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When you’ve entered the Haunted Grounds, the very first thing that I’ve presented to you was the realm of Days Gone. That event stirred the very fabric of GOG, and countless souls screamed in unison: MORE!

Today, the Haunted Grounds are ready to answer, and offer you a glimpse into the future: God of War and UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection will soon arrive on GOG!

Let us delve deeper in what you’re about to witness.

Prepare to don the mantle of Kratos in the critically acclaimed masterpiece, God of War. This time, the Ghost of Sparta ventures into the realm of Norse mythology, where gods, monsters, and legends collide. Armed with his Leviathan Axe and accompanied by his son Atreus, Kratos embarks on a profoundly personal journey, exploring the tumultuous relationship between father and son amidst the chaos of divine forces. The game’s stunning visuals, immersive storytelling, and visceral combat mechanics promise an unparalleled adventure that will leave an indelible mark on your gaming soul.

But the excitement doesn’t stop there. UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection is set to bring the charismatic Nathan Drake back into action. Delve into the adrenaline-fueled escapades of the roguish treasure hunter as he embarks on daring quests, uncovers ancient mysteries, and outwits cunning adversaries. The collection includes two beloved titles, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, both remastered to showcase their breathtaking visuals and cinematic storytelling. Traverse exotic landscapes, solve intricate puzzles, and engage in heart-pounding gunfights, all while immersing yourself in a narrative that rivals the most captivating Hollywood blockbusters.

These upcoming arrivals mark a pivotal moment on GOG, as we know how many souls wanted to visit those incredible realms on our platform. Soon enough you’ll be able to travel the mythical realms of gods and monsters in God of War, and embark on a thrilling treasure hunt across the globe in UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection.

Wishlist those masterpieces now, and while you await them, remember that Haunted Grounds are still holding strong and more than 3000 prices slashed to pieces are to be discovered. Find them now, while there’s still time.


Halloween Sale lasts until November 1st, 11 PM UTC.
My Sony wish list on GOG, whether there is already a PC port or not...

Ghost of Tsushima
Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition
inFamous Second Son
inFamous First Light

If we can go back further...
Uncharted 1 2 and 3
inFamous 1 and 2
God of War 1 2 3 and Ascension

Since there has been successful ports of Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 1 and 2 from the PS2 era, I would like to see PC ports of...
Champions of Norrath
Champions Return to Arms

I'm sure I missed some
Post edited October 31, 2023 by Jalister
Kerr_Laeda: Say maybe Q3-Q4 2024
Clownski_: Definitely not THAT far off ;)
shadow of the colossus! Bring it!
Though good news all around, I think I'd rather have GoG bring more abandonware games into the fold instead. For Halloween they could definitely uplift some RE clones; some of which are fairly decent. There is a large community wishlist and I understand that licensing alone can be a nightmare. Give us some more of the long abandoned oldies!
Fomalhaut30: Lack of Quantum Break is probably due to the streaming of those movie/tv episodes/whatever the hell they were, that added an absurd amount of size to the game. You could download them on the xbox, but iirc, on the Steam version, they were all streamed to the user rather than a discrete download.
That is correct. I don't even know of a mod that is able to make the movies play offline and remedy never replied to the many pleas of Steam users who'd want to download the fiels intead of streaming them.

Randalator: Are they here yet?
Are they here yet?
Are they here yet?
Are they here yet?
Are they here yet?
Are they here yet?
Atreyu666: "A glimpse into the future" doesn't sound like it'll be here very soon. I hope I'm wrong :)
We all know "The future is now" ... so where is it? ;)
Post edited October 31, 2023 by MarkoH01
Well shit, I didn't see this happening so soon. I'm not particularly fond of Dad of War, as I think it should have been its own franchise, I don't like the new gameplay as a replacement for the original, I prefer the more traditional spectacle fighter, but if it's DRM free now, i'll probably give it another go.

Uncharted... well can you really jump in and fully enjoy these without first playing the original trilogy? I've heard some bad things about the writing in these newer ones too, along with reports that they're buggy.

Still, onto the wishlist they go, I now expect Spider-Man and Ratchet & Clank before too long. Don't let me down Sony & GOG.
Post edited October 31, 2023 by ReynardFox
high rated
Devyatovskiy: Though good news all around, I think I'd rather have GoG bring more abandonware games into the fold instead. For Halloween they could definitely uplift some RE clones; some of which are fairly decent. There is a large community wishlist and I understand that licensing alone can be a nightmare. Give us some more of the long abandoned oldies!
The reason they are called "abandonware" in most cases is that the owners of the ip either don't care or that it is not clear who even owns the rights which makes those the hardest to get games for GOG. I am pretty sure they are trying as well but such things really take time and even then it is likely that they end up with nothing.
Thank you GoG! Thank you SONY!

All the best

Wow, everytime gog is surprising me. Yakuza-Games and very soon two new Sony-Blockbuster-Games here. Wonderful.
Post edited October 31, 2023 by RetroFan
If somebody would have told you a few years ago that Sony would be supporting DRM-free rereleases, they'd have called you dreamers. Nice to have it!
I'm also glad to see both these titles show up here, and surprised as well.

I've actually never played any of the Uncharted games nor most of the God of War games. The only God of War game I've ever played was God of War II on me old PlayStation 2 hehe, good times!

But still, I might end up getting both eventually now that they'll Soon™ be coming to GOG. God of War IV because it's still God of War, I think. Might not be as good as the earlier games, but it still looks alright to me at least. Plus, I'm both a fan of Greek Mythology as well as Norse Mythology... so yeah.
As for the Uncharted games, I also think it's a shame we don't get the entire franchise but that's obviously out of GOG's hands seeing as the earlier games are still console exclusives. But as someone who grew up playing the first and second generation of the Tomb Raider games, I think I might enjoy the Uncharted games too?

Anyway, as many others have expressed already... thank you to everyone involved in making this happen, and please do continue to do so.

I love those moments here on GOG.
from 2005 to 2023 there is 18 years.

All games will come to

Kratos! Atreus! Welcome Home!
Great job; y'all are knocking it out of the park lately! Yakuza was enough of a shock, but now we've got some major Sony titles!? I imagine this was a pretty big hurdle, but it also represents limitless potential. Thank you for all of your hard work on this!
Randalator: Are they here yet?
Are they here yet?
Are they here yet?
Are they here yet?
Are they here yet?
Are they here yet?
Atreyu666: "A glimpse into the future" doesn't sound like it'll be here very soon. I hope I'm wrong :)
Ehh actually I could see these games being the big christmas releases, mainly because they're already announced so there's no point in keeping us waiting, but also because there's no better sales window
Two great additions, plus Yakuza games, Sega and Sony bringing games. Hope Microsoft and Ubi take note.
Thanks for letting me know in advance! I'm setting aside some money for these two games! Keep up the great work you're doing of bringing the more popular games to GOG!