It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

From MaGog's logs for 15 October:

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Read Only Memories, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0 (gog-2) ***TO*** 1.0.1 (gog-3)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Read Only Memories, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0 (gog-3) ***TO*** 1.0.1 (gog-4)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Read Only Memories, all_files, Linux installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0 (gog-2) ***TO*** 1.0.1 (gog-3)

NOTE! CHANGED Read Only Memories, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.0.1 (15 October 2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ improved support for Xbox One controllers
NOTE! ADD +++ a handful of text changes
NOTE! ADD +++ slightly tweaked credits music
NOTE! ADD +++ minor fixes

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Ziggurat, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: gog-3 ***TO*** 13 (gog-4)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Ziggurat, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: gog-1 ***TO*** 13 (gog-2)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Ziggurat, all_files, Linux installer, English, dl_ver: gog-3 ***TO*** 13 (gog-4)

NOTE! CHANGED Ziggurat, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch #13 (15 October 2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Wands of the new characters count towards unlocking Kraz, the Novice
NOTE! ADD +++ Balancing:
NOTE! ADD +++ Golem: Slightly increased threat value
NOTE! ADD +++ Orcs: Slightly increased threat value
NOTE! ADD +++ Green pepper: Increased threat value by 50% (!)
NOTE! ADD +++ Red chili: Slightly increased threat value
NOTE! ADD +++ Bone Shieldman: Slightly increased threat value. Reduced damage and health.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bone Summoner: Increased threat value, increased spawn time.
NOTE! ADD +++ Shaman: Reduced number of spawned carrots by 1 (3 carrots instead of 4)
NOTE! ADD +++ Green slime: Increased threat value
NOTE! ADD +++ Scavenge rooms: Increased number of items spawned by 1 on medium and big rooms (it should help in finding them on complex rooms).
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed main menu buttons sound.

NOTE! CHANGED Tomb Raider 1+2+3, compatibility: ACCEPTANCE OF END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT REQUIRED TO PLAY, Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility ***TO*** Compatibility notice: Tomb Raider 2 is NOT supported on Windows 10, ACCEPTANCE OF END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT REQUIRED TO PLAY, Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility
mrkgnao: [Similar for the deluxe edition and DLC, except that:
1) the deluxe edition still lists XP as supported
2) the DLC lists the minimum Linux requirements as the recommended Mac OS X requirements
3) the DLC lists the recommended Linux requirements as the minimum Linux requirements
(probably GOG game page bugs)]
They really need to pause after each of these bugs and spend a minute or two thinking about how to prevent these sorts of bugs. (Perhaps something as simple as a JavaScript-based "are you sure?" hook that fires when trying to submit strings containing "Windows", "XP", "Vista", "OS X", "Apple", "Linux", "Ubuntu", "Mint", "Wine", or "libasound2" to the wrong system requirements bin.)
This War Of Mine:
Patch 1.4

Added GOG Galaxy achievements
The Scenario Editor is expanded with new, more diverse characters to multiply possibilities in creating your stories
New language versions are supported: Turkish, Korean and Japanese
Good news to all Mac and Linux users:


Patch 1.61 (15 October 2015)

The Mac and Linux versions of Xenonauts have been added.
These are also native ports and not Wine wrapped windows builds they had while back on other stores.
Post edited October 15, 2015 by Petrell
Petrell: Xenonauts

Patch 1.61 (15 October 2015)

The Mac and Linux versions of Xenonauts have been added.
Petrell: These are also native ports and not Wine wrapped windows builds they had while back on other stores.
Thanks a lot, GOG! And even with a proper update notification. :P

Now the $50+ spent on the summer sale finally were worth it. :)

Patch 1.61 (15 October 2015)

The Mac and Linux versions of Xenonauts have been added.
As always, it's nice to see native Linux versions getting added. Still waiting on a couple of games (have been for some time now), but any progress is commendable.

Thanks for your efforts!
high rated
From MaGog's logs for 15 October (part 1 of 3):

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Dungeons 2, all_files, Original Game: Windows installer, English (part 1 of 2), dl_ver: (gog-2) ***TO*** (gog-3)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Dungeons 2, all_files, Original Game: Windows installer, English (part 2 of 2), dl_ver: (gog-2) ***TO*** (gog-3)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Dungeons 2, all_files, Original Game: Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: gog-6 ***TO*** (gog-7)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Dungeons 2, all_files, DLC: A Chance of Dragons: Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: gog-6 ***TO*** gog-7

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Dungeons 2, all_files, DLC: A Song of Sand and Fire: Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: gog-6 ***TO*** gog-7

