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When you’ve entered the Haunted Grounds, the very first thing that I’ve presented to you was the realm of Days Gone. That event stirred the very fabric of GOG, and countless souls screamed in unison: MORE!

Today, the Haunted Grounds are ready to answer, and offer you a glimpse into the future: God of War and UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection will soon arrive on GOG!

Let us delve deeper in what you’re about to witness.

Prepare to don the mantle of Kratos in the critically acclaimed masterpiece, God of War. This time, the Ghost of Sparta ventures into the realm of Norse mythology, where gods, monsters, and legends collide. Armed with his Leviathan Axe and accompanied by his son Atreus, Kratos embarks on a profoundly personal journey, exploring the tumultuous relationship between father and son amidst the chaos of divine forces. The game’s stunning visuals, immersive storytelling, and visceral combat mechanics promise an unparalleled adventure that will leave an indelible mark on your gaming soul.

But the excitement doesn’t stop there. UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection is set to bring the charismatic Nathan Drake back into action. Delve into the adrenaline-fueled escapades of the roguish treasure hunter as he embarks on daring quests, uncovers ancient mysteries, and outwits cunning adversaries. The collection includes two beloved titles, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, both remastered to showcase their breathtaking visuals and cinematic storytelling. Traverse exotic landscapes, solve intricate puzzles, and engage in heart-pounding gunfights, all while immersing yourself in a narrative that rivals the most captivating Hollywood blockbusters.

These upcoming arrivals mark a pivotal moment on GOG, as we know how many souls wanted to visit those incredible realms on our platform. Soon enough you’ll be able to travel the mythical realms of gods and monsters in God of War, and embark on a thrilling treasure hunt across the globe in UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection.

Wishlist those masterpieces now, and while you await them, remember that Haunted Grounds are still holding strong and more than 3000 prices slashed to pieces are to be discovered. Find them now, while there’s still time.


Halloween Sale lasts until November 1st, 11 PM UTC.
Yes! Congrats GOG and thanks Sony! Hopefully it's actually soon and not Soon(tm). ;) Start of Winter Sale makes sense to me.

And hopefully you (GOG) can do more "coming soon" pages for AAA/highly-desired/highly-voted games in the future. I assume publishers are who are holding you back, but hopefully that will change.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: And also, doing that would disable important features, like Achievements and Cloud Saves.
This is borderline bait, just saying.

Ancient-Red-Dragon: So for that to be a viable option, there would have to be a way to disable to the spyware-like elements of the games, whilst at the same time still leaving the feature-related elements of the games intact, which that quoted solution does not accomplish.

And, GOG curation should be insisting that these spyware-like elements be removed from the GOG versions of these games, just like how they insisted for SEGA to remove a minigame from the GOG release of Yakuza: Like A Dragon for supposedly having gambling, even though it didn't actually have any real-life money involved, so there was no legitimiate reason for GOG to have SEGA remove that part of the game (but GOG did anyway, and SEGA complied).

That shows that GOG can cause publishers to alter the code in their games and to remove elements of games that GOG doesn't think should be included in GOG games.

So then, why is GOG not doing that exact same thing for these data collection spyware-like elements of these Sony games?

GOG really should be doing that. And without GOG doing that, then these Sony releases aren't worth buying.
While I don't disagree, I think the bigger question is why is GOG not doing that exact same thing to remove all DRM and DRM-like schemes from games here!?

This is the place that released Hitman:Lame of the Year with its heavy dependence on online and left it up for sale for, what, a couple weeks, before the backlash got them to remove it.

And you're telling me that they could have avoided the whole situation by having the devs rework the game to be 100% offline DRM-free in the first place?

Maybe they had less leverage then, than they do nowadays, since now there is more support from companies like SEGA and Sony? That's the only counter I can think of off the top of my head.

And of course I'm not saying it has to be an "either/or" between getting companies to remove the unwanted elements you point out or the unwanted elements I point out. if they can remove "spyware-like elements", that should be done too just like removing DRM. ...including all Galaxy dependencies/requirements on this store, which applies to both fronts by any logical definition.
Very nice. :) Very much looking forward to Uncharted.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Do these God of War and Uncharted games have the same "data collection" as Days Gone does?
only achievements :p
Nice to see more games coming.

Hopefully they will bring older games as well.

I know I keep bringing it up but I really want to see Lemmings here
high rated
Kerr_Laeda: Say maybe Q3-Q4 2024
Definitely not THAT far off ;)
Great, I will buy every single game from Sony here on GOG.

