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low rated
WBGhiro: 4chan threads only started getting deleted months after the first gamergate discussion started
While that is definitely incorrect, there's some truth to your statements nonetheless.

It wasn't 4chan, it was reddit where TotalBiscuit's misguided social outrage post generated harassment campaigns on August 19th, 2014, and where those threads were subsequently deleted.

Many of these forums have rendered explanations why they don't wish to discuss gamergate as such (and many owners have commented on what these discussions inevitably turn to "instead").

Vainamoinen: SJWs are rich white people, that's what we`ve been saying the entire time.
Brasas has asked for a less black and white assessment of the situation, so here goes:

The mole tunnel vision that the belief in "SJWs" entails precludes any kind of holistic, multi-faceted perspective on outrage culture and the harassment it fosters – harassment regardless of individual social justice cause, be it inclusion and diversity or free speech and journalistic ethics.
Clearly Vain has never played the game. 40-60 minutes my ass. Try 10 minutes max unless you read 10 words a minute. And when it was originally on Greenlight, it did have a price. But lets not let the facts get in the way of a good story...
While it was PWYW on her website, the reason given was that Steam does not do "Pay What You Want".

When she decided to re-submit it to Greenlight, then it became free.

But even the first time, she had a shit fit over the negative comments even going so far as to screen cap some comments on Wizard chan and claim how she was being "harassed". The story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" comes to mind...

It's not like she was the first developer to go ape shit over bad Steam reviews and she won't be the last. I still remember the Darkbase One dev.

But hey, weird thing...just search for Depression Quest released and see how many articles were written for this "free" game by her journalist friends. This was before the Zoe Post. Doesn't every free game get this sort of notoriety? Or is it just people with close journalist ties?

And look at Vain the fool for trying to condemn me for Tweeting twice to get free Digital Homicide games to my zero followers. And look at the loser vainly trying to use this to attack my taste in games. What an asshole! Talk about more proof that Vain will take anything out of context in order to distort the truth... Shows what a dishonest person he is.
Post edited May 09, 2016 by RWarehall
Vainamoinen: Brasas has asked for a less black and white assessment of the situation, so here goes:

The mole tunnel vision that the belief in "SJWs" entails precludes any kind of holistic, multi-faceted perspective on outrage culture and the harassment it fosters – harassment regardless of individual social justice cause, be it inclusion and diversity or free speech and journalistic ethics.
Now, I didn't understand what you were trying to say here
low rated
Rusty_Gunn: Now, I didn't understand what you were trying to say here
Here's a longer evaluation.
Ironically, even in that post Vain shows himself to be the hypocrite.

In the same single post where he claims to condemn callout culture...
"gawker published a vile callout piece"
"If Milo Yiannopoulos wants to spend his time barking at gawker, I have no problem with that, it keeps him from writing deeply harrassing three part callout/takedown pieces on private individuals."
"I also don't think TotalBiscuit is transphobic. Unfortunately, he still is the serial harrasser he's been called"

Plenty more "callouts" by Vain in that post who seems to simultaneously callout and judge other people to the extreme.

Maybe you ought to look at yourself in a are the epitome of the same callout culture you claim to condemn.
WBGhiro: 4chan threads only started getting deleted months after the first gamergate discussion started
Vainamoinen: While that is definitely incorrect, there's some truth to your statements nonetheless.

It wasn't 4chan, it was reddit where TotalBiscuit's misguided social outrage post generated harassment campaigns on August 19th, 2014, and where those threads were subsequently deleted.
You're misremebering things really hard here.

TB made his reddit post when Gamergate was already a thing, it wasn't a "social outrage" post, it was a critique to both sides.

And as I said 4chan Gamergate threads started before and continued for quite a while even after TB's post, According to kym September 19th 2014.
Post edited May 08, 2016 by WBGhiro
Heck, the way I remember it, TB commented as vaguely as possible essentially saying that there was a thing going on in the gaming community and he wasn't taking sides.

The antis jumped all over him for daring to even mention it, claiming this made him a Gamergater. Probably because mentioning it at all played contrary to their censorship campaign. He tried for quite awhile to stay neutral only eventually saying he thought Gamergate was more right than the antis. As far as I know, he's still neutral, but leave it to antis like Vain to call him a ringleader...

But no, let Vain try to change history again. Let Vain pick out something problematic in people's past to completely dismiss anything they have to say. And if that doesn't work, make shit up and distort the truth.