NOTE! CHANGED Dungeons 2, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch
NOTE! ADD +++ General
NOTE! ADD +++ Performance improvements
NOTE! ADD +++ Added reset button for campaign progress
NOTE! ADD +++ Enemy units can now be selected to see their names, descriptions and stats
NOTE! ADD +++ Changed font type and font handling for readability and performance
NOTE! ADD +++ Improved automatic work unit selection for research
NOTE! ADD +++ Free Chaos Forge/Hell Forge researches now save their progress when interrupted
NOTE! ADD +++ Cast mode now remains active when casting spells while holding down shift key, similar to building traps/doors/work units with shift key
NOTE! ADD +++ It is no longer possible to "dismiss" a health potion or medal
NOTE! ADD +++ Minor controller improvements
NOTE! ADD +++ Singleplayer games will now be paused if the player opens the steam overlay
NOTE! ADD +++ It is no longer possible to control the paused game and game menus while the steam overlay is opened
NOTE! ADD +++ Added new sounds
NOTE! ADD +++ Corrected some sounds
NOTE! ADD +++ Added a "Play" button next to owned DLC that allows jumping to skirmish/campaign menus directly to start playing the new content for clarification of the DLC sub-menu
NOTE! ADD +++ New grayscale effect for some deactivated GUI to make their state clearer
NOTE! ADD +++ Dependency errors are now being shown in tooltip while research is in progress
NOTE! ADD +++ Unit list UI at top of screen now lets you select and multiselect units via the portraits with Shift/Ctrl-LMB
NOTE! ADD +++ Multiselection now has tooltips
NOTE! ADD +++ Shift/Ctrl-LMB-selecting unit groups now works in all RTS places in the game
NOTE! ADD +++ Area traps like the thrasher can no longer be built next to a room
NOTE! ADD +++ Chat log is now limited to 100 lines
NOTE! ADD +++ Chaotic / Absolute / Ultimate Evil now has a minimap icon
NOTE! ADD +++ Rework of mission goal display
NOTE! ADD +++ Build exactly the room tiles that are displayed as buildable in case insufficient gold for the whole room is available
NOTE! ADD +++ Improved error message when not enough gold is available to build even 1 room tile
NOTE! ADD +++ Game now shows a unit as having 1 HP when it's actual HP would be rounded down to 0
NOTE! ADD +++ Armor is shown as precise number with one digit after comma
NOTE! ADD +++ Unit details tab now shows real speed, not base speed of unit
NOTE! ADD +++ Research is now disabled but visible if only requirement is not met
NOTE! ADD +++ Maximum unit level is at 11 and is shown as yellow number instead of white
NOTE! ADD +++ Units without level information are by default displayed as maxed out (NPCs like Barthas, ...)
NOTE! ADD +++ New icon for room upgrade submenu
NOTE! ADD +++ Evil hand now can hold no more than one special item (medals, health potions) at a time
NOTE! ADD +++ Introduced minimap icon for spider spawner
NOTE! ADD +++ It is no longer possible to zoom with the mousewheel while using the unit pickup UI
NOTE! ADD +++ Multiplayer map "Ultimate Carnage": Added granite behind all portals
NOTE! ADD +++ Reworked various visual objects for performance and improved looks (particle effects, vegetation, etc.)
NOTE! ADD +++ Sent Halloween invitations to elven ranger, pikeman and crossbowman. They'll bring their costumes!
NOTE! ADD +++ Balancing
NOTE! ADD +++ Changed conversion rate of demon "gold to mana" spell
NOTE! ADD +++ Bards now switch to a better trap if they find one while deactivating another trap
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixes:
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a bug that lead to players being stuck in loading screen when switching back to main menu
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a bug that could freeze the game when opening and closing singleplayer campaign screen very rapidly
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed stat-based steam achievements sometimes being unlocked incorrectly
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed floating numbers sometimes being shown incorrectly
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a problem with fog of war being uncovered due to switching resolutions
NOTE! ADD +++ Players may now drag monsterst with more than 1 HP onto healing stations
NOTE! ADD +++ Servants now have a post-teleport buff that lets dem ignore combat as they were sometimes stuck in combat after teleport
NOTE! ADD +++ Map "Hatchlings": Fixed broken lava sound
NOTE! ADD +++ Map "The Oasis": Fixed alliance units bringing spiders along to combat
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed wall of ice sometimes being shown as pink
NOTE! ADD +++ Map "The Mountain Pass": Fixed minor graphic inconsistencies
NOTE! ADD +++ Map "Smog!": Fixed a group of 3 drakes in the sothernmost secret room not acting as a group
NOTE! ADD +++ Map "Hatchlings": Fixed a bug with the spider room walls
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed damage numbers sometimes stacking indefinitely
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed enemy unit's weapons sometimes being visible through fog of war in multiplayer
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed various graphical glitches with floors and walls
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed particle rendering glitches
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed decoration clipping in the throne room
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed some problems with destructable objects
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed transparency issues with mission goal icons
NOTE! ADD +++ Units are no longer able to shoot through doors (not working for older savegames)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a bug that resulted in units being stuck to the hand of terror
NOTE! ADD +++ Units can no longer be selected through fog of war
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed several cases in which the AI would not recover from an error (units being stuck in place, etc.)
NOTE! ADD +++ Reworked digged mana crystal default representation
NOTE! ADD +++ GUI of guard room now works correctly
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a problem when hand of terror pickups something already gone in multiplayer
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed wrong activity icon being displayed when switching arena puppet targets while unit is working
NOTE! ADD +++ Job information for units not currently working is now being hidden
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a potential blocker on map "In the swamplands" due to the crystal chamber
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed highlights around weapons
NOTE! ADD +++ Guarding monster now work correctly with savegames
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a problem with doors staying open
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a problem with gimmick holograms floating in some cases in build mode
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a problem with displaying tooltips during multiselection
NOTE! ADD +++ Units will no longer follow destroyed entities
NOTE! ADD +++ Taunt effect now stops when the target dies
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a problem that confused certain spells during cast (e.g. if the player selected meteor and then selected fireball with the cast cursor activated, he would still cast meteor)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed dead units rotating in place
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed invisibility shader
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed some areas between UI elements not to be treated as UI space
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an experimental fullscreen error
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed problems when saving a game while capturing an area in skirmish and multiplayer maps
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed error message if skill target is not reachable
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed various problems with character physics simulation in combination with teleportation, death, dragging, slapping
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed save game names not fitting into the designated text box

