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nijuu: thanks but i think they are all gone now. Tried about 90 and none worked lol
gyokzoli: I tried a lot too. These gone quick.
They've released almost 3000 keys so far...just follow that reddit
I wish they'd stop doing these reddit giveaways. I hate Reddit.
EdgeZombie: I hate Reddit.
Me too .
Shopto are having a fairly decent download sale for Easter.

Saints Row The Third Genkibowl VII DLC for £0.85 seems to be a steal (Steamworks).
Warhammer 40K: Space Marine for £6.85 (Steamworks).
UFO Trilogy (UFO: Aftermath, Aftershock AND Afterlight) for £1.85 - I bought this straight away, in case it's a misprice. They've got them individually for £1.85 each, too, which I didn't think was too bad a price until I saw this! :D
Star Wolves 1 for £1.85 (and the others, but apparently the others aren't as good!).
Space Rangers 2: Reboot for £1.85.
Fantasy Wars for £1.85 (I bought this one as well).
Lucid dev's website is awesome lol.
If I buy Dead Space 2 from Gamersgate, I have to activate it on Origin right?
Psyringe: Daily Deal at GamersGate:

Global OPS - Commando Libya for 7.49 $/€ (75% off). I don't know anything about it. The game is DRM free.
This looks like fun. I may pick it up. Thanks!
Post edited April 07, 2012 by lowyhong
lowyhong: If I buy Dead Space 2 from Gamersgate, I have to activate it on Origin right?
Nope, you can download from GG and play it without Origin.
lowyhong: If I buy Dead Space 2 from Gamersgate, I have to activate it on Origin right?
grynn: Nope, you can download from GG and play it without Origin.
Sweet thanks a lot!
New keys for Lucid just arrived:
grynn: Lucid dev's website is awesome lol.
Uhh.... I just can't say a word...
I just tried like 15 keys from the new release, all are taken so far. Looks like people are likely using scripts.
More keys for Lucid
Thank you
Got one after trying 6 different ones. Geeez. U go to wonder whether someone is harvesting more than one each.
Post edited April 07, 2012 by nijuu
Got one from that page! 7th Key I tried worked, tried random keys.
nijuu: Got one after trying 6 different ones. Geeez. U go to wonder whether someone is harvesting more than one each.
Human greed ?

edit: What should i buy from my 21742 Blue Coins ( GamersGate ) ?
Post edited April 07, 2012 by ne_zavarj