Notice what Vain doesn't do...address the actual comments of Milo or TB or Ralph or Sargon or others on Breitbart. Why? Because it's easier to character assassinate the messenger than address what they actually have to say. Maybe because what they say has quite a bit of merit and is not so easily dismissed.
LOL the "hey you are nazis for use the word SJW" hypocrite is still here? It seems he has a big pillow full of lies and sophism ready for make him sleep in his own self imposhed importance xD
Post edited May 08, 2016 by YaTEdiGo
high rated
Vainamoinen: snip

The mole tunnel vision that the belief in "SJWs" entails precludes any kind of holistic, multi-faceted perspective on outrage culture and the harassment it fosters ... snip
I'll get to your larger post in a minute - and I will again state I appreciate your gumption and willingness to talk, to the extent you do, despite almost always hugely disagreeing with you - but I want to jump in to say this is ridiculous Vaina.

I will remind you again that you once identified as SJW. Like you once for whatever reason, there are still self identified SJWs. The concept is not 100% pejorative, nor 100% imagined, and you know very well what it describes.
high rated
Vainamoinen: Thinking is not knowing.
Are you trying to imply the story only has one side? :)

Vainamoinen: And Zoe's harassment doesn't even "prove her right" on the topic of harassment.
I don't have a clue what you're trying to demonstrate here.
Making a point that your idolization of the lady might be unmerited. But hey, you choose your heroes.

Vainamoinen: The discussions deleted on 4chan, ... snip
You're pointing very hard here, at something ...
I would not be able to even tell you what 4chan looks like...

BUT I am pointing at how GOG and I think the Escapist were the only gaming related fora I found where discussion of the ZoePost was not deleted in the very first days. I might be getting some wrong, but IGN, Eurogamer, Polygon, Kotaku, RPS, Gamasutra... all of them places I read and pretty much memory holed the topic and comment / thread deletions were the norm. I do not recall taking part in any of the discussions so early - just trying to figure out what the heck was all the fuss about - and ended up learning more than I wanted, for example I had no idea something as wonderfully perverse as shadownbanning was even possible as a moderation tool. Not to mention that for the heat already getting generated finding a link to the ZoePost was quite difficult in itself...

But please, do not read in what I just wrote that I am a conspiracy theorist. :) I am not so naive to believe that an apparently coordinated set of actions necessarily requires central coordination. Similar motivations and lack of ideological diversity suffices. But is it really unreasonable to believe there is fire where the smoke is thick?

Vainamoinen: The smoke screen came after the harassment was well underway. ... snip ... in August 2014, "ethical concerns in journalism" centered on the ideas that
(a) ... positive coverage of a one and a half year old free game somehow pointed at a systemic problem ...
(b) game journalists reporting on the harassment campaign were deemed corrupt, ... snip
First - what harassment? Though I am sure there was harassment before the ZoePost - that is a non sequitur.
Second - not only are you being reductive on (a) and begging the question on (b) but there is (c) that you're leaving out Vaina...

(c) being the unprecented mass deletions of discussion surrounding the ZoePost that took place and I just described. Did you join the party later and so happened to miss that? Or do you simply not believe me? Or are you conveniently going to ignore that that is itself arguably a breach of standards for public gaming media?

If you think I am going to believe your cherry picked narrative about what "ethics in journalism" stood for versus my own eyes and what I saw happen almost in real time... And please note, I am not denying that there were overblown concerns or even that they were most of the volume - which is no wonder given how hard it was to actually find enough information to get a clearer picture.

Vainamoinen: Actually, to get riled up by the stalker blog post ... gamergate's inaugurating slutshaming event is just one of the many social justice outrages that I find condemnable.
I will be happy to condemn Eron for what was IMO a misguided attempt at calling out his abuser. He was stupid as fuck.

But more relevant to the media narrative and its framing of black and white characters - I would be very interested in having your opinion about whether the behaviors Eron documented from Zoe constitute abuse. Because you agreed victims can be abusers further up right? :)

Vainamoinen: ... The basis for the harassment campaign was and still is the stalker's blog post. I.e. the weakest, most biased, least credible evidence there could ever be. And still [it] got wildly exaggerated to form a proper basis for the harassment campaign.

We have different perspectives on the Game Jam ... to the last one I've read, it's still a "Fuck Pepsicorp" story 100%. ...

"Look away. This is not the corruption you're looking for".
How freaking appropriate Vaina. Not the corruption you're looking for indeed. It's always the coverup heh?
1 - Allow me to rephrase your loaded language: The trigger for GG was the ZoePost.
2 - Allow me to focus on the facts: The ZoePost provided some evidence despite its obvious bias.
3 - The ZoePost triggered harassment of individuals AND it triggered investigation of "corruption".
Or in a digestible narrative to offer diverse perspectives (less black and white): the whistleblower messed up, but the actual scandal blew open due to oversensitive reactions to the investigation it triggered, including refusing to distinguish legitimate investigation from harassment and harassing motives. It's always the coverup heh?