NOTE! CHANGED Dungeons 2, file_size: 2.5 GB ***TO*** 2.6 GB
mrkgnao: You're welcome. I forgot to reply to you on the first post, and only remembered on the second.
By the way, does MaGog only notice newly-added serials for games that you have or also for games that you don't? I'm asking because when you notified me about the addition of the serials, I noticed that another Paradox game, Cities in Motion, also received a serial (while in its initial release, it had none), but I didn't notice any such update from you.
From MaGog's logs for 15 October (part 2 of 3):

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Celestian Tales: Old North, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0.11 gog-4 ***TO*** 1.0.11 gog-5

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Celestian Tales: Old North, all_files, Patch 1.0.11 [Windows], dl_ver: 1.05 (gog-3) -> 1.0.11 (gog-4) ***TO*** 1.0.11 (gog-4) -> 1.0.11 (gog-5)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Celestian Tales: Old North, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0.11 (gog-5) ***TO*** 1.0.11 (gog-6)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Celestian Tales: Old North, all_files, Linux installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0.11 (gog-2) ***TO*** 1.0.11 (gog-3)

NOTE! CHANGED Celestian Tales: Old North, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.0.11 (15 October 2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Upgraded to Unity 5.2.1
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed input complications with Xbox One Controller and Windows 10
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed several dialogue entries
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an accessory giving inappropriate SP in combat when taken off

NOTE! CHANGED Celestian Tales: Old North, file_size: 1 GB ***TO*** 0.9 GB

[Curious that the game version didn't change]

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Serpent in the Staglands, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: v.15 (gog-10) ***TO*** v.16 (gog-11)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Serpent in the Staglands, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: v.15 (gog-16) ***TO*** v.16 (gog-17)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Serpent in the Staglands, all_files, Linux installer, English, dl_ver: v.15 (gog-15) ***TO*** v.16 (gog-16)

