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“There's only one thing that can save a man from madness and that's uncertainty.”

<span class="bold">Metro 2033 Redux</span> the ultimate edition of one of the most compelling survival FPS games, is available now for Windows, DRM-free on Get it up to 60% off with the launch promo!

The bombs fell sometime in July 2013. A nuclear exchange in the Middle East turns global - the United States go quickly, but they do not go quietly. Neither does Russia. The remnants of humanity are saved by an unimposing marvel of modern engineering: the kilometers of underground tunnels that weave below what are now memories of a bustling Moscow. The year is 2033, your home is the Metro.

Metro 2033 is a video game adaptation of an award winning Russian novel by Dmitry Glukhovsky - the survival horror / FPS blend took gamers by surprise with its masterfully thick horror atmosphere and a compelling, fresh, uniquely Russian universe. Metro 2033 Redux is a remastered edition, but it's also far beyond just a graphics update - thanks to significant gameplay and design updates, this release is a game fresh enough even for veterans to truly enjoy. With new graphics, new map design, impressive technical improvements and plenty of new gameplay elements - this is without a doubt the definitive way to experience Metro 2033.

Pick up both <span class="bold">Metro 2033: Redux</span> and the sequel, <span class="bold">Metro: Last Light Redux</span> in a single DRM-free bundle to get 60% off both titles, or pick up today's release or sequel at 50% off individually. The launch discount will last for 5 days, until Monday, July 27 at 9:59 AM GMT.
RafaelLVX: Really now, All bad things and the Ghost books aren't bad, but excellently written is kind of a stretch eh? :-)

I'll have to get back to you on Pump Six and Windup Girl... ;-)
Well, not for me; I Kickstarted it too and if I remember correctly, I haven´t played the game yet when I read those short stories/novelettes and I felt instantly hooked up - as I said, they are excellently written genre pieces - they use genre´s tropes and they don´t try to overlap into anything new or different - and they certainly don´t try to fit into great literature category.

This is what I meant when I wrote excellently written.

Now, as for Pump Six and Windup Girl - that actually is great piece of literature, alongside of China Miévilles City&City.
Post edited July 22, 2015 by Tarhiel
villpower: I read both Metro 2033 and 2034 in English. Though for me 2034 is bit letdown, 2033 is awesome. But if you have already played the game 2033 than it should act as spoiler for plot of the novel. Still I am crazy for post-apocalyptic wasteland themed anything and Metro 2033 as book is spot on. Not sure how translation held up for you in your language.
Tarhiel: If you like post-apo, then definitely try All bad things and Ghost Book I, II, books bundled with Wasteland 2 - they are excellently-written genre pieces, written in a way that you don´t need previous experience with the game to be able to read them - they are standalone, though expanding upon existing world.

Also, Pump 6 and Windup Girl from Paolo Bacigalupi (he won Hugo and Nebula Award for the latter one in 2010) are just pure brilliance, definitely check those out.
I already gone through Wasteland 2 books. I love them and the game also. But I definetly try to check out Pump 6 and Windup Girl. Thanks a lot. :)

To be honest, I clicked on the sale first, and though:

"When the hell did Metro 2033 show up?"

Then, "Oh, it just got here, hence the sale."
Lol, ask and ye shall receive, I guess. We just had a thread about this a couple days ago.

Needless to say, I bought this immediately.
Grargar: Just because it lacks a fair-price package doesn't mean that it isn't regionally-priced. It's just that in this case, we end up paying less. (€20 vs $25).
Zoidberg: Maybe. But I do with the information I'm given.
In case you're interested, the information you're not given is regularly available here: (you're in regDE).
Post edited July 22, 2015 by mrkgnao
INSTANT BUY :D - thanks!!
adamhm: Also if it would be possible to provide the Linux version at least on an unsupported/"at own risk" basis...
Ganni1987: That's what I want, if they don't want to officially support the Linux version then fine but don't withhold this from your customers.

GOG is being completely unfair here, just because they don't see a certain version good enough for their standards doesn't everybody else will share the same opinion. I can't speak for the Mac versions, but from what I can tell by watching a few youtube recordings the Linux versions aren't so bad.

And then you wonder why people turn to Steam, piracy, cracks and all this stuff.
What on Earth makes you think GOG has access to the Mac and Linux versions, but is sitting on them? The most likely scenario is that the rights for those versions are separate from the Windows version (and possibly from each other), and A.) the rightsholders are asking for too much money; B.) the publisher's bound by contract with some other store to only sell those the other version[s] through Steam/Steam key-sellers (or whatever other store[s]); C.) GOG is still negotiating for those versions; D.) GOG, in fact, currently has Mac and/or Linux versions, but they're still being tested or evaluated.

Even if D is the case, the Windows version is going to be the biggest money-maker by far, so of course that version will be tested and made ready first. My guess, though, is that B or C is the actual reason. Also, in any case other than D, there are probably NDAs that restrict GOG employees from disclosing why these other OSes' versions aren't here, so there probably won't be any official word, unless it's to say either "Linux version's on its way soon! :)" or "We can't make these available at this time, sorry :( " (and, in the latter case, likely not even that).
I've read that the original Metro 2033 have more horror/suspense elements, but for some reason in Redux it was changed. Has anyone played both versions?
HunchBluntley: What on Earth makes you think GOG has access to the Mac and Linux versions, but is sitting on them?
This post... they're unavailable due to unspecified technical issues
A very cool release AA release from last year. Not so bad, GOG.

FPP is not my genre, otherwise I would even be more excited.
Wishlisted.. waiting for possible Linux versions :)
Hmm . Are these Metro games playable on a Phenom II 920 + Radeon HD 5850 ?
Very nice release. I'm not really into first person shooters, but this release may change all that. Awesome 8).
Ganni1987: That's what I want, if they don't want to officially support the Linux version then fine but don't withhold this from your customers.

GOG is being completely unfair here, just because they don't see a certain version good enough for their standards doesn't everybody else will share the same opinion. I can't speak for the Mac versions, but from what I can tell by watching a few youtube recordings the Linux versions aren't so bad.

And then you wonder why people turn to Steam, piracy, cracks and all this stuff.
HunchBluntley: What on Earth makes you think GOG has access to the Mac and Linux versions, but is sitting on them? The most likely scenario is that the rights for those versions are separate from the Windows version (and possibly from each other), and A.) the rightsholders are asking for too much money; B.) the publisher's bound by contract with some other store to only sell those the other version[s] through Steam/Steam key-sellers (or whatever other store[s]); C.) GOG is still negotiating for those versions; D.) GOG, in fact, currently has Mac and/or Linux versions, but they're still being tested or evaluated.

Even if D is the case, the Windows version is going to be the biggest money-maker by far, so of course that version will be tested and made ready first. My guess, though, is that B or C is the actual reason. Also, in any case other than D, there are probably NDAs that restrict GOG employees from disclosing why these other OSes' versions aren't here, so there probably won't be any official word, unless it's to say either "Linux version's on its way soon! :)" or "We can't make these available at this time, sorry :( " (and, in the latter case, likely not even that).
There's one thing I don't do, and that is I don't speak if I didn't have an idea. The post adamhm was the one that sprung my big disappointment in GOG when Last Light came here. I don't know the exact reason they didn't say anything about this one.

It could be coming soon, it could be the same reason as Last Light. I'm sorry I seem a little angry, I definitely am, imagine if they released the Linux versions but not the Windows one (which wouldn't happen), it would piss off some people there.

They could at least give a reason why and explain, I expect that at least that.