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Morddraig: You can purchase a Diablo 2 on their website.
But even at home, they do not sell the Diablo 1 ............ so download it from torrents and upload to the cloud.
Seriously though you NEED to play Diablo 1 first before you play 2. Because plotwise alot of things can confuse you if you play 2 first.
Post edited March 21, 2015 by Elmofongo
Chongun: Okay, I made the ticket to blizzard just now and explained my Idea,

Hope they will think about it.

GOG deserves this, and I wish them luck seriously.

even if it didn't happen, at least I tried.
ElTerprise: Good luck with that but i wouldn't be too optimistic about it.

tinyE: Okay see now you're being silly. I've had it with you! Every time I try to have a serious constructive intellectual conversation about going on a date with a dead movie star, you come in with your 'time machine' bullshit. You'll have to excuse me if I don't partake in your childish antics!
ElTerprise: Hang on....everytime?
Forget that, did the guy above you just refer to Diablo as "shitty"?

Okay, no more joking. Someone get my bat and you two, hold him down!
Chongun: I'd pay for it!!!!
Don't give them ideas. Soon they'll ask us to pay for all the others games too.
ElTerprise: They don't sell Warcraft I or II either. I don't think this will change in the future for these old games.
They have, however, remastered and released a bunch of their even older titles for free. I would not be surprised if that's a fate awaiting for WI and II, and possibly Diablo

drealmer7: It's a shitty game from an even shittier company.
It's an exceptionally important game, setting the tone for an entire genre to come, from a company which was setting the trends around 2000-ish. Would be a fantastic fit for a site focused on old games. If only that remained GOG's focus...
I was never, ever a diablo fan. But I wouldn't say it's shitty, he's obviously never played legend of success joe on the neo geo.
ElTerprise: They don't sell Warcraft I or II either. I don't think this will change in the future for these old games.
Fenixp: They have, however, remastered and released a bunch of their even older titles for free. I would not be surprised if that's a fate awaiting for WI and II, and possibly Diablo
Do you really think it will happen for these?
Post edited March 21, 2015 by ElTerprise
you're not the one..
wishlist Diablo
wishlist Diablo II
Breja: Sorry mate, but it looks like there's a better chance of me getting a date with Emma Watson than Blizzard games coming to GOG.
tinyE: Okay Emma is cute and all, and very smart, but why did you choose her? Nothing wrong with that choice, it just seems like an odd one.

There are plenty of glamorous women out there that must be harder to get dates with. Take Liz Taylor for example. She's dead; good luck getting her to go out with you.
There are not that many celebrities I find attractive, and her name was just the first one I came up with, no real reason other than that.

And actually I might stand a better chance with Liz Taylor. I'd only have to hold a séance to meet her.
drealmer7: No you don't. It's a shitty game from an even shittier company.
You.. you were a detective.. how have you become a troll? :P
Post edited March 21, 2015 by phaolo
Breja: And actually I might stand a better chance with Liz Taylor. I'd only have to hold a séance to meet her.
Don't bother with that superstitious mumbo jumbo. Just get a plane ticket and a shovel...
ElTerprise: They don't sell Warcraft I or II either. I don't think this will change in the future for these old games.
Fenixp: They have, however, remastered and released a bunch of their even older titles for free. I would not be surprised if that's a fate awaiting for WI and II, and possibly Diablo

drealmer7: It's a shitty game from an even shittier company.
Fenixp: It's an exceptionally important game, setting the tone for an entire genre to come, from a company which was setting the trends around 2000-ish. Would be a fantastic fit for a site focused on old games. If only that remained GOG's focus...
I've played Diablo 2 but never got the chance to play the first, if it were available (heck even on I'd be happy to pay for it!
Fenixp: They have, however, remastered and released a bunch of their even older titles for free. I would not be surprised if that's a fate awaiting for WI and II, and possibly Diablo

It's an exceptionally important game, setting the tone for an entire genre to come, from a company which was setting the trends around 2000-ish. Would be a fantastic fit for a site focused on old games. If only that remained GOG's focus...
sxnc: I've played Diablo 2 but never got the chance to play the first, if it were available (heck even on I'd be happy to pay for it!
It's good enough, I'd let you pay for it for me. :)
Fenixp: They have, however, remastered and released a bunch of their even older titles for free. I would not be surprised if that's a fate awaiting for WI and II, and possibly Diablo

It's an exceptionally important game, setting the tone for an entire genre to come, from a company which was setting the trends around 2000-ish. Would be a fantastic fit for a site focused on old games. If only that remained GOG's focus...
sxnc: I've played Diablo 2 but never got the chance to play the first, if it were available (heck even on I'd be happy to pay for it!
it is a really good game, i really enjoyed it long time ago, but I lost the CD, I am very disappointed, go to youtube and see for yourself, the graphics might not be appealing, however the game play has a strong feeling, and the sound effects, it was a real gem, and i lost it :/
Chongun: It's not hard for GOG to convince Blizzard,

It all takes a brain, and a good negotiation,

It will profit both sides.

I wish I was in GOG I would fly to their head quarters and convince them.
You hear that GOG, ^this guys knows the secret formula. All these years you have been doing it all wrong, now get on a plane and make this happen. :P
Try to locate a retail, Diablo Battle Chest. It has the entire, complete series (minus 3, which is NOT a real diablo anyway). And it also lacks Hellfire.

Really, Blizzard are elitist jerks. From not paying the agreed sum to the team behind diablo 2 and its expansion and having them disbanded (practically ousting them), to throwing in the waste bin their alpha version of diablo 3 and then creating that fugly mess that is now out as 3, to the always on DRM and real money in-game transactions (now they are removed, though, after they served their purposes well), those people are an eyesore for gamers, as of late, unspeakable and unscrupulous profiteers.

You can find Diablo 1 and its expansion easily, very easily, it is an old game without substantial protection measures, but i cannot draw you a treasure map in public, alas. Try to find it retail first, this game is so worth its money... If you happened to live near, i would use Nero to burn it into an empty CD, it and its expansion.