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Dead man shooting.

The Suffering & The Suffering: Ties That Bind are now available exclusively on with a 10% launch discount.
All but impossible to find in recent years, the elusive psychological horror games return as gory as you remember them, DRM-free and fully compatible with modern operating systems.

The Suffering puts you in the shoes of death row convict Torque as he fights monstrous enemies to escapes his hellish prison and find the truth behind the heinous crime that put him there.

In the sequel Ties That Bind, Torque is a free man in body if not in mind, as he returns to his hometown seeking redemption and revenge from the criminal kingpin he holds responsible for this nightmare.

Check out our Warner Bros. Sale for deals up to -75% until September 11, 1PM UTC.
There's a lot of cool stuff there including the F.E.A.R series, Bastion, plenty of LEGO goodness and more.
this is pretty neat :D

I liked the first suffering a lot but I never played the second one
I never got to play these and have always been interested in them. This is a most unexpected but welcomed addition to GOG. Thank you for these great releases! :)
high rated
And here's a widescreen mod for both games:
Nice enough release, remember this from the Xbox. Quite a bit on the pricey side though. Both of them for $8 and maybe.
never heard of it but I'm buying

Looks like I'm get going every release today, even Batman which probably won't run on my pc :P
Even though I have the older Arkham (Asylum, City) games, I wonder what's keeping them from getting here.
high rated
Sweet releases, full of gory insanity.

I'm a bit frustrated to see that there is less and less new release with goodies or even a manual included, though.
A manual is a minimum and should be mandatory, imo !
low rated
No 75% off discount like for Gauntlet and the other WB games ( see the special promo page ) ? :(
Post edited September 07, 2017 by Painted_Doll
Excellent timing! I was just describing this game to my partner over the weekend but couldn't recall the name. And here it is, ready for me to play again. Much ta, GOG!
Thank you GOG I want to play this so much
high rated
Getting them on day one to reward GOG for getting rid of the Starforce DRM that plagued them.
Fantastic additions, thank you so much GOG team! <3
I still have the PS2 version of the sequel (still working, btw). I'm really glad that after more than 10 years, these two games are now available for download.
Ties That Bind is the best thing that happened to me and I value it above Fight Club movie. It's shorter but superior to first game, true horror atmosphere, not just in the face forced jumpscares like first game. ;p

I had both games retail in one of these big cardboard boxes - rare release without Starforce, DRM-Free on top of that. Sadly there was a glitch with performance, some immortal enemy and bug with toilets (if you used one whole game display was shattered to shreds), also you couldn't import completed save to TTB it simply didn't work in some translated editions, namely Polish one. TTB had issues with some cutscenes or triggers (enemies, doors open) not working sometimes and funny object physics when if you dropped guns to a floor they would slightly levitate above ground. One of the bosses could crash the game if battle was too long, TTB liked to corrupt saves in general, first game had that only with autosaves and liked to glitch playing music, TTB less.
Post edited September 07, 2017 by HenitoKisou