NOTE! CHANGED Serpent in the Staglands, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 16 (15 October 2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Added diagonal direction option to keys (can hold two at once)
NOTE! ADD +++ Various spelling updates in conversations and items
NOTE! ADD +++ Gameplay
NOTE! ADD +++ Trap re-loading bug in Lumen Caverns fixed
NOTE! ADD +++ Kyrilu dialog endless loop fixed
NOTE! ADD +++ Cave Journal in Ista Cale populates as normal under all conditions
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance
NOTE! ADD +++ Spider summons do less poison damage
NOTE! ADD +++ Goblin summons: -1 Dex
NOTE! ADD +++ Ista Cale Manor and Lighthouse Guards AC, Dex, and Str upgrades
NOTE! ADD +++ Octavian & Mya stat upgrades all around
NOTE! ADD +++ Ice Spider AC upgrade
NOTE! ADD +++ Slavers: Dex upgrade
NOTE! ADD +++ Slaver Cook: Str upgrade
NOTE! ADD +++ Fighting Pits: various Str, Occ upgrades for opponents
NOTE! ADD +++ Skills/Spells
NOTE! ADD +++ Nauseate: Cast times updated
NOTE! ADD +++ Strangling Vines: Cast times update
NOTE! ADD +++ Searing Light: initiates hostility
NOTE! ADD +++ Siphon Poisons: skill and proc times now accurately affecting each other
NOTE! ADD +++ Arcane Attack: displays all hit information in game feed, small tweaks
NOTE! ADD +++ Feverish Haze: proc inconsistencies fixed
NOTE! ADD +++ Arcane Shield: Description update
NOTE! ADD +++ Festering Ooze: Description update
NOTE! ADD +++ Morph Into Cat: Description update
NOTE! ADD +++ Morph Into Bats: Movement speed updates, INT-dependent
NOTE! ADD +++ Polymorph into Wolf: weapons disappear under all situations now, duration time fix, various tweaks
NOTE! ADD +++ Hallucinogen: Fixed disappearing enemies (if they travel off screen from fleeing and return)
NOTE! ADD +++ Foul Creep: Stat affliction now works under all circumstances
NOTE! ADD +++ Amplify: augments cast speed as expected
NOTE! ADD +++ Shimmering Scales: Math update
NOTE! ADD +++ Blood Cocoon: Math tweak for healing output
NOTE! ADD +++ Parasitic Orb: General and duration updates
NOTE! ADD +++ Planar Jump: Damage fix for all situations on use
NOTE! ADD +++ Turn to Stone: loops spell cast on miss now (instead of stopping), game feed updated to reflect
NOTE! ADD +++ Magic Shield: Protections end as expected, various stability updates and description in game feed

NOTE! CHANGED Serpent in the Staglands, file_size: 273 MB ***TO*** 272 MB
From MaGog's logs for 15 October (part 3 of 3):

NOTE! CHANGED FILE This War of Mine: Soundtrack Edition, downloadables, Windows installer, English (setup_this_war_of_mine_2.1.0.5.exe ***TO*** setup_this_war_of_mine_2.2.0.6.exe; 1.3.2 (gog-5) ***TO*** 1.4 (gog-6); Thu, 14 May 2015 10:03:45 GMT ***TO*** Thu, 15 Oct 2015 13:47:30 GMT; 874,269,512 ***TO*** 904,163,968)

NOTE! REMOVED FILE This War of Mine: Soundtrack Edition, downloadables, Update 1.2 (gog-4) (patch_this_war_of_mine_2.0.2.4.exe; 1.2 (gog-4); Fri, 19 Dec 2014 17:04:27 GMT; 150,254,256)

NOTE! REMOVED FILE This War of Mine: Soundtrack Edition, downloadables, Update 1.3.2 (gog-5) (patch_this_war_of_mine_2.1.0.5.exe; 1.2 (gog-4) to 1.3.2 (gog-5); Thu, 14 May 2015 09:59:00 GMT; 68,882,520)

NOTE! ADDED FILE This War of Mine: Soundtrack Edition, downloadables, Patch 1.4 (patch_this_war_of_mine_2.2.0.6.exe; 1.3.2 (gog-5) to 1.4 (gog-6); Thu, 15 Oct 2015 13:38:40 GMT; 48,894,632)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE This War of Mine: Soundtrack Edition, downloadables, Mac OS X installer, English (this_war_of_mine_2.3.0.9.dmg ***TO*** this_war_of_mine_2.0.0.4.dmg; 1.3.2 (gog-9) ***TO*** 1.4 (gog-4); Thu, 14 May 2015 10:04:05 GMT ***TO*** Thu, 15 Oct 2015 13:51:18 GMT; 885,297,973 ***TO*** 917,134,548)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE This War of Mine: Soundtrack Edition, downloadables, Linux installer, English ( ***TO***; 1.3.2 (gog-4) ***TO*** 1.4 (gog-6); Tue, 04 Aug 2015 15:33:09 GMT ***TO*** Thu, 15 Oct 2015 13:12:47 GMT; 877,576,181 ***TO*** 907,091,278)

NOTE! CHANGED This War of Mine: Soundtrack Edition, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.4 (15 October 2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Added GOG Galaxy achievements
NOTE! ADD +++ The Scenario Editor is expanded with new, more diverse characters to multiply possibilities in creating your stories
NOTE! ADD +++ New language versions are supported: Turkish, Korean and Japanese

NOTE! CHANGED This War of Mine: Soundtrack Edition, languages: Text only: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian-Portuguese, Russian ***TO*** Text only: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Brazilian-Portuguese, Russian, Turkish

