that sort of thing.

also no doubt children play games like this so its better left out.
Stevezen: No offence but I don't want that kind of thing in a game as for sex in the game, I can take it or leave it. its there but not spoiling the game whereas it would be if it did that sort of thing.

also no doubt children play games like this so its better left out.
Using your logic they'd have to take out all the sex in the game. Is that what you're asking for?
Leteia: Well I think there is a TV trope that all the gays are evil maybe that is what he or she is saying but I think that is not exactly the case here everyone in the witcher universe is evil on some level, there are no saint really.

I still find it funny a guy like Geralt that is call a freak, that is different and likes to side with the minorities and still people cannot get the message behind the game, ironic really.
Kalfear: You know (and I said this in other post but will say again), the time era fantasy in general is based on (and tends to use their different customs and religions and cultures and social attitudes in most cases, Bioware excluded) doesnt recognize or approve of homosexuality!

Say there was a time machine (I know I know, bare with me here) and you dialed back to the chivalric age, to the knights and squires and all that era. And you even spoke like say Richard Simmons or any number of obvious gay males with the sterotype girlish voice. You would be killed.

No exageration, not glorifying it, just stating the truth as history has recorded it.

The ONLY gays on record with any type of security/safety were POWERFUL MEN who could have you killed with a snap of their finger. ALA Dethmold.

Heck, historica fact, Alexander was gay. Leader of armies that did actually partake in homosexual affairs while campaigning. Soon as they were home though, they were expected to plow their wives and women and anyone caught engaging in homosexual content when NOT CAMPAIGNING was put to death immediately!

Alexander himself, the Freaking KING basically had to hide his homosexuality according to history as the men would not follow him if they knew he was gay when not at war with the army!

Rome in ts highest level of debauchery, it was a crime, if not of powerful social status to engage in homosexual activities.

The fact is, history of this time line states only the very powerful could get away with being openly homosexual, and even then, very very few flaunted it and most went to great lenghts to hide the activity!

So The Witcher 2 with Dethmold buggering a slave in his tent and no one else is VERY FAITHFUL to European mideval times and practices. So
when the only male homosexuality is practised by a deranged, arguably evil and twisted character.
Kalfear: , while not the case in 2011, is very true to form for that era that the fantasy writing is based off of.

I REALLY think people need to stop pushing modern day politics and agendas into fantasy (and even sci fi) games and stories.

I mean, if I was easily offended, id be far more offended with the fact that, except for a virgin (the non humans leader) or a rape victim (Ves) or powerful magic users (Triss and them), women are only depicted as wives (subservant to their husbands) or whores (subservant to money) in the Witcher series, long before the homosexuality agenda ever was mentioned.

But like the lack of homosexuals, the depliction of women in that time period is very accurate! Women didnt have alot of choices back then. For the most part it was either spread your legs and push out children for your husband or spread you legs and collect coppers from your trick (or be a barmaid as well, servant also). Point is it was like that really (in North America) till the 1950s.

Society has advanced and grown. But that doesnt mean every single story needs to push all the different social and political agendas of the modern day. Its role playing and if your not interested in role playing in that era, dont play the game! Or only play Bioware games as it appears they are willing to sell their very beings to get a few extra sales and pander to anyone and everyone!

Honestly, as much as I loved Dragon Age Origins (I rank it #2 (tied with The Witcher) on my all time games list), Zevran was freaking annoying and after the first play through I just simply didnt allow him to join my group because saying no to him wasnt good enough, he had to push his homo agenda every time you tried to speak to him. It got annoying and if they rest of the characters were not as strongly written as they were, I (and many others I know and have read online) would have tossed the game away because we signed up for a grand Mideval Fantasy romp. Not a social leftist political agenda being forced on us.

And you closed mind bigots can call me a homophobe all you want, it doesnt matter as I know who I am and what I am. I dont think its unrealistic that when I load up a mideval style fantasy game I not
1) See a group of woman burning bras and marching for equality,
2) Be constantly accousted openly by homosexual males,
3) have someone shoot me with a AK47
4) Drive a gas powered muscle car with a 6 pack gear shift and a 454 engine
5) and much much more from modern day life that doesnt fit the storyline, setting, normal political climate for the time period back then.

And with that I leave this stupid beyond words thread.
Tommorrow the sun will shine
Birds will chirp
My Cats will demand attention and food
And Geralt will be hetrosexual to a fault!

And im perfectly ok with that! :)

Last time I check there are no females in medieval times that were dragons, so the history lesson is lost here. There are no accurate stories in this game to the European medieval times, this is a fantasy world and ppl should relate to it and not the opposite.

And by the way the witcher is a world were a lot of the modern problems are touch, things like climate changes, to even terrorism. So maybe you need to read the books and the lore.

And so this gets clear, I am against making Geralt gay but I am not against CDPR making a game were your character is gay, just give him or her a new story and begin a new IP.
RageGT: No they are not. They are a mix of everything and that's ok.

Mas Henrique, tu ta' outdated pra' caralho hein, meu velho? Correct link:
HenriqueVT: Damn. I still prefer the old one though. And btw this is an english-speaking forum.
E daí? Acha que alguém tá preocupado se a gente trocar uma idéia em brazuquês mesmo? E nem dá prá ser vergonha pq tem um Brazil bem grande aí debaixo do seu nick. haha

BTW, no need to patronize me. Been around forum since.. well, since longer I can remember at my old age. And my English is good enough so when addressing non-portuguese speakers, you can be certain that I will use it.
HenriqueVT: Damn. I still prefer the old one though. And btw this is an english-speaking forum.
RageGT: E daí? Acha que alguém tá preocupado se a gente trocar uma idéia em brazuquês mesmo? E nem dá prá ser vergonha pq tem um Brazil bem grande aí debaixo do seu nick. haha

BTW, no need to patronize me. Been around forum since.. well, since longer I can remember at my old age. And my English is good enough so when addressing non-portuguese speakers, you can be certain that I will use it.
Hmmm..I don't see any "Brazil" under my name.
HenriqueVT: Hmmm..I don't see any "Brazil" under my name.
Did you change your location? =P