I hope Sipider-Man, "Ratchet & Clank" and "The Last of Us" will follow soon.
Holy Sh*t, YES!

Glad I didn't buy GoW and Uncharted anywhere else, yet.!
Post edited October 31, 2023 by dyscode
Well done GOG, off my Steam Wishlist they go.
Unlike God of War, which is a perfect starting point for new players, I still don't get the point of bringing only the very end of Uncharted to PC. Uncharted 4 is a great game (despite some issues I do have with it) but it's all about being the grand finale to Nathan's journey. Nothing about the game's plot can possibly resonate with audience unfamiliar with the first three games.

Anyway, it's definitely good for GOG to get those games here, but I already got them on PS4, so it's not very exciting for me. Normally this is where I'd say something like "I hope the next big release will be Star Trek Borg", but since I got to play the remaster of that this weekend, I'm kinda lost.
Kerr_Laeda: Say maybe Q3-Q4 2024
Clownski_: Definitely not THAT far off ;)
Can you confirm or deny... or wink.... or vague comment on if GOG are in negotiation to get Sony to release Psygnosis games like Lemmings?
WinterSnowfall: It's Sony. All their more recent titles (including Horizon Zero Dawn) come with data collection that one can only partially disable. My advice is simply to get an application firewall and not care, since they work fine even if they never get a chance to call home.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: And, GOG curation should be insisting that these spyware-like elements be removed from the GOG versions of these games, just like how they insisted for SEGA to remove a minigame from the GOG release of Yakuza: Like A Dragon for supposedly having gambling, even though it didn't actually have any real-life money involved, so there was no legitimate reason for GOG to have SEGA remove that part of the game (but GOG did anyway, and SEGA complied).
That shows that GOG can cause publishers to alter the code in their games and to remove elements of games that GOG doesn't think should be included in GOG games.
Is there a source to back up the GOG minigame removal claim? I can't really see why GOG would block the pachislots, especially considering all of the Yakuza games have other gambling minigames.
Not really into Sony games but this is a pleasant surprise
It's not all that surprising given other Sony titles here and the recent arrival of Days Gone, but it's still unreal seeing God of War and Uncharted on GOG.

That said, I'm not eager to replay God of War. Good story and some great fights sprinkled in there, but I found most of the game to be a repetitive slog. Ragnarok did a lot to fix my problems with it so I hope we see that here sooner rather than later.
avatar When you’ve entered the Haunted Grounds, the very first thing that I’ve presented to you was the realm of Days Gone. That event stirred the very fabric of GOG, and countless souls screamed in unison: MORE!

Today, the Haunted Grounds are ready to answer, and offer you a glimpse into the future: God of War and UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection will soon arrive on GOG!

Let us delve deeper in what you’re about to witness.

Prepare to don the mantle of Kratos in the critically acclaimed masterpiece, God of War. This time, the Ghost of Sparta ventures into the realm of Norse mythology, where gods, monsters, and legends collide. Armed with his Leviathan Axe and accompanied by his son Atreus, Kratos embarks on a profoundly personal journey, exploring the tumultuous relationship between father and son amidst the chaos of divine forces. The game’s stunning visuals, immersive storytelling, and visceral combat mechanics promise an unparalleled adventure that will leave an indelible mark on your gaming soul.

But the excitement doesn’t stop there. UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection is set to bring the charismatic Nathan Drake back into action. Delve into the adrenaline-fueled escapades of the roguish treasure hunter as he embarks on daring quests, uncovers ancient mysteries, and outwits cunning adversaries. The collection includes two beloved titles, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, both remastered to showcase their breathtaking visuals and cinematic storytelling. Traverse exotic landscapes, solve intricate puzzles, and engage in heart-pounding gunfights, all while immersing yourself in a narrative that rivals the most captivating Hollywood blockbusters.

These upcoming arrivals mark a pivotal moment on GOG, as we know how many souls wanted to visit those incredible realms on our platform. Soon enough you’ll be able to travel the mythical realms of gods and monsters in God of War, and embark on a thrilling treasure hunt across the globe in UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection.

Wishlist those masterpieces now, and while you await them, remember that Haunted Grounds are still holding strong and more than 3000 prices slashed to pieces are to be discovered. Find them now, while there’s still time.


Halloween Sale lasts until November 1st, 11 PM UTC.
I always wanted God of War and Uncharted on GOG and now finally dreams come true! I hope also Spider-man comes to GOG.