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Gnostic: Like paper sorcerer, it is really a neat game, but I am a bit miffed when I learn that I can never play the two exclusive character "Succubus" and "Dryad" because I am not a kickstarter backer that time even though I had poured thousands in crowdfunding project.
IAmSinistar: Damn, that is galling. Especially as I like that game, and didn't realise there was content that I cannot get for it. Leaves a bad impression of the developers now.

I found it when trying to find hints for the ultimate party and secrets.

The creator claim that the kickstarter exclusive summons will not give a dramatically different gameplay experience.

So in another words, they will give a different game play experience, only not dramatic.

I try to hack the game for the kickstarter exclusive, so far I had been able to change the items, gold, skills, stats, but have not much success on the kickstarter exclusive.

If you want to know, in the game folder there is a "goglog.ini" file that points to the location of the save game that is

C:\Users\asus\AppData\LocalLow\UltraRunaway\Paper Sorcerer (asus is the computer name, so your location will be different than mine)

After as such, I am able to reverse the nerf of ghost by boosting its armor stats. I particularly dislike this nerf as it make my witch ghost combo invalid.
I am also able to save my time save scumming, I do not need to keep on reloading until the chest give me something my party can use.
I guess I can overpower my main character by having the equipment of the knight magus and skills of the archmage later when I find out what the skill id of the archmage is.
Gnostic: snip
Interesting info, I might try hacking the game myself. If I can get an asset ripper working, then I can try to see if the KS content is actually present but blocked, or if it is entirely absent (which it might be if backers received an extra file to download).

Gnostic: snip
IAmSinistar: Interesting info, I might try hacking the game myself. If I can get an asset ripper working, then I can try to see if the KS content is actually present but blocked, or if it is entirely absent (which it might be if backers received an extra file to download).

Eureka!!! Success!

Open that file in notepad, look for class="17" realid="24". Class is the class of the character, for example class="10" is the lord class, which is the vampire, class 17 is the dryad (nature spirit) and class 18 the succubus (demoness). realid is the portrait of the character. realid 24 is the dryad and 23 is the succubus

Then look for these line in the end
<inactiveparty size="0"></inactiveparty>
<bp id="0"></bp>
<bp id="23"></bp>
<bp id="24"></bp>

bp id is the attack animation of the characters. You should put the same value with the realid. bp id="0" is the sorcerer, 23 is the succubus and 24 is the dryad.

Failing to configure all of them properly will crash the game, as I learn it many times the hard way.

As an extra treat this is skills of the Dryad
Drooling over the Ward of Winter yet? No wonder I did not see these lucky kickstarter backers complain that the puppet cannot regenerate its own EN.

Note that the skills above in the witch skills as I just change her at a higher level thus she retain the witch skills. For as clean as possible experience you have to start at level 1 so you will have a minimum of other characters skills.

I did not try the succubus much yet but it have a stun attack skill on level 2

It would be best to pm me if you want to know more information because I don't want to drag this thread too much off topic.
Post edited December 25, 2014 by Gnostic
Gnostic: snip
I doubt anybody cares much about the offtopic, but maybe you should put it all on a thread of the game specific subforum so it can be better preserved and easier to find for generations to come.
Mrstarker: Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick are making a "true spiritual successor" to Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island:
HypersomniacLive: No DRM-free mention. Keeping an eye on it for now, as it does look sweet.
yes it looks good ....
if it gets here DRM free and the price is affordable : ?? to 9.99 euro i will buy it at once
if its abit higher: 11.99 or so i will add it to wishlist
i bought roaming fortress (towerdefence but moving) (drm free) on gamersgate at 10 bucks, funny thing was it got on sales 2 days later at 3 bucks (euro)

i read my pcgameplay magazine from jan 2015 and it had some extra pages
it mentioned 5 wellknow crowdfunds that were succesfull:

1. Star Citizen
according to the article in the magazine it reachs 65 million $
and still goes up

2. Kingdom Come : Deliverance

3.Unsung Story

managed to get 660K $ (i assume its no typo)

4. Thimbleweed Park
Lucas Arts Veterans Ron Gilbert and Garry Winnick

If they still are at Lucas Arts, maybe just maybe GOG can get a DRM free game?

