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Piranjade: It is the 9th and I choose you, Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition (GOG), donated by TwisterBE !
Piranjade: As the key didn't work I choose Skyrim from Psyringe's list instead. :-)
Strange, should still work.
PMed you the key, can you try again ?
Piranjade: As the key didn't work I choose Skyrim from Psyringe's list instead. :-)
TwisterBE: Strange, should still work.
PMed you the key, can you try again ?
Thank you! This works now!
So I put Skyrim back into the pot (I haven't redeemed it yet), and will choose my second game later today (I'm also on today). If Skyrim is still in the prize pool then, I'll choose ti again. :-D
Ill take Warlock
Ok, my second pick stays Skyrim then! Thanks!
Guess ill pick Solar 2 today from dodogeo.
I think I'll take Deus Ex: Invisible War for my 2nd pick.
And for my last pick I'll take Disciples III resurrection.

Still no reply from Kanarek btw
got Warlock

Now just waiting for Moggrym
well I just got done reading the official blood bowl 2 website and it seems they've added a anti farming /super team featcher in player aging. Basically all rookies start at age 17 thru 19 and will retire sometime between 31 and 33 and every 8 games count as a year. I did the math and that is a 96 game minimum life span for retiring players, 128 max.

Also thay are adding Wood Elves and Lizardmen as pre-order bonuses it seems. But you cam only choose one. I've heard some rumors that Cyanie has all teams made but are hiding behind microtransactions, thoughts?

source link
Post edited June 20, 2015 by Necross
Necross: well I just got done reading the official blood bowl 2 website and it seems they've added a anti farming /super team featcher in player aging. Basically all rookies start at age 17 thru 19 and will retire sometime between 31 and 33 and every 8 games count as a year. I did the math and that is a 96 game minimum life span for retiring players, 128 max.

Also thay are adding Wood Elves and Lizardmen as pre-order bonuses it seems. But you cam only choose one. I've heard some rumors that Cyanie has all teams made but are hiding behind microtransactions, thoughts?

source link
kill 'em, kill 'em all till there's no microtransaction left!
Just wanted to thanks Psyringe and all those who donated games, I've enjoyed playing the two I got these last few weeks.

Also BB2: players lasting 128 games HA not on my teams.
Crendor talks about blood bowl 2
Hi :)

Since it's almost two weeks after the scheduled end of the prize distribution, I think we can end that process now. :) Not everyone has grabbed their prizes, but this was to be expected due to the long delay - apologies again, that delay was entirely my own fault. I'm still happy that so many prizes were distributed and made people happy. :)

If someone stumbles across this thread at a later date, and still wants to pick a prize, feel free to contact the donator - I won't delete the list. But there's no obligation to keep donations available forever, so please don't be disappointed if the prize isn't available any more.

If there's still a problem with a prize (key not working, donator does not answer, etc.), please drop me a note, or just pick a different prize if there is one that interests you.

Thanks again to everyone who made donations to the prize pool!
no word from Moggrym so I'll take FEAR from EA
Bit the bullet and bought Blood Bowl 2. I decided to go with lizard man as the bonus team, after all we have two elf teams already.

I just hope they don't try to nickel and dime us to much for the remaining teams. but the thing is the price is only $45 us; I think they're going to be using this is a platform to sell us all the teams via micro transactions given that the standard going rate for a new games 60 us. It's a "give them the razor, sell them the blades" deal
Post edited July 12, 2015 by Necross