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RWarehall: It's one thing to bring up the source as a potential for bias, but another thing entirely to just dismiss any article without reading them because they come from what you consider a "biased source".

Its typical SJW logic really...
Ignore everything that is said by anyone who isn't an SJW or opposes your cause, and then claim there is no opposition...

If you don't see how this results in echo chambers and one-sided zealotry, no one can help you!
Fever_Discordia: I didn't say I dismissed articles from Reaxxion out of hand, or that you should stop posting links from there, I just said that you don't get to do that and then claim that you don't support any actual women haters
Not that I didn't make any similar claims about who is or isn't supported on the other side though...
dragonbeast: Don't dodge the questions pls.

You 100% avoided answering what he asked.

A very common aGG tactic. When asked tough question, launch an attack to save the narrative
Fever_Discordia: Personally? No I don't support them, I'm maybe not the best person to ask though as, especially after the GG meetup bomb threat, I'm pretty much anti-GG independently at this point...
Fever, you are a fucking jerk. So if one links from Reaxxion they support woman haters? Automatically? FUCK YOU!!! You are a lying deceptive and manipulative asshole.

First off, you may not like some of the things the owner of that company says, but as far as I can tell, he primarily stands for Men's Rights and the women he opposes are a particular sub-group of those calling themselves feminists. You know, the kind that yell "patriarchy" and "privilege" and use those words as if they are definitive arguments in and of themselves.

Do you ever watch TV? Have you seen or read anything owned by Rupert Murdock? Then by your logic you support his right-wing opinions.

If you are going to vainly attempt to character assassinate people like above, be aware, you also live in such a glass house.

Quite frankly, I find you and your deceptive and misleading argumentation disgusting. GO FUCK YOURSELF!

This was the same stupid argument mentioned above claiming GOG supports Gamergate because they use TotalBiscuit in their promotions. That was a decidedly dumb claim to make and yours is just as dumb.
Post edited July 20, 2015 by RWarehall
RWarehall: This was the same stupid argument mentioned above claiming GOG supports Gamergate because they use TotalBiscuit in their promotions. That was a decidedly dumb claim to make and yours is just as dumb.
They are angry cuz it shows GoG at least does not believe it to be an organised terrorist organisation
Post edited July 20, 2015 by dragonbeast
low rated
Fever_Discordia: I didn't say I dismissed articles from Reaxxion out of hand, or that you should stop posting links from there, I just said that you don't get to do that and then claim that you don't support any actual women haters
Not that I didn't make any similar claims about who is or isn't supported on the other side though...

Personally? No I don't support them, I'm maybe not the best person to ask though as, especially after the GG meetup bomb threat, I'm pretty much anti-GG independently at this point...
RWarehall: Fever, you are a fucking jerk. So if one links from Reaxxion they support woman haters? Automatically? FUCK YOU!!! You are a lying deceptive and manipulative asshole.

First off, you may not like some of the things the owner of that company says, but as far as I can tell, he primarily stands for Men's Rights and the women he opposes are a particular sub-group of those calling themselves feminists. You know, the kind that yell "patriarchy" and "privilege" and use those words as if they are definitive arguments in and of themselves.

Do you ever watch TV? Have you seen or read anything owned by Rupert Murdock? Then by your logic you support his right-wing opinions.

If you are going to vainly attempt to character assassinate people like above, be aware, you also live in such a glass house.

Quite frankly, I find you and your deceptive and misleading argumentation disgusting. GO FUCK YOURSELF!

This was the same stupid argument mentioned above claiming GOG supports Gamergate because they use TotalBiscuit in their promotions. That was a decidedly dumb claim to make and yours is just as dumb.
Firstly, as much as I hate Murdock and his evil, phone tapping news empire, consuming The Simpsons or Sam and Max (on Fox Kids) is not the same as being taken in by articles in The Sun or on Fox news that are permeated by his political agenda, and no, I don't do that

The articles on Reaxxion ARE permeated by Rooch's politics and no, I don't believe that Rooch checks the feminist credentials of every women he 'hate-fucks' as research for his PUA rape manuals

