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Krypsyn: Man, I tried to find a You-Tube clip of Anne Heche acting like she had Tourettes on Ally McBeal years ago,
When I initially posted all I could think of was a certain video game character, but revealing they had tourettes would have been a spoiler. But your post reminded me of another character, so I'll post two links to make up for yours!

(swearing- if the blues care)
Lifthrasil: the consensus around here is, that roleplaying rather distracts from the game.
Yeah, I'm kinda coming to see that. The only real game thread I've read was one where everybody was appliances, and there was a strong kitchen appliance theme throughout the game, so I guess I had that in my head. Since this is a reality show, I was gonna be a Jersey Shore dudebro type and when people threatened me I'd say "u even lift, bro?" However, I've already seen some people getting angry. I've decided roleplaying might only make things worse for other people, not more fun, so I've decided not to.
BlueMooner: However, I've already seen some people getting angry. I've decided roleplaying might only make things worse for other people, not more fun, so I've decided not to.
Yes, that was basically my conclusion too.

That being said, however, I do love the 'talk in verse' restriction of agentcarr. :-D

There once was a player named agentcarr
Who had taken the editing to far
Along came the mod
and gave him a prod
Now he has to rhyme like a poetry-star!
Lifthrasil: Sure, he might be a Jester out to get lynched. But if it is so, let him have his lynch and his win. It won't end the game and it will remove one distraction from the game and it would mean that the most difficult lynch of the game, Day 1, hits a neutral. Which is better than hitting town.
Not even try to scumhunt a bit before going for the very first thing that has been presented on a silver platter not even by mistake? Isn't that a bit lazy?
Lifthrasil: Sure, he might be a Jester out to get lynched. But if it is so, let him have his lynch and his win. It won't end the game and it will remove one distraction from the game and it would mean that the most difficult lynch of the game, Day 1, hits a neutral. Which is better than hitting town.
dedoporno: Not even try to scumhunt a bit before going for the very first thing that has been presented on a silver platter not even by mistake? Isn't that a bit lazy?
Not really. It wouldn't be good play to ignore such a blatant offering. I'm not sure we should lynch Yog yet, but until I see a good defense from him and an explanation for such a behaviour, he is our best choice. Also, what do you mean by 'try to scumhunt'? ... What do you think talking about apparent anti-town statements and voting for the currently most suspicious player is? That is scum-hunting! Or what do you propose? How would you scum-hunt, if not by reacting to scummy play and by voting?
trentonlf: snip
Or maybe, just maybe, he's vanilla and trying to draw NK because, you know, that's kinda the role of vanillas. To protect the power roles and scum hunt.
However with so many possibilities and the intricate mind of yoggidy-yog-yog you never quite know which one of these is true, or if it is even one of these possibilities.

Sage103082: Any thoughts on Yogs?
Nuttier than my peanut butter, so that's pretty f*^$ing hard core since I'm going to the gym almost daily. Girls dig well built guys.

Oh, look. BlueMooner indicates he has thoughts that are similar to mine. Hello BlueMooner! It's fun when you're pointing at the obvious, ain't it?

The "viewing audience" suck! Just kidding. Or not. I SHALL NOT BOW TO ANY AUTHORITY!

Oh look, the "viewing audience" is benevolent. <3 Booky! Big fan. Your trash talking is especially inspiring.

BlueMooner: I don't think anybody here on GOG would be that rude.
O-M-G. I want to live in this dude's world.

BlueMooner: But I assume after all these games that people have figured out some standard ways to detect mafia, so I'm waiting for some of you vets to show these tricks so I can learn.

Maybe I'm just overexcited at my first game and want something to HAPPEN already.
Fascinating. So you want something to happen, but you're waiting for it. Hmmmmm. Not the party starter, are you?

Also, I don't listen to the Foo Fighters. Sue me! See ya in court!

adaliabooks: Yogs seems to be the flavour of the month
Well now, it might just depend on the scene. Ask around about me at those college parties. You might just get surprised.

