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itopin: I don't know if this has alredy been mentioned, but i freaking love Baba Yetu from Civ 4
Matewis: It's only the best menu in any game ever! Seriously though, I don't know which is the better game between 4 and 5 but whenever I find myself on Civ IV's menu I feel compelled to admit that that Civ IV is the best civ game of them all. Away from the menu though, I really don't know. The religion aspect of civ 5 seems to be a bit excessively implemented though. But on the other hand there are the social policies, which are great :P
This piece is like the perfect piece to get ready for a upcoming battle:

I can see in my mind generals and commanders in a War Room strategizing thier offenses and pilots sortieing in Space Fighters.
Post edited December 03, 2014 by Elmofongo
Elmofongo: ...
This piece is like the perfect piece to get ready for a upcoming battle:

I can see in my mind generals and commanders in a War Room strategizing thier offenses and pilots sortieing in Space Fighters.
It really has that building up to something epic thing going :) , which kind of reminds me of Dune: Big Battle
Elmofongo: ...
This piece is like the perfect piece to get ready for a upcoming battle:

I can see in my mind generals and commanders in a War Room strategizing thier offenses and pilots sortieing in Space Fighters.
Matewis: It really has that building up to something epic thing going :) , which kind of reminds me of Dune: Big Battle
This is not from a movie or game but still I like to know what you think of this, Japanese Taiko Drumming, I have always been in love with drums and percussion instruments, but these guys, THIS IS THE MOST MASCULINELY MANLY THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!
Elmofongo: This is not from a movie or game but still I like to know what you think of this, Japanese Taiko Drumming, I have always been in love with drums and percussion instruments, but these guys, THIS IS THE MOST MASCULINELY MANLY THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!
Very intense, especially around the 06:00 mark where they seem to go in overdrive! Must require mad levels of mental stamina
My favorites:

1) From Excalibur:
2) From Pirates of the Caribbean:
3) From Bram Stocker's Dracula:
4) From Kingdom of Heavens:
5) From "The Messenger: Joan of Arc":
6) From "The Last Samurai":

I have watched more music with epic soundtracks, but unfortunately, not everything is up in that epic, random, youtube thing...
Elmofongo: This is not from a movie or game but still I like to know what you think of this, Japanese Taiko Drumming, I have always been in love with drums and percussion instruments, but these guys, THIS IS THE MOST MASCULINELY MANLY THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!
Matewis: Very intense, especially around the 06:00 mark where they seem to go in overdrive! Must require mad levels of mental stamina
Not only that it looks like the perfect stress reliever aswell. All the adreanaline running thorugh their veins. I feel as though they would play even better if they were angry or pissed off and banging the drums as hard and much as they can ;)
I really like soundtracks from The Witcher games. All of them, but these few - more than the others, by Adam Skorupa:
* Ciri Luned Me. Beautiful, inspirational and magnificent!
* Elaine Ettariel. Gets into me, makes me relax and thoughts start to flow smoothly.
* Evening in the Tavern. I used hang out in a tavern just to cheer up after fights and long quests.
* Silver Sword. So peaceful and lucid. And there is this strange effect... The name, "Silver Sword", reminds of killing monsters, foul creatures, but I hear the melody and all of a sudden everything feels like it stopped. As if a moment before taking someone's life was frozen and I could see it, touch it, feel it like a sculpture of ice.

* Dwarven Stone Upon Dwarven Stone
* Vergen by Night

I don't know that many soundtracks from other games, but I do like one from Grey Matter:
* Never Going Back by The Scarlet Furies

There also are some really good soundtracks from tv shows and cartoons:
* Uncle's Tsungi Horn from Avatar: the Last Airbender
* Being Patient / Beifong's Sacrifice by Jeremy Zuckerman; The Legend of Korra OST
* Theme from Black Sails by Bear McCreary; from Black Sails

And lastly, here are some from the movies that I find interesting, fascinating or simply pleasant:
* Now I Know by Danny Lohner, performed by Renholdër; from The Mechanic
* <i>Dies Irae</i> or Day of Wrath by María López Gallego; end piano theme from Open Grave
* My Name Is Odd Thomas by John Swihart; from Odd Thomas

So, this ends my small list of favorite soundtracks. For now...
A very well know song, but still wonderful: Tristram

Chilling bones!!! Diablo 1 Caves

I think this song resumes precisely what we can expect from that game... its a glimpse to Max's soul: Max Payne 2 theme

Baldur's Gate 2 - Shadow Battle Brilliantly epic!!!

Ahhh!!! Immortal, genius, epic, unequaled Vangelis!!!!!!

Cosmos (not precisely a movie but I think you can forgive me)

Blade Runner: End Titles
Memories of the Green one of the most melancholic and beautiful songs that I ever heard :')

1492 Conquest of the Paradise: West Across The Ocean Sea
Pinta, Nina, Santa Maria (Into Eternity) Come with me my dear friends, we will sail into the limitless waters of the infinite Universe, forgetting the insignificance of our daily issues... the time of space exploration is just ahead, can you see it?
Post edited December 04, 2014 by ElPrimordial
ElPrimordial: ...
Oh yes Vangelis forever!! There was a time when I used to work late in an office, and End titles is what I would listen to, with the lights off, just before I went home.
Great stuff to check out!

Despite I've seen it some years ago, this scene got stuck on my head.
ElPrimordial: ...
Matewis: Oh yes Vangelis forever!! There was a time when I used to work late in an office, and End titles is what I would listen to, with the lights off, just before I went home.
WOW I never knew a song from the Kingdom Hearts games would scare the shit out of me:

The boss battle accopying the track:
the Grey - Once more into the fray ending ( Spoilers )
Post edited December 16, 2014 by DreamedArtist
Matewis: Oh yes Vangelis forever!! There was a time when I used to work late in an office, and End titles is what I would listen to, with the lights off, just before I went home.
Elmofongo: WOW I never knew a song from the Kingdom Hearts games would scare the shit out of me:

The boss battle accopying the track:
Very cool, and the game looks awesome as well - I was sure the music reminded me of something. First thing that popped into my mind was Unreal's music for some reason, such as the legendary menu theme, but then I realized what I was actually being reminded off was Disciples 2's music, eg
Diablo I Theme Song is Awsome!!!

I cannot link the Song~~ too sad
Elmofongo: WOW I never knew a song from the Kingdom Hearts games would scare the shit out of me:

The boss battle accopying the track:
Matewis: Very cool, and the game looks awesome as well - I was sure the music reminded me of something. First thing that popped into my mind was Unreal's music for some reason, such as the legendary menu theme, but then I realized what I was actually being reminded off was Disciples 2's music, eg
Just do not follow the story of Kingdom Hearts. It will frustrate you to know end that its amazing how this story is still even reach its climax with the third game.