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“There's only one thing that can save a man from madness and that's uncertainty.”

<span class="bold">Metro 2033 Redux</span> the ultimate edition of one of the most compelling survival FPS games, is available now for Windows, DRM-free on Get it up to 60% off with the launch promo!

The bombs fell sometime in July 2013. A nuclear exchange in the Middle East turns global - the United States go quickly, but they do not go quietly. Neither does Russia. The remnants of humanity are saved by an unimposing marvel of modern engineering: the kilometers of underground tunnels that weave below what are now memories of a bustling Moscow. The year is 2033, your home is the Metro.

Metro 2033 is a video game adaptation of an award winning Russian novel by Dmitry Glukhovsky - the survival horror / FPS blend took gamers by surprise with its masterfully thick horror atmosphere and a compelling, fresh, uniquely Russian universe. Metro 2033 Redux is a remastered edition, but it's also far beyond just a graphics update - thanks to significant gameplay and design updates, this release is a game fresh enough even for veterans to truly enjoy. With new graphics, new map design, impressive technical improvements and plenty of new gameplay elements - this is without a doubt the definitive way to experience Metro 2033.

Pick up both <span class="bold">Metro 2033: Redux</span> and the sequel, <span class="bold">Metro: Last Light Redux</span> in a single DRM-free bundle to get 60% off both titles, or pick up today's release or sequel at 50% off individually. The launch discount will last for 5 days, until Monday, July 27 at 9:59 AM GMT.
Isn't there a Redux versions fix mod? :P
Nice! Bought. Glad to see another new AAA game on GOG. :)

I for one am more interested in these redux editions than the originals. Better graphics, more color, and wider variety of gameplay sounds great to me.
Post edited July 22, 2015 by SeduceMePlz
Have no idea why somebody would like to play the original versions, with all its problems (Metro 2033 - inability to pick up mask filters in levels).

Either way, wishlisted.
Amazing game. I can't comment on Original vs. Redux, because I only played the original version, but it's great.

Although I have to wonder about the weird release order of this series.
instant buy!
great work getting these titles drm/steam free! thanks a bunch!
Another great release in an impressive string - even though this one was a bit more predictable, since we already had the second chapter of the series.
I see that some users prefer the original version (I read real.geizterfahr's informative post); on Steam (where the non-Redux version is no longer available for purchase) many users express their preference for the remake. Personally I am unacquainted with this series, I know it only by name, although I am very interested in it since I like this kind of games very much. It would certainly be nice if GOG offered the original versions as a bonus; anyway, for the time being I'm too busy and I have several other games of a similar type to play. Wishlisted.

Turn off the music and change the voice dialoge to Russian while keeping the text and subtitles to your preferred langauge. And play the game at the highest difficulty.

Now enjoy the most realistice experiance I can offer you.
Looks promising... I probably have too much on my plate to consider this just yet, but i might get it next time it comes around...
Zoidberg: I haven't gotten around finishing Metro 2033 but glad to see the wholeredux series here, drm free, and fairly priced.
Grargar: Just because it lacks a fair-price package doesn't mean that it isn't regionally-priced. It's just that in this case, we end up paying less. (€20 vs $25).
Maybe. But I do with the information I'm given.
rtcvb32: Looks promising... I probably have too much on my plate to consider this just yet, but i might get it next time it comes around...
This game is not that long I believe you can at least beat both games in one day if you devout all your time to it. (I say that by the time you start playing the first game in the morning, by the time you beaten the second game it will be night time)
rtcvb32: Looks promising... I probably have too much on my plate to consider this just yet, but i might get it next time it comes around...
I'm a veeeeeery slow player who loves to look around in games a lot and I beat 2033 in 10 hours and Last Light in 12 hours.
Elmofongo: ..
real.geizterfahr: ..
I should probably mention FPS isn't my favorite genre... but [s]not being long[/s] being shorter does have it's appeal though to finish some games...
AngryAlien: Great! I might get those (again) just for the sake of having both games steam-free.

Although I wonder if Last Light Redux is really worth it. 2033 Redux is actually great, but as I hear LL Redux is not that much of an improvement from the original. Any thoughts?
It's not, it was meant as an improvement for consoles (7th gen --> 8th gen). Adds a couple new game modes, but that's really it as far as I know. I'll probably get it once both games are bundled at $10 (like the recent deal in the Steam Summer Sale), but all in all it probably should have been DLC on PC.
I'd like to see the original 2033 available as well. Last Light, for all its improvements, significantly dumbed down the stealth and the game lost a lot of its tension and immersion because of it; that change was carried back into 2033 Redux. Still plan on buying Redux, but both should be available.
Post edited July 22, 2015 by DrearierSpider

Turn off the music and change the voice dialoge to Russian while keeping the text and subtitles to your preferred langauge. And play the game at the highest difficulty.

Now enjoy the most realistice experiance I can offer you.
Generally I don't see floating text when people speak to me, perhaps there should be a mod where the language is in your local dialect, with a Russian-esque accent applied?
Tarhiel: Have no idea why somebody would like to play the original versions, with all its problems (Metro 2033 - inability to pick up mask filters in levels).

Either way, wishlisted.
In 2033 Redux the player has no ability to wield a proper knife, stealth mechanics have been severely dumbed down, weapons feel incredibly weak and bullet sponge (mutant) enemies are back - despite being fixed in the original thanks to Ranger mode. In short, the 2010 original is as close to true(!) survival horror that an FPS can be, whereas 2033 Redux feels more like a traditional FPS.

As for the filters, I agree it's confusing, a user on Steam has written a helpful faq that should clear things up.