NOTE! REMOVED FILE Xenonauts, downloadables, Patch 1.54 (patch_xenonauts_2.1.1.11.exe; ; Thu, 19 Feb 2015 18:14:22 GMT; 7,374,880)

NOTE! ADDED FILE Xenonauts, downloadables, Mac OS X installer, English (xenonauts_2.0.0.2.dmg; 1.61 (gog-2); Thu, 15 Oct 2015 15:38:28 GMT; 2,448,562,288)

NOTE! ADDED FILE Xenonauts, downloadables, Linux installer, English (; 1.61 (gog-2); Thu, 15 Oct 2015 15:40:18 GMT; 2,665,624,929)

NOTE! CHANGED Xenonauts, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.61 (15 October 2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ The Mac and Linux versions of Xenonauts have been added.

NOTE! CHANGED Xenonauts, os: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) ***TO*** Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) and Mac OS X (10.7.0 or newer) and Linux (Ubuntu 14.04, Mint 17)

NOTE! CHANGED Xenonauts, sys_req_win: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, 2.0 GHz Processor, 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended), 3D graphics card with 512 MB RAM with DirectX 9.0c support, 3 GB HDD, Mouse, Keyboard. Compatibility notice: Xenonauts requires a minimum resolution of 1280 x 720 ***TO*** Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, Processor:Intel 2 GHz, Memory:1 GB RAM, Graphics:Integrated Graphics, Hard Drive:3 GB HD space, Sound:Integrated, Monitor:1280x720 pixels minimum, Recommended system requirements: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, Processor: Intel 2 GHz, Memory: 2 GB RAM, Graphics: 512 MB DirectX 9.0c Compliant Video Card, Hard Drive: 3 GB HD space, Sound: Integrated, Monitor: 1280x720 pixels minimum

NOTE! CHANGED Xenonauts, sys_req_mac: ***TO*** OS X 10.7.0 or better, Processor:Intel 2 GHz, Memory:1 GB RAM, Graphics:Integrated Graphics, Hard Drive:3 GB HD space, Sound:Integrated, Monitor:1280x720 pixels minimum, Recommended system requirements: OS X 10.7.0 or better, Processor:Intel 2 GHz, Memory:2 GB RAM, Graphics: 512 MB DirectX 9.0c Compliant Video Card, Hard Drive:3 GB HD space, Sound:Integrated, Monitor:1280x720 pixels minimum

NOTE! CHANGED Xenonauts, sys_req_linux: ***TO*** Ubuntu 14.04, Mint 17, Processor:Intel 2 GHz, Memory:1 GB RAM, Graphics:Integrated Graphics, Hard Drive:3 GB HD space, Sound:Integrated, Monitor:1280x720 pixels minimum, Recommended system requirements: Ubuntu 14.04, Mint 17, Processor:Intel 2 GHz, Memory:2 GB RAM, Graphics:512 MB DirectX 9.0c Compliant Video Card, Hard Drive:3 GB HD space, Sound:Integrated, Monitor:1280x720 pixels minimum

Also, the Wasteland 2 GOG page bugs reported here have been fixed.
mrkgnao: You're welcome. I forgot to reply to you on the first post, and only remembered on the second.
Grargar: By the way, does MaGog only notice newly-added serials for games that you have or also for games that you don't? I'm asking because when you notified me about the addition of the serials, I noticed that another Paradox game, Cities in Motion, also received a serial (while in its initial release, it had none), but I didn't notice any such update from you.
Unfortunately, only for games I own.
mrkgnao: Unfortunately, only for games I own.
I see. Thanks for the info. It's possible, then, that other Paradox games might have received a serial.
Post edited October 15, 2015 by Grargar
Grargar: I see. Thanks for the info. It's possible, then, that other Paradox games might have received a serial.
Don't know which ones might be new (aside of CiM) but i know that Majesty 2, Europa Universalis III, Europa Universalis Rome, Hearts of Iron III, Cities in Motion have serials here.
Post edited October 16, 2015 by ElTerprise
ElTerprise: Don't know which ones might be new (aside of CiM) but i know that Majesty 2, Europa Universalis III, Europa Universalis Rome, Hearts of Iron III, Cities in Motion have serials here.
I see. Thanks for the Europa Universalis III bit. Do you have all Paradox games here? If not, which are you missing?
Grargar: I see. Thanks for the Europa Universalis III bit. Do you have all Paradox games here? If not, which are you missing?
You're welcome. I should have all of them and if i'm not mistaken at least Victoria and (maybe) Crusader Kings are still missing serials here....
Post edited October 16, 2015 by ElTerprise