Although, on the subject of feminists, while there is extremism equal to Rooch's on the rad fem side, there are still a lot of more moderate feminist voices out there who are making some good points, Emma Watson and Cate Blanchett keep popping up in my FB news feed, saying some very sensible things, for instance (although, admittedly Madonna doesn't seem to be able to open her mouth without putting her foot in it these days - I think she may have lost it, bless her...)
Fever_Discordia: Firstly, as much as I hate Murdock and his evil, phone tapping news empire, consuming The Simpsons or Sam and Max (on Fox Kids) is not the same as being taken in by articles in The Sun or on Fox news that are permeated by his political agenda, and no, I don't do that

The articles on Reaxxion ARE permeated by Rooch's politics and no, I don't believe that Rooch checks the feminist credentials of every women he 'hate-fucks' as research for his PUA rape manuals

Although, on the subject of feminists, while there is extremism equal to Rooch's on the rad fem side, there are still a lot of more moderate feminist voices out there who are making some good points, Emma Watson and Cate Blanchett keep popping up in my FB news feed, saying some very sensible things, for instance (although, admittedly Madonna doesn't seem to be able to open her mouth without putting her foot in it these days - I think she may have lost it, bless her...)
Well, you've just admitted to watching some of Murdock's shows and those (through advertising) supporting his empire. Makes you quite the hypocrite. The problem with you, you almost never argue the articles themselves. You instead manipulatively try to shoot the messenger instead. This is just dishonest argumentation.

Dishonest just like the fact that Reaxxion has been mentioned for many many posts, but here you are bringing it up again out of the blue.

Nope. You are a deceitful individual. You'd rather attempt to character assassinate people rather than engage in any kind of honest debate. You are a troll and nothing more...
you know what i find an example of how aGG basically dislikes people having opinions? They don't just dislike you liking a person they don't, they can't stand it if you don't fully HATE those they dislike. If you are not burning with anger and hate against those they point at, you are a misoginy endorsing terroristµ

but GG is the hate movement
A small clarification here. No one is in GG because GG hates feminism. GG does not hate feminism. What GG hates is RADICAL feminism. Roosh is against almost all types of feminism; but most GGers support at least non radical everyday equity and choice feminism.

Don't forget Sarkeesian said something along the lines of : Feminism is about being part of something larger than yourself. So the choices of the individual woman doesn't matter as much as its effects on women as a whole. So if one woman says she isn't oppressed by patriarchy, and taking a job from it, she may be making the oppression by the patriarchy worse for other women. I don't believe in this type of choice feminism.
Watch the first 7minutes of this :

Emma Watson and such also emphasized that feminism should not amount to hatred of men.She also pushes for a moderate stand and wants discussion rather than narrative and counter narrative. I'll agree with her for now......

And I know there probably are some people who legitimately want to enslave women and stuff; but I really don't think about them because its depressing and my thoughts won't do any good since the media will take care if they ever come out of their forest.Not to mention almost all humans alive condemn them, including me.
Post edited July 20, 2015 by Shadowstalker16
RWarehall: This was the same stupid argument mentioned above claiming GOG supports Gamergate because they use TotalBiscuit in their promotions. That was a decidedly dumb claim to make and yours is just as dumb.
dragonbeast: They are angry cuz it shows GoG at least does not believe it to be an organised terrorist organisation
Anyone who thinks Gamergate is an organized terrorist organization needs to be put in a straight jacket and locked up. Because that level of insanity makes you dangerous to others.
RWarehall: Fever, you are a fucking jerk. So if one links from Reaxxion they support woman haters? Automatically? FUCK YOU!!! You are a lying deceptive and manipulative asshole.

First off, you may not like some of the things the owner of that company says, but as far as I can tell, he primarily stands for Men's Rights and the women he opposes are a particular sub-group of those calling themselves feminists. You know, the kind that yell "patriarchy" and "privilege" and use those words as if they are definitive arguments in and of themselves.

Do you ever watch TV? Have you seen or read anything owned by Rupert Murdock? Then by your logic you support his right-wing opinions.

If you are going to vainly attempt to character assassinate people like above, be aware, you also live in such a glass house.

Quite frankly, I find you and your deceptive and misleading argumentation disgusting. GO FUCK YOURSELF!

