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GOG hero details revealed • D:OS 2 releasing September 14

The complete release of Divinity: Original Sin 2 is drawing very near, releasing September 14 on

There are many reasons to anticipate the release, including the opportunity to encounter one character in particular – designed, inspired by, and chosen with the community – a fully voiced NPC with a unique backstory, and her own share of secrets...

A hero's journey
For backing the D:OS 2 Kickstarter campaign, we were given the chance to work with Larian Studios on a unique in-game NPC: the GOG hero. And because the more is the merrier, the entire community would get to be a part of the process from the start.
Beginning with a forum-wide brainstorm and a series of art and writing contests, the GOG community would draw, doodle, pitch, and design countless ideas for Larian Studios to take to the drawing board.
Months later, three designs would be revealed by the studio and the finalists put to the community's vote.
In the end, it was Eithne – an undead librarian, merchant of rare and arcane knowledge – who emerged the clear winner with 59% of all votes. She became the official GOG hero made possible by the community!

Meet the hero
Divinity: Original Sin 2 is releasing soon, and it's a thrill to finally meet Eithne!
Check out the teaser trailer for a taste of the character and voice acting in action. Plus, we got to briefly talk with Charlene Putney, the writer behind Eithne – you can read more of it below!

But the best way to meet Eithne is in-game during your adventures (regardless of platform). We can't wait to see her ourselves and want to give big thanks to Larian Studios for the opportunity, and to our entire community for being a part the creative process!

See the trailer for Eithne

Here are some extra tidbits of info from Charlene "Char" Putney, the writer for Eithne:

1. Without venturing into spoiler territory, can you tell us how soon or late in the game we'll first encounter Eithne?
Eithne wanders in an area quite a ways past where the current Early Access stops. Without spoiling anything, I can tell you that she lurks in a ruined building in a forested area of Reaper's Coast.

2. What can we expect from Eithne in terms of stock?
Well, as voted for by the good people of GOG, Eithne is an Undead Librarian, so you can expect her initial stock to reflect that character! I have other things I'd like to say about this... but I'll keep my mouth shut for now!

3. You are the one who brought Eithne to life: tell us a bit about the creation process. What is your favourite thing about her?
The thing I like most about her is something I can't say, as it would definitely be a spoiler! But what I can say is that I like the story of where she comes from and how she came to be who she is now.
Post edited September 08, 2017 by Konrad

Meet Eithne
Sorry, the way she looks, I'm not sure I want to.

CharlesGrey: So, um... Since no one seems to have mentioned it... I just watched the trailer, and the final character seems to look nothing like the original design people voted on? What happened?

Also, yeah... boobs!
Thank you, "what happened to the original design?" was the first thing I asked after watching that trailer. I imagined something different based on that. And it's not just the boobs, it's the whole body type and shape that makes little to no sense for a skeleton.

In the words of PC Danny Butterman - she's fuck-ugly.

Colour me disappointed.

GR00T: Me and Mrs. Bones, Mrs. Bones... we got a thing goin' on...
Heh. I don't think that there are many old enough to get it.
Post edited September 08, 2017 by HypersomniacLive
Who's responsible for this ?
high rated
Original Design

When I voted for Eithne after seeing that picture and her story, I certainly did not expect that outcome.

EDIT: I added the title.
Post edited September 09, 2017 by Engerek01
I see Rivellon invented silicone.

What wonders science had brought.
She does look slightly different than as advertised, doesn't she?

Of course, she's talking to a giant chicken, so I suppose we just roll with the punches.
I have to agree with others that the in-game character looks pretty different from the concept art, for the worse imo. Not sure what the designer was thinking...

Then again, maybe this an example of Larian humour and the breasts will turn out to be some kind of bag of storing where she puts her scrolls? The whole concept for the undead race seems to be mostly played for laughs in this game after all.
mystral: Then again, maybe this an example of Larian humour and the breasts will turn out to be some kind of bag of storing where she puts her scrolls? The whole concept for the undead race seems to be mostly played for laughs in this game after all.
I didn't see the original concept design, but I like the character in a somewhat amused sort of way. I wouldn't at all be surprised that, given their sense of humor, this is what Larian was going for.
It's a undead woman not skeleton dammit. So face could be lost in a process of being less preserved or too late but not the whole thing. ;p
Post edited September 09, 2017 by HenitoKisou
yogsloth: She does look slightly different than as advertised, doesn't she?

