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Tormentfan: Lololololololol.
The forum equivalent of unexplainedly hanging up the phone in the middle of a conversation.

I smell a troll.
Tormentfan: Lololololololol.
michaelleung: Glad we cleared that up then. I'll just be off to see a man about a chainsaw and an unmarked Ford Focus.
Good to see that you put your gameface on again. Now show 'em Malcom!
low rated
Tormentfan: Lololololololol.
jamyskis: The forum equivalent of unexplainedly hanging up the phone in the middle of a conversation.

I smell a troll.
Read what he wrote.. I'm pissed that I even have to reply to you over this.

Can you not see that I stopped even reading what he was writing 2 posts before that?

He writes ALL of what he did write.. and you call ME the troll... Jesus, dude.. buy a brain.
Tormentfan: Read what he wrote.. I'm pissed that I even have to reply to you over this.

Can you not see that I stopped even reading what he was writing 2 posts before that?

He writes ALL of what he did write.. and you call ME the troll... Jesus, dude.. buy a brain.
Oh, believe me, I read it, and what I saw was you provoking him and trying to get a rise out of him because he said that he really doesn't give a shit what you think or whether you can detect his sarcasm.
Would you guys rather people bump old threads or create new ones about stuff that's already in existing old threads? (and have people then complain why doesn't the thread creator use Search function)? hahahah
nijuu: Question.
Would you guys rather people bump old threads or create new ones about stuff that's already in existing old threads? (and have people then complain why doesn't the thread creator use Search function)? hahahah
It doesn't really matter as long as it's not going at the rate of twenty threads per hour.

Also, it helps significantly if the thread being bumped actually contains some useful information. That, however, would require the necromancer to read it first, which is probably too much to ask.
nijuu: Question.
Would you guys rather people bump old threads or create new ones about stuff that's already in existing old threads? (and have people then complain why doesn't the thread creator use Search function)? hahahah
bazilisek: It doesn't really matter as long as it's not going at the rate of twenty threads per hour.

Also, it helps significantly if the thread being bumped actually contains some useful information. That, however, would require the necromancer to read it first, which is probably too much to ask.
Just for the record, necromancers ressurect old threads. People that just bump old threads are, well, you know what I mean ;-).
saramakos: I feel like I have just witnessed a nuclear war in high speed just by skimming through this thread! War, war never changes...
You haven't missed much. The details were trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always... purely human ones.
Tormentfan: Lololololololol.
jamyskis: The forum equivalent of unexplainedly hanging up the phone in the middle of a conversation.

I smell a troll.
You have a good sense of smell.
jamyskis: The forum equivalent of unexplainedly hanging up the phone in the middle of a conversation.

I smell a troll.
SirPrimalform: You have a good sense of smell.
Maybe he just likes to be tormented ;-P
SimonG: Maybe he just likes to be tormented ;-P
Yes, perhaps he's a masochist. All this time we've been assuming he likes Planescape Torment and he's actually just into a bit of S&M.
jamyskis: The forum equivalent of unexplainedly hanging up the phone in the middle of a conversation.

I smell a troll.
SirPrimalform: You have a good sense of smell.
What can I say? My nose is made from the finest Japanese parts.
Wishbone: 1. Whenever I see a post that is hidden, I just have to click on it to see what made it so. Hiding posts actually highlights them, for most people.
It's also possible to stop them being hidden in the first place. - just uncheck the option in the forum settings.

I prefer for them to remain unhidden because most of the time they are part of the conversation I'm reading.
nijuu: Question.
Would you guys rather people bump old threads or create new ones about stuff that's already in existing old threads? (and have people then complain why doesn't the thread creator use Search function)? hahahah
There's nothing wrong with resurrecting old threads if it's for an actual reason. I get annoyed when it's nonsense like what this person was doing, or someone just typing 'bump' or adding an unexplained video link or the like to a thread that has been lying formant for a month.
TheEnigmaticT: If you think the folks in this forum aren't a pretty good bunch for a random Internet forum with tens of thousands of visitors a day, you must be new to the webz.

Hi, welcome to the Internet. I recommend you avoid links to a place called /b/. Enjoy the cat videos. We seem to have a lot of them here. ;)
michaelleung: I'm not a fan of the cat videos, is that a new thing? Besides it's a little slow to run on my Mosaic browser.
You kids and your fancy-pants browsers. I'm using Lynx and wget!
Tormentfan: I don't know how it's felt about anywhere else, but in the UK it's a particularly nasty word only used by shitboxes and scumbags.
Weird, I thought it was less strong of a word outside the US. Here it garners more reaction that "fuck" by a mile. You can say "fuck" to your boss, you say "cunt" and you'll probably get fired.
SimonG: It's always funny to check GOG with your morning coffee and think ...


To much drama here, might as well go to the office ..
How about we just crack open a beer and start drinking? What will you have?
Post edited March 02, 2012 by orcishgamer