This was the same stupid argument mentioned above claiming GOG supports Gamergate because they use TotalBiscuit in their promotions. That was a decidedly dumb claim to make and yours is just as dumb.
Fever_Discordia: Firstly, as much as I hate Murdock and his evil, phone tapping news empire, consuming The Simpsons or Sam and Max (on Fox Kids) is not the same as being taken in by articles in The Sun or on Fox news that are permeated by his political agenda, and no, I don't do that

The articles on Reaxxion ARE permeated by Rooch's politics and no, I don't believe that Rooch checks the feminist credentials of every women he 'hate-fucks' as research for his PUA rape manuals

Although, on the subject of feminists, while there is extremism equal to Rooch's on the rad fem side, there are still a lot of more moderate feminist voices out there who are making some good points, Emma Watson and Cate Blanchett keep popping up in my FB news feed, saying some very sensible things, for instance (although, admittedly Madonna doesn't seem to be able to open her mouth without putting her foot in it these days - I think she may have lost it, bless her...)
PUA is dishonest, unethical and disrespectful, but it is not rape, if you equate everything to rape, soon nothing will be rape or everything will become rape.
Shadowstalker16: A small clarification here. No one is in GG because GG hates feminism. GG does not hate feminism. What GG hates is RADICAL feminism. Roosh is against almost all types of feminism; but most GGers support at least non radical everyday equity and choice feminism.

Don't forget Sarkeesian said something along the lines of : Feminism is about being part of something larger than yourself. So the choices of the individual woman doesn't matter as much as its effects on women as a whole. So if one woman says she isn't oppressed by patriarchy, and taking a job from it, she may be making the oppression by the patriarchy worse for other women. I don't believe in this type of choice feminism.
Watch the first 7minutes of this :

Emma Watson and such also emphasized that feminism should not amount to hatred of men.She also pushes for a moderate stand and wants discussion rather than narrative and counter narrative. I'll agree with her for now......

And I know there probably are some people who legitimately want to enslave women and stuff; but I really don't think about them because its depressing and my thoughts won't do any good since the media will take care if they ever come out of their forest.Not to mention almost all humans alive condemn them, including me.
Well, I am against the largest bulk of feminism because modern feminism has become a man hating female supremacist group. Very few feminists nowadays are sane and decent persons (C. H. Sommers is for example a feminist who feels no contempt for men), and that is a cancer that existed from the bases of feminism thanks to the madness of people such as Irigarai and Dworkin.
Post edited July 20, 2015 by LeonardoCornejo
The lunacy continues - Robots to have human rights?

Benjamin Shapiro assaulted by transgender TV host.

And ... as they say in the south, I don't have a dog in this fight but its interesting to note - never tell a rebel he can't do something y'all :-)
Well yes; because feminism today has mostly devolved into man hating. The original feminist movements were very much needed but after the original goals were reached, the radicals among them still stuck around and mutated feminism into this. And most people today associate feminism with the likes of Sarkeesian and other such quacks.

Susan B Anthony, the champion of American women's rights wanted equality. What she said was the women should have all the rights as men. Not more and not less. Like; watch that PowerPuff Girls episode with that radfem bank robber lol.

If the Confedarate Flag was so offensive, it'd have been removed long ago. This just illustrates that the $J movement is going too fast and too radical towards an authoritarian censorship group. I won't be surprised at all when they have Picasso paintings burned or nude statues from ancient Greece destroyed for misogyny and objectification.
low rated
Fever_Discordia: Firstly, as much as I hate Murdock and his evil, phone tapping news empire, consuming The Simpsons or Sam and Max (on Fox Kids) is not the same as being taken in by articles in The Sun or on Fox news that are permeated by his political agenda, and no, I don't do that

The articles on Reaxxion ARE permeated by Rooch's politics and no, I don't believe that Rooch checks the feminist credentials of every women he 'hate-fucks' as research for his PUA rape manuals

Although, on the subject of feminists, while there is extremism equal to Rooch's on the rad fem side, there are still a lot of more moderate feminist voices out there who are making some good points, Emma Watson and Cate Blanchett keep popping up in my FB news feed, saying some very sensible things, for instance (although, admittedly Madonna doesn't seem to be able to open her mouth without putting her foot in it these days - I think she may have lost it, bless her...)
RWarehall: Well, you've just admitted to watching some of Murdock's shows and those (through advertising) supporting his empire. Makes you quite the hypocrite. The problem with you, you almost never argue the articles themselves. You instead manipulatively try to shoot the messenger instead. This is just dishonest argumentation.