Effing hell booksie-wooksie. I wanted to be the one to spill the beans on yog's post. GG though. I wanna party where he does.

Lifthrasil: I personally like roleplaying
Haha... no. Last game you were unable to cash in on the vig shots as the embodiment of evil. You can't convince me that's true even if I'm drunk.

BlueMooner: u even lift, bro?
A bit, but I'm more of a leg day person because none of the plebes at the gym can do it.
Lifthrasil: Not really. It wouldn't be good play to ignore such a blatant offering.
I'm not talking about ignoring but I believe the better play is to see where that leads us first. It is on the table already so we might as well see what the point is and who has what to say or not say about it. Krypsyn does have a point that it may end up being a bad move that gives scum more intel than us but that ship has sailed already. Reasoning like "he might be a jester, let's give him his win and remove the distraction" is what I see as a play that wouldn't be good.
Many people said last game in the observer thread I was trying to be like JMich... even if I wasn't actually trying to be like JMich.... so now I'm trying this fluby-yogy hybrid. Does it work? No?

Ah, phuck it. Back to observant analytical play... but yet I'm having so much fun! *le conflict arises* What should I do? Hmmmmmmmm. I should sleep on this and analyze.
Gaahh!!! ARGGHH! Wow?!?

His posting restriction was lifted.
But he found that he just could not quit
talking in verse
and what was worse
He had found that he really liked it.

BTW, when you've had a plug in the hose, and it is suddenly removed, walls of text as a result shouldn't be a surprise.

Sage103082: agent - Is this poem thing a must of is it something you have come up with make the game more fun and enjoyable on day one? I am wondering if you have to respond in verse if you could even tell us honestly if it is a mandated thing to do.
Perhaps it'll seem, a little remiss
But I don't know what my answer is ;)

BlueMooner: (snip)

trentonlf: I just think you're being negative because that's how you play.
Has he ever played like this right out the gate before? No!!!
Then does he have a plan? Hmmm...

RWarehall: It seems our "audience" is being benevolent. AgentCarr's post restriction is over given how early it occurred and AgentCarr's performance. Although all should be forewarned, they promise worse for a second offense and may not be so light-handed the next time someone slips up....
My dearest audience, I shalt mightly endeavour to providest thou with further merriment in the high hopes of future benevolence.
(yeah, right, future benevolence *snort*)

BlueMooner: I didn't do anything before, since you prolly shouldn't be rewarded for infractions, but I like your skill with the poems, so I've +1d your posts.
Heck, thanks!

Krypsyn: Does it count if I do it on purpose? Now I am curious.
I know, right?!? Except it would be nice if it was someone else who did it, so I could find out and yet laugh at someone.

adaliabooks: (snip)
1. I doubt it
2. Yogs doesn't play like that. It's do risky as Town.
3. Yogs shouldn't play like that. It's a great way to be auto-lynched when Town finds out.
(4.) Maybe he's telling part of the truth. IMHO

Lifthrasil: There once was a player named agentcarr
Who had taken the editing to far
Along came the mod
and gave him a prod
Now he has to rhyme like a poetry-star!
Dude, your limerick doesn't scan. ;)

dedoporno: I'm not talking about ignoring but I believe the better play is to see where that leads us first. It is on the table already so we might as well see what the point is and who has what to say or not say about it.
This is more like what I'm thinking.

OK, I'm going to unvote because that was an RVS vote, and we're rapidly moving out of that stage.
Now, scanning back over votes and reasons, I like Lift's vote the least. A lot of the others can still be written off as RVS, but Lift has made it clear this is a real vote, and his reasoning leaves rather a lot to be desired.

@ Lifthrasil - You're experienced, I want to see some more reasoning as to possibilities behind yogs's claim. Until then,

vote Lifthrasil

Hmmm... I wonder if this is going to seem too much like scumbuddies trying to save each other. It's not, I promise
OK, not fully caught up yet, but I need to break my post anyway, so here comes the first part.