On GameJam. I never disputed the Fuck Pepsicorp narrative is the one that gaming media favored Vaina... but reality TV is not journalism. I have told you or someone else before that corporate PR is expected to be partial - by definition. The ethical standard on corporate bullshit is it can not flat out lie / defraud. Just because it would look like a documentary does not change the fact about what the GameJam was supposed to be: advertisement and entertainment. But journalism supposedly has higher standards...

Vainamoinen: As if a discussion was or could have been prevented ... As if Zoe Quinn constituted a "centralized power". ...
A onesided narrative of GG = harassment emerged and was partially formed consciously via supression of the counter narrative involving journalistic ethics. As mentioned higher this does not necessitate any conspiracy. Groupthink and privilege suffices.

Vainamoinen: There's no comparison to the joyful destruction of a multi million dollar sci-fi award to be drawn here, Brasas. ... Personally, I hope they're suing the Voxman for millions eventually.
You're right - because no multi million dollar sci-fi award has been destroyed.
Or if it has, perhaps that is rather due to awarding stuff like the "If you were a dinosour my love" book. Granted I did not read it, but from what is the plot synopsis I certainly don't see any SciFi element... do you?
And lastly, don't get carried away with revenge fantasies Vaina - I find Vox obnoxious to the utmost but he did nothing illegal. Please don't start dreaming about If the Hugos were dinosaurs, and imagining said pack of velociraptors chomping on Vox Day while having all sorts of polyamorous fun or something...

Vainamoinen: Broad broader broadest. ...

For the Oscars, ... For the Hugos, ... For video games, ... In video game journalism, ... snip
Are you telling me you believe culture to be defined exclusively or primarily by entertainment mass media? Is that the broader you can look? How sadly myopic... and forgive me for the sarcasm here but I just can't believe you are replying like this wholly honestly.

Vainamoinen: I don't think you get to decide what "I am".
Do I get to describe you? Because you rather seem to implicitly object to that, to the point of ?purposefuly? missing the point about progressive driven cultural change in the past decades and what that implies for who are the cultural underdogs nowadays.

Vainamoinen: ... I'm trying to find out what side you've put me on. ... big snip ... I'm only finding Zoe Quinn's
Ah, I do get to describe you... thanks for the invitation of sorts.
Let's see, you're a politically progressive white male. You are on the side of the typical crusades - economic redistribution, welfare, identity politics, anti-capitalism, multiculturalism, etc... also very likely though I don't think we discussed such topics: atheist, pro-Palestine, pro abortion, renewable energy, legalize marijuana, less limits on abortion...

How many did I get right? :)

It's not that those positions make you anti GG. There's folks like you on the GG side I'm sure. It's that the opposite stereotype is almost by definition excluded from the anti GG side. Even if some poor misguided sap managed to drift into anti-GG with mirror image political / cultural positions, they would be purged fast enough.

And finally, to go back to Zoe's side - other than anti-GG. That's the difference between us for sure. I am not on her side blindly. I will defend her on occasion and attack her on others. Just like I do for GG folks.
Vainamoinen: snip

The mole tunnel vision that the belief in "SJWs" entails precludes any kind of holistic, multi-faceted perspective on outrage culture and the harassment it fosters ... snip
Brasas: I'll get to your larger post in a minute - and I will again state I appreciate your gumption and willingness to talk, to the extent you do, despite almost always hugely disagreeing with you - but I want to jump in to say this is ridiculous Vaina.

I will remind you again that you once identified as SJW. Like you once for whatever reason, there are still self identified SJWs. The concept is not 100% pejorative, nor 100% imagined, and you know very well what it describes.
Forget about it, SJW have the post-structuralism beieve, almost FAITH that if they just say "this concept doesnt exist" the rest of the humankind will cease to use it, as is their divine right to guide masses LOOOL
Post edited May 09, 2016 by YaTEdiGo
low rated
Brasas: and I will again state I appreciate your gumption and willingness to talk
We'll talk more when the serial abuser has left.
Brasas: and I will again state I appreciate your gumption and willingness to talk
Vainamoinen: We'll talk more when the serial abuser has left.
Who are you talking about?
In other news, I see that The Fine Young Capitalists have selected a winner. Seems an interesting take on the genre...
A ghost themed Dungeon Master-type game After Life Empire.
RWarehall: In other news, I see that The Fine Young Capitalists have selected a winner. Seems an interesting take on the genre...
A ghost themed Dungeon Master-type game After Life Empire.
Cool, kinda reminds me of "Ghost Master"

WAIT! Was this supposed have been made by gurls? this could cause cats & dogs living together, mass hysteria

It's too late for us