Dishonest just like the fact that Reaxxion has been mentioned for many many posts, but here you are bringing it up again out of the blue.

Nope. You are a deceitful individual. You'd rather attempt to character assassinate people rather than engage in any kind of honest debate. You are a troll and nothing more...
LOL no, watching The Simpsons and refuting the fact that GG doesn't support any women haters when it embraces and defends Return of Kings' sister site as a legitimate source for GG news does not make me a hypocrite
for a start I'm not the one making any bold claims and secondly me watching Simpsons is just me kicking back as an individual, it has no bearing on what GG, antti-GG or being-on-the-fence-about-GG are seen to be doing, as a group
Of course you are a lying deceiving hypocrite. Liars like you are typical of SJWs. You claim that anyone reading Reaxxion is supporting Return of Kings, yet you partaking of Rupert Murdock's offerings somehow isn't implicit support of him. Makes you such a fucking hypocrite.

Now, rational people, of which you clearly are not, can accept the fact that one can gain information from sites without automatically supporting them. For example, I read Huffington Post articles all the time and it doesn't make me automatically support liberal Dems. I watch Fox programming and even occasionally catch parts of Fox news and it hasn't turned me into a stark raving mad conservative and I don't all of a sudden believe Obama is a Muslim.

Frankly, you are just a fucking asshole. What gives you the right to even call Return of Kings "women haters"? Because you don't think men can deserve any rights? You are the asshole who seems to go around spreading the hate. So seriously FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU HYPOCRITE!
RWarehall: Well, you've just admitted to watching some of Murdock's shows and those (through advertising) supporting his empire. Makes you quite the hypocrite. The problem with you, you almost never argue the articles themselves. You instead manipulatively try to shoot the messenger instead. This is just dishonest argumentation.

Dishonest just like the fact that Reaxxion has been mentioned for many many posts, but here you are bringing it up again out of the blue.

Nope. You are a deceitful individual. You'd rather attempt to character assassinate people rather than engage in any kind of honest debate. You are a troll and nothing more...
Fever_Discordia: LOL no, watching The Simpsons and refuting the fact that GG doesn't support any women haters when it embraces and defends Return of Kings' sister site as a legitimate source for GG news does not make me a hypocrite
for a start I'm not the one making any bold claims and secondly me watching Simpsons is just me kicking back as an individual, it has no bearing on what GG, antti-GG or being-on-the-fence-about-GG are seen to be doing, as a group
First of all, I posted links to reaxxion and I now don't. And it has more bearing on how the tabloids that pass for journalistic sites depict GG news that I have to go to Roosh's sites to get info that isn't 99% narrative and 1% fact. I now look up the KiA subreddit and don't visit them much. Happy?
When all other avenues of proper reporting are blocked, expect people to go somewhere where it at least isn't as tainted. Supporting is a vague word to throw around here. Kotaku is supporting Reaxxion by being such piss poor journalists and causing people to migrate. True/ false?
Post edited July 21, 2015 by Shadowstalker16
Look, its simple SJW assholes like Fever will go to any limit in their vain attempts to character assassinate their enemies. Such as "You linked Reaxxion, so you hate women." It doesn't have to make sense (because the SJW crazies rarely do) and better yet, it steals the narrative. So no longer are we talking about a particular article, now we are talking about something stupid.

And notice how Reaxxion hasn't been linked for weeks? But here Fever comes back to this thread talking about Reaxxion and Return of Kings. All because Fever is a Mega Asshole SJW Troll!

I don't need to be civil to obvious trolling assholes....
Post edited July 21, 2015 by RWarehall
RWarehall: I don't need to be civil to obvious trolling assholes....
It should probably be pointed out that many of them justify their behavior the same exact way, though. I think we've all gazed into the abyss long enough to necessitate being wary about it looking back and turning us into the same types of monsters.