First off, a warm welcome to our new players; if you’re town, live long and prosper, but if you’re enemies of the town, here’s to getting booted off the island sooner than later. :-)

trentonlf: I wonder where hyper and Sage are, hope all is well.
cristigale: I'll vote hyper, maybe he'll make an appearance.

trentonlf: [...]

On another note, I forgot about Lifthrasil. He's late to the game too :-/
I will Vote Lifthrasil, just because he was the embodiment of evil last time ;-)
What's up with you two spelling only my name in lower-case?

The "edit elves"and the "audience" is a fun touch, and agentcarr16's punishment was hilarious; he did pull it off very nicely, cheers!

agentcarr16: There was a man called Gre-gor-y.
(Just so you all know, he is me)
Is this really your name, or just made up for the purpose of rhyme?

agentcarr16: [...]
RWarehall said “Poems on each page
On what posts/ page setting though? ;-P

On a side note – you need to apply the italics tag to each line, otherwise it doesn’t work on the forum.

trentonlf: [...]

Also a convoluted theory that crossed my mind, He is Scum that has a role that reads town and is hoping to either get investigated or protected because he has a Scum buddy who is a Watcher. His buddy will watch him tonight and see what Townie comes a knocking so now Scum know who to take out the next night or try and get lynched during the day.

How can he be sure that his Watcher scum-buddy will watch him during N1?

agentcarr16: Alright yogs, I know what you're doing
I'm the same, but I won't join you in
What I think it is
For whatever it is
I'm sure it works better when seule-ing
emphasis added.

Interesting choice of wording.

BlueMooner: [,,,]

Whaddya get? [...]
I don't know what yogsloth gets, but I couldn't help but notice the following:
If you see me comin', better step aside
A lotta men didn't, a lotta men died
One fist of iron, the other of steel
If the right one don't a-get you then the left one will
Now, what should I think?

BlueMooner: I[...]

Trent, I think you are completely misunderstanding Yog's post. I think his line about "here's who you are" was him paraphrasing what the GM sent him so he can "prove" he's town. I don't think he was calling anybody here a flawed has-been. That's my take anyways. I don't think anybody here on GOG would be that rude. I didn't see any negativity in his post at all, FWIW.

Emm... did you miss the Sample Town PM in the OP? Since it's right there in the OP, everyone can paraphrase the Town PM; does this mean that whoever does it is necessarily town? IMHO, it doesn't, and yogsloth "proved" exactly nth regarding his townieness.

As for being rude - well, go and read a few earlier games, you might change your mind.

I've been wondering why the mod chose to post the full Town PM template, and not just the win condition as he said in the sign-up thread. It could be to prevent all that word nitpicking discussions, but it also gives scum (and any other anti-town players that may be in play) an advantage if such discussions arise. And that is why I don't agree with BlueMooner (if he's sincere, that is).

Back to reading.
Taking things a bit more leisurely today, got our pit bands and relaxing back at the hotel till the gates open. So I have some time to read up and weigh in.

adaliabooks: (snip)
agentcarr16: 1. I doubt it
2. Yogs doesn't play like that. It's do risky as Town.
3. Yogs shouldn't play like that. It's a great way to be auto-lynched when Town finds out.
(4.) Maybe he's telling part of the truth. IMHO
To be honest I find the "It's a joke" answer to be probably the far more likely scenario. It's unlike his previous 'joke' claims but he's definitely got form.
Really? You have met yogs right? I don't think there's anything yogs would count as too risky, which is why I wouldn't have discounted any of the options I listed as being at least possible, no matter how bad I think they might be.
Well, assuming he is town, he would be dead anyway so town would never get a chance to lynch him... and if he's scum then it would just be another thing to lie about.

To be honest this does come across very much like protecting a scum buddy, or as if you do know (as you have claimed) what he might be doing and why. But the only way (apart from being scum buddies) that you might know that is if you have the same or similar role or win condition that would cause yogs to behave this way...

trentonlf: [...]

