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StarChan: I wish I had a Midas touch that I could turn on and off at will.
Granted, but when you turn it on, *you* turn into gold. Turning it off does not undo the effect.

I wish for a game set in ancient times, with nukes and spaceships.
StarChan: I wish I had a Midas touch that I could turn on and off at will.
Are you sure you've thought this through? Okay...

Granted, after half of year of being sensible and using your magic touch to turn only certain objects into gold the inevitable disaster happens: a humorous comment you make about someone is taken to seriously and they become violent - they're really angry! You've known them for years and you've never seen them like this, it's terrifing! You warn them - I don't want to have to do this, but if you come any closer I'm going to have to turn you into solid gold. Slowly they advance, ignoring your warning. You back up as far as you can but you're cornered! In desperation you activate the Midas touch, squeeze your eyes shut and fling your hand out...

A staggering blow to the side of the head tells you what happened: your companion was too quick, dodged out of the way and gave you a mighty right hook that sent you sprawling. You open your eyes and look down at yourself to see where you landed in the mud - the mud which is transforming before your eyes into solid gold.

It takes about 3 hours for the entire planet's transformation to be completed, but once the earth's magnetic field is gone it is almost instantly ripped to shreds by solar radiation.
The End.

ninja'd by dt

dtgreene: I wish for a game set in ancient times, with nukes and spaceships.
granted. It's not a computer game, it's a massive-scale LARP. It's set in ancient times by actually existing then, so you don't get to play it. Also the nuclear disaster caused by people misusing the game equipment ravaged the future and now we all live pitiful agonising existences as mutant slug people.

I wish someone would guess the current 'draw and guess the game'
Granted, but then I don't show a picture of my own even if I guessed right!

I wish I could visit every map in my "Worlds" folder as though they were real places.
Granted, but upon arrival at each world you would find nothing there but a single note reading upon hearing of your imminent arrival all inhabitants of each world chose to get the hell out of there leaving nothing but a insulting note behind.

I wish they would bring back Miami Vice, the 80's TV version.
Post edited August 22, 2020 by thraxman
All the original cast is back, even though they're all too old to do any stunts at the best of times! (They try it too, like in Taken 3.) Also the new scripts are mega-woke, where every white man is revealed to be literal Nazis and beaten down/humiliated before they can even do anything evil.

I wish the mediums of fiction weren't in this condition.
Post edited August 22, 2020 by MichaelD.965
Granted, but only because it turns from fiction into fact.

Wish the BBC would do a better job spending £4.83 Billion a year.
Granted, they capture Kaido and publicly execute him.

I wish the remaining £180 million would be used to crack down on grooming gangs.
MichaelD.965: I wish the remaining £180 million would be used to crack down on grooming gangs.
Granted, but first the value of the £ currency drops to 0, so the amount of money they spend for that purpose is 0.

Of course, the complete devaluation of the currency also causes other, much worse, issues.

I wish for a single universal currency, usable everywhere in the world (and ideally on other worlds as well), that maintains its value forever without any risk of inflation.
MichaelD.965: I wish broken glass wasn't so sharp.
dtgreene: Granted. Broken glass is now flat, and the resulting dissonance is painful to the ears.

I wish for a programming language with the ease of use and flexibility of Python, the safety of Rust, and the speed of C.
Wish granted, but calculating at light speed means problems are solved faster than they are created, and a causality breakdown ensues.

(Sorry, I wanted to answer this one before but was ninja'd.)
MichaelD.965: I wish the remaining £180 million would be used to crack down on grooming gangs.
dtgreene: Granted, but first the value of the £ currency drops to 0, so the amount of money they spend for that purpose is 0.

Of course, the complete devaluation of the currency also causes other, much worse, issues.

I wish for a single universal currency, usable everywhere in the world (and ideally on other worlds as well), that maintains its value forever without any risk of inflation.
Wish granted, but it will be cumbersome to haul around all the shells, especially if you're into interstelar trade.

I wish that Elvis actually became king of a country.
Post edited August 22, 2020 by StarChan
StarChan: I wish that Elvis actually became king of a country.
Granted: He's now king of the Kingdom of the Dead. Well, for a while, until the residence get tired of him and stop respecting his authority, instead forming a new government with a new police.

I wish that the Resurrectos medicine, as described in the game Tyrian, would appear in real life, offering a cure to the deceased.
Granted, authoritarian regimes and drug cartels use it to keep their most violent monsters alive and keep it away from the innocent.

I wish Oda skipped over Long Ring Long Island in One Piece.
Granted, but now that everyone just about lives forever we all get sick of see each other and triggers a mass genocide which annihilates humanity, well done.

I wish Ronald Reagan would return to life only to be put on trial for treason over Iran/Contra.
Granted, but the resurrection tech inevitably spreads and soon all the worst people are resurrected, from Hitler to Genghis Kahn, but now they have the internet for global PR and modern weapons for ‘foreign policy’.

Wish the make-a-wish foundation was available to every kid in every hospice.
borisburke: Wish the make-a-wish foundation was available to every kid in every hospice.
Granted: All kids are removed from hospice, so the foundation is clearly available to all 0 kids that are still in hospice.

I wish for a turn-based idle game.
Granted, both sides are NPCs you don't get to do anything, hence it's "idle".

I wish Oda skipped over Long Ring Long Island in One Piece. Again.