Of course, she's talking to a giant chicken, so I suppose we just roll with the punches.
A lizard. Not a chicken, a lizard wearing feathers, like all the lizards do. Didn't you know about that? :P

But yeah, fantasy. Done by some people with a rather strange sense of humor, too (like mine). Rolling with the punches is exactly what you're supposed to do.

HenitoKisou: It's a undead woman not skeleton dammit. So face could be lost in a process of being less preserved or too late but not the whole thing. ;p
Yeah, skeletons aren't the only kind of undead. Being preserved and kept 'alive' by magic and all, the face having its flesh decay or otherwise vanish while the torso and such keep the flesh is hardly the strangest thing that could happen, and I can pretty near guarantee you that this is not the strangest thing you'd see in this game, given Larian's tendencies, though it might be what stands out most to some people as strange, since the rest is more likely to have explicit in-world explanations.
HenitoKisou: It's a undead woman not skeleton dammit. So face could be lost in a process of being less preserved or too late but not the whole thing. ;p
Good point. Undead have some skin left. It ain't pretty but it's there. Skeletons don't.
high rated
CharlesGrey: So, um... Since no one seems to have mentioned it... I just watched the trailer, and the final character seems to look nothing like the original design people voted on? What happened?

Also, yeah... boobs!
HypersomniacLive: Thank you, "what happened to the original design?" was the first thing I asked after watching that trailer. I imagined something different based on that. And it's not just the boobs, it's the whole body type and shape that makes little to no sense for a skeleton.
The original design had that dark and mysterious vibe to it, with the mask and all those scrolls, like something out of Diablo or Dark Souls. The final version... not so much. Kind of disappointing how the character turned out so different. If people wanted a goofy character, they would have voted for option No.3. Given that the third character design received the least amount of votes, it should be clear that most people wanted something more serious.
CharlesGrey: Given that the third character design received the least amount of votes, it should be clear that most people wanted something more serious.
While I definitely agree that the original design was much better I think Larian will have edged towards the sillier end of the character design as that's a bit more in keeping with the feeling of D: OS than a very serious character would be.
Did I miss something or aren't the player characters voiced?

Divinity Original Sin 2 ==> Enhanced edition again?
CharlesGrey: Given that the third character design received the least amount of votes, it should be clear that most people wanted something more serious.
adaliabooks: While I definitely agree that the original design was much better I think Larian will have edged towards the sillier end of the character design as that's a bit more in keeping with the feeling of D: OS than a very serious character would be.
Fair enough, but then why did they put a serious design up for vote to begin with? I mean it's not like it's a big deal, as this is just some sort of easter egg, and probably won't have much impact on the overall game. Still, it makes the vote seem kinda pointless. Could have given us the option to pick from three humorous designs right from the start, if that's what they prefer.
adaliabooks: While I definitely agree that the original design was much better I think Larian will have edged towards the sillier end of the character design as that's a bit more in keeping with the feeling of D: OS than a very serious character would be.
CharlesGrey: Fair enough, but then why did they put a serious design up for vote to begin with? I mean it's not like it's a big deal, as this is just some sort of easter egg, and probably won't have much impact on the overall game. Still, it makes the vote seem kinda pointless. Could have given us the option to pick from three humorous designs right from the start, if that's what they prefer.
Were they to keep to the serious/mysterious character design, that still wouldn't have been a problem. Serious characters can also be confronted with other silly ones for a nice comedic touch, so characteristic for Larian - for example, One-Eye from The Black Company series. Alone he is rather serious, centuries old, tired mage, and that's the exact impression he wants people all around to have. And now, confront him with Goblin.

Still though, she is disappointing, alright.