Also a convoluted theory that crossed my mind, He is Scum that has a role that reads town and is hoping to either get investigated or protected because he has a Scum buddy who is a Watcher. His buddy will watch him tonight and see what Townie comes a knocking so now Scum know who to take out the next night or try and get lynched during the day.

HypersomniacLive: How can he be sure that his Watcher scum-buddy will watch him during N1?
Well, assuming this is a normal game, then they would have a chance to confer N1 and choose targets for their various night actions. So during scum chat tonight yogs would just have to explain his plan and why his buddy needs to watch him.
While this does seem a somewhat plausible play (and in fact could even be a town play if yogs is actually a mason and knows his other half is a watcher, but that's a somewhat less likely set of conditions and knowing power roles is less useful to a town player) I think the risk isn't quite worth it for scum, but who knows whether that would stop yogs from doing it? If Vitek's game showed us anything it's that yogs was both quite skilled as scum and willing to take risks.

I don't find much of a problem with Lift's vote on yogs. It's pretty consistent with how I would expect him to behave, the only slight issue there being that's what I thought last game and he turned out to be neutral. But he did say in the observer thread that he played day 1 fairly townie and only started being scummier day 2 onwards to try not get NK'd.
I'll still be keeping an eye on him, but I don't think his vote is particularly noteworthy yet.

dedo's reaction to his vote seems a little strong, seeing as dedo was all over me last game for my supposed infractions so saying that Lift placing a vote for:
dedoporno: Not even try to scumhunt a bit before going for the very first thing that has been presented on a silver platter not even by mistake? Isn't that a bit lazy?
Seems more than a little contradictory to his play last game. Why was it ok to vote for me under the same circumstances but it's not ok for Lift to vote yogs?
That bears watching I think...
HypersomniacLive: What's up with you two spelling only my name in lower-case?

How can he be sure that his Watcher scum-buddy will watch him during N1?

I'm sorry your back has been hurting :*(, I hope you are ok. I'm also Sorry about the name spelling, was not intentional, I missed capitalizing it for some reason.

As for my theory, Adaliabooks summed it up very well. It is just a theory though, I am just trying to fathom a reason as to why yog's would start off doing what he did. Most want to believe he has a grand plan, I tend to be jaded in this game and believe when I see stuff like that it's a scum play grand plan or not.

Ok rant time:

What is the point of someone saying "I think I know what he's doing, but I'm not going to say", I mean why not share thoughts and ideas? If you have ideas but don't want to say then don't even post "I think I know what he's doing", it's a pointless statement. Also makes me think that later in the game someone is going to withhold information that will end up hurting town.

Rant over.
Think I'm all caught up now,.

CSPVG: Are we going to talk about the fact that yogsloth claimed Town Cop in the first post, and that he may have had some night zero action (otherwise, why claim), or are we just chalking that down to silliness somehow linked to RVS?
Why do your posts always come across as if you're fishing for something?

Krypsyn: pi
I'm still trying to decipher what your comment to agentcarr16 is, but that was pretty painful to watch, especially the first one.

BlueMooner: [...] I was gonna be a Jersey Shore dudebro type and when people threatened me I'd say "u even lift, bro?" However, I've already seen some people getting angry. I've decided roleplaying might only make things worse for other people, not more fun, so I've decided not to.
You may also want to keep in mind the cultural differences among the players. I for example have no idea what "a Jersey Shore dudebro type" is (and from the sound of it alone, I think I'm better off not knowing), which simply means that I won't be able to follow whatever you say or do as such a type (and no, I won’t go look it up). And that's not necessarily good for you, especially if you’re town.

But here's a question for you - why and over what would others want to threaten you?

adaliabooks: [...]

