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trentonlf: Maybe they are releasing Windward here?
Interesting guess. And the hints seems to add. You may be right.

EDIT: I've just noticed that the game seems to be focused on multiplayer. If that's true then that makes it an unlikely candidate. :(
Post edited June 30, 2015 by karnak1
Ciris: It's gonna get there. You guys just wait.

Meanwhile, here's a hint to keep you occupied, and another one.
viperfdl: Anno 2070?
Bioshock Infinite. There, I called it.
viperfdl: Anno 2070?
Emob78: Bioshock Infinite. There, I called it.
Please don't. Don't start with the worst game in the series. :P
Sid Meier's Pirates!
Whatever it is, shouldn't it be here by now?
Already here.
Erich_Zann: Already here.
The page he linked is for the 2004 remake, published by 2K. It's not here yet. :)
Emob78: Bioshock Infinite. There, I called it.
omega64: Please don't. Don't start with the worst game in the series. :P
Wouldn't know. Haven't play it. It's just that the response to someone suggesting Borderlands was 'not THAT remote' of a possibility. So it's either not a likely chance, or it's not that remote of a suggestion. Could be taken either way. The official hints are often cryptic... as are the responses to the hints.
Erich_Zann: Already here.
Grargar: The page he linked is for the 2004 remake, published by 2K. It's not here yet. :)
What has Sid Meier to do with a wind turbine?! :P
I'd say "Cult of Wind"...? Nah, probably not.
trentonlf: Maybe they are releasing Windward here?
Very likely!
Post edited June 30, 2015 by vicklemos
Air + Ship => Airship
GOG + Galaxy => Online Multiplayer
Airship + Online Multiplayer => Guns of Icarus

Edit: I see phaolo was faster ;-)

Otherwise any jrpg-game with an airship as hub. ahmmm.
Post edited June 30, 2015 by DukeNukemForever
Erich_Zann: Already here.
Grargar: The page he linked is for the 2004 remake, published by 2K. It's not here yet. :)
Thanks, smug cat! :-)
Wind + Ships = Legend of Zelda: Windwaker!

A-friking-mazing! Well Done gog!

Exclusive Nintendo ports confirmed!!!
My money is on The Curse of Monkey Island.

Finger cross to see here more Square - Enix titles soon. I want Deus Ex Human Revolution Drm - free, FFVII, Hitman Blood Money...go GOG, go!
Post edited June 30, 2015 by menganogog
Fever_Discordia: Wind + Ships = Legend of Zelda: Windwaker!

A-friking-mazing! Well Done gog!

Exclusive Nintendo ports confirmed!!!
This was what I was going to suggest :)

Would be awesome if true, but really unlikely to be the case...
Ciris: (Also, I HOPE we'll get the game out today. Technical difficulites are upon us and the Internet keeps messing up, which makes uploading a game build incredibly challenging. I'll let you all know should we be unable to launch today).
Any update on this?
Are we waiting in vain for anything to actually come out today? (on time anyway)
Post edited June 30, 2015 by adaliabooks
technical problems with it? ;). must be an old game :D