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I need gift ideas on this and it is difficult to discern games that fit. Sure there are great point-and-click games, but quickly moving from mouse to keyboard for QTE could knock a game off the list of potentials. Games that require a high level of keyboard finesse would also be problematic.

Focus on story-driven games of all kinds. No need to mention the more common/popular strategy games ( I know of them).

No jokes please.

Ronish: No jokes please.
Aw, man. You're no fun! =P
low rated
Ronish: I need gift ideas on this and it is difficult to discern games that fit. Sure there are great point-and-click games, but quickly moving from mouse to keyboard for QTE could knock a game off the list of potentials. Games that require a high level of keyboard finesse would also be problematic.

Focus on story-driven games of all kinds. No need to mention the more common/popular strategy games ( I know of them).

No jokes please.

It's not available here but I think, and someone may need to correct me on this, Freelancer can be played with one hand. Now you do need to use the keyboard and stuff but that is when docked and communicating/purchasing. All the faster, combat, flight etc stuff can be totally done with the mouse and no need to ever touch the keyboard. Depending on your mouse you should be able to control every single aspect of flight and fight.
Post edited December 23, 2016 by tinyE
Hmmm, I think there was a similar thread around. Let me take a look...
Grargar: Hmmm, I think there was a similar thread around. Let me take a look...

GOGMix 1
GOGMix 2
Post edited December 23, 2016 by Smannesman
Smannesman: Definitely.

GOGMix 1
GOGMix 2
There is also this one:
If the other hand still functions well enough to hit the spacebar for pausing the game, all Infinity Engine games play well with mouse only. Sure there's keyboard shortcuts, but you don't really need to use them as for every function there's an onscreen button. With the exception of Group Select and Group Halt perhaps, that and Pause is the only things I use the keyboard for, the rest of the time my left hand is just idling on the keyboard while the mouse does everything.

If you don't know what the Infinity Engine is, I'm talking about Baldur's Gate, BG Siege of Dragonspear, Baldur's Gate II, Icewind Dale I & II and Planescape Torment.
Post edited December 23, 2016 by DubConqueror
A foot pedal can also help with simple things.
Most of rpg maker games,if you have num lock then you can use 0 as escape which is close to the right arrow, also the commands are close, up down left right and then just press 0 instead of escape,also don't forget enter those are all of the commands.
Though by now i only played free ones which i would say to try vampires dawn 1 and 2 in english.
Post edited December 23, 2016 by Fonzer
Themken: A foot pedal can also help with simple things.
I just had a flashback to when they released Pole Position as a console game. :P
Just looking at the games on my desktop:
<i>The Marvellous Miss Take</i>, <i>This War of Mine</i> and <i>Card City Nights</i> are all completely mouse-driven. (Miss Take has an option for keyboard control, too, but I never tried it.) IIRC, <i>Flight of the Amazon Queen</i> is mostly mouse-driven as well; at any rate, I doubt there's much reliance on reflexes anywhere in it (it's an adventure game, though an old one -- as far as I know, QTEs shouldn't really be a problem in most adevnture games before the Telltale era; it's free anyway, so no damage if it won't work for the giftee.)
<i>Banished</i> and [url=]Starve also have mostly mouse-oriented controls (Banished especially), but both have things the keyboard can be used for/works a little better for (quick pausing in Banished; character movement and picking up/harvesting multiple nearby objects in Don't Starve).
<i>Side Meier's Pirates! - Live the Life</i> might work, but the player's reflexes with the mouse would probably need to be quite good (though the lower difficulties should still be pretty easy regardless).

EDIT: Fixed italics tag
Post edited December 24, 2016 by HunchBluntley
Ultima 6. This is the one Ultima game that is strictly turn based, and the game never requires multiple simultaneous inputs. Ultima 3, 4, and 5 also work nicely here, even if not quite strictly turn based (Ultima 3 gives you only 5 seconds to enter a command; Ultima 4 has the wind and moongates changing in real time (the balloon could be a problem, but it actually isn't necessary in the PC version). I don't remember if Ultima 1 is suitable (the space shooting minigame could be an issue, but I don't remember whether that part is one hand accessible or not).

VVVVVV could work. I *think* you can reach a flip button with your hand on the arrow keys, but if not, you could probably find some software that would let you remap it. The only controls needed are left, right, and flip; anything else is only used for things like saving or takling to people and never in action sequences.

Might and Magic 1-5 are also good, due to being strictly turn based and not requiring simultaneous input.
Ronish: No jokes please.
But... but...>head explodes<
koima57: HuniePop?
I'm playing that right now. Date 92.