Well, assuming this is a normal game, then they would have a chance to confer N1 and choose targets for their various night actions. So during scum chat tonight yogs would just have to explain his plan and why his buddy needs to watch him.
While this does seem a somewhat plausible play (and in fact could even be a town play if yogs is actually a mason and knows his other half is a watcher, but that's a somewhat less likely set of conditions and knowing power roles is less useful to a town player) I think the risk isn't quite worth it for scum, but who knows whether that would stop yogs from doing it? If Vitek's game showed us anything it's that yogs was both quite skilled as scum and willing to take risks.

You are of course right about the scum chat on N1, but I was trying to see if trentonlf suggested that yogsloth’s actions are part of a plan already in motion.

Regarding Lifthrasil’s vote and the reasoning behind it - he did say that he’s in favour of LAL and that he thinks that yogsloth’s lying about his role, hence the vote, but those jumping on him seem to ignore it.

I’m a bit disappointed in yogsloth – he promised to post multi-volume essays three times a day, yet there’s none.

Surprisingly, trentonlf has yet to ask dedoporno a very important question… or did I manage to miss it?

Regarding the “No Lynch” subject, it’d appear that the mod thinks that those voting so feel strong enough about it to not change their minds, so it’s ok to cut a Day short in such a case. But this may not be true, as something may well happen until the deadline that might convince a player to vote on someone instead.

I hate to be the party pooper, but could we perhaps cut down a bit the commenting/ replying via Youtube/ external links? I can’t sit at my desk for prolonged periods of time, and having to check/ watch/ evaluate this sort of posting takes a lot of time and will make me fall behind and become useless, which in turn will upset yogsloth, and we can’t have that, can we?

OK, time to take a longer break.
HypersomniacLive: Is this really your name, or just made up for the purpose of rhyme?
It's actually the name that I got in my PM, make of that what you will.

HypersomniacLive: On a side note – you need to apply the italics tag to each line, otherwise it doesn’t work on the forum.
Thanks for the tip on the italics. I knew that something wasn't doing what I wanted it to.

agentcarr16: Alright yogs, I know what you're doing
I'm the same, but I won't join you in
What I think it is
For whatever it is
I'm sure it works better when seule-ing
HypersomniacLive: emphasis added.

Interesting choice of wording.
Remember that I'm doing it in the context of a limerick, which means I need the lines to scan, and so on. However, that basically tells you what my understanding is of yogsloth's claim.

adaliabooks: Really? You have met yogs right? I don't think there's anything yogs would count as too risky, which is why I wouldn't have discounted any of the options I listed as being at least possible, no matter how bad I think they might be.
It's true that yogsloth is a risk-taker, I don't disagree with that. However, from what I've seen of him, he doesn't play gambits that are anti-town, which seems to be what you are suggesting.

And, lol, I thought that the first thing into your mind would be 'scumbuddies'.

I'm not certain that I know what yogsloth is up to, but I think I have a pretty good idea.

Basically, when I got my role, I started thinking about ways that I could use it to town's benefit, and one of the first options that I considered was doing exactly what yogsloth is doing now. I decided not to do it right off the bat, as I don't really know what I'm doing, and now yogsloth is doing it, so it wouldn't be any good for me to copy.

@trent - keep ranting, it makes the game interesting, but I have my reasons. If I thought that saying what I think would help town, I would. And if I see indications that yogsloth isn't actually doing what I'm thinking, then I'll say as well.
trentonlf: What is the point of someone saying "I think I know what he's doing, but I'm not going to say", I mean why not share thoughts and ideas? If you have ideas but don't want to say then don't even post "I think I know what he's doing", it's a pointless statement. Also makes me think that later in the game someone is going to withhold information that will end up hurting town.
Let me point you back to last game. I had an idea of why flub was acting that way. The idea was that flub was town with a power role. So I said I thought I knew what he was doing, but didn't explain further. Should I have gone on and said "Oh, he's acting that way because he has a power role", or would that hurt town more than saying what I said?

Same thing here. I think I know what yog is doing, even if I don't think it's something I would do myself. Some people can understand what he does, some others don't. Explaining further is more likely to hurt town than help it. Thus why we don't give more explanations yet.