5. The Universim

collected 387.000 $
according to the article in the magazin

They also mentioned 5 Crowd Failures (ofcourse there are more but gameplay took these and placed them in the top5 in their magazine)

1. Transverse

2. Human Resources

3. The Black Glove

4. Outcast HD

5. Kaptain Brawe 2

seemed to failed twice accoring to the pcgameplay article

Their top 10 original visual design:

1. Hohokum
2. Child of Light
3. This War of Mine (i think they are very right about this one)
4. Valiant Hearts: The Great War
5. The Floois Jelly
6. Framed
7. Monument Valley
8. Lumino City

9. The Banner Saga (i think they are very right about this one, maybe the game didnott lived up to many gamers expectations but the graphics are good, escpecially the fights in the 'bar' although they are quite large when played on a crt 17" at 1024x768

I bought it on GOG sales

10. Dominque Pamplemousse

IAmSinistar: Interesting info, I might try hacking the game myself. If I can get an asset ripper working, then I can try to see if the KS content is actually present but blocked, or if it is entirely absent (which it might be if backers received an extra file to download).

Gnostic: Eureka!!! Success!

Open that file in notepad, look for class="17" realid="24". Class is the class of the character, for example class="10" is the lord class, which is the vampire, class 17 is the dryad (nature spirit) and class 18 the succubus (demoness). realid is the portrait of the character. realid 24 is the dryad and 23 is the succubus

Then look for these line in the end
<inactiveparty size="0"></inactiveparty>
<bp id="0"></bp>
<bp id="23"></bp>
<bp id="24"></bp>

bp id is the attack animation of the characters. You should put the same value with the realid. bp id="0" is the sorcerer, 23 is the succubus and 24 is the dryad.

Failing to configure all of them properly will crash the game, as I learn it many times the hard way.

As an extra treat this is skills of the Dryad
Drooling over the Ward of Winter yet? No wonder I did not see these lucky kickstarter backers complain that the puppet cannot regenerate its own EN.

Note that the skills above in the witch skills as I just change her at a higher level thus she retain the witch skills. For as clean as possible experience you have to start at level 1 so you will have a minimum of other characters skills.

I did not try the succubus much yet but it have a stun attack skill on level 2

It would be best to pm me if you want to know more information because I don't want to drag this thread too much off topic.
most if not all casual like and indie games have files like that, these allow you to spice up the game, adding more power and mony, i have loads of casual games (retail cd) and virtual download only, and i have been editing files like these for years now, thats the first thing i do: search and look if there's any stuff that might be editable.
And the old Tsearch tool can help out sometimes with extra money or energy, although it seems to work less efficient on 64 bits windows 7, it worked like a charm on good old XP.
Even on the old jagged alliance save games (hex editor) to increas that poor money they gave at start tot a few ton, allowing to get the best available merc so you can pass the game easily.
Cause in the end we all want to win games instead of instant death all the time, you pay for and play singleplayer games to win and no to die.
So a bit editing is alsways fun.
Post edited December 25, 2014 by gamesfreak64
Gnostic: snip.
Awesome work! I'm going to re-install Paper Sorcerer and try out the hack. Great job, and I agree that you should post it on the game's subforum as well.

Thanks for the extra Christmas present! :D
Gnostic: snip
P1na: I doubt anybody cares much about the offtopic, but maybe you should put it all on a thread of the game specific subforum so it can be better preserved and easier to find for generations to come.
Gnostic: snip.
IAmSinistar: Awesome work! I'm going to re-install Paper Sorcerer and try out the hack. Great job, and I agree that you should post it on the game's subforum as well.

Thanks for the extra Christmas present! :D
Yes I can do that, after I get all the information arranged nice an tidy. I may check some more items, particular the + EN tiems and post my findings.

Still it will not happen in a short time
Gnostic: ] Yes I can do that, after I get all the information arranged nice an tidy. I may check some more items, particular the + EN tiems and post my findings.

Still it will not happen in a short time
Great! Please post a notification here as well when you have gotten it all set up. Cheers!
Gnostic: ] Yes I can do that, after I get all the information arranged nice an tidy. I may check some more items, particular the + EN tiems and post my findings.

Still it will not happen in a short time
IAmSinistar: Great! Please post a notification here as well when you have gotten it all set up. Cheers!
Ok I posted my guide here

GOG prevent me from posting the whole guide because it is too long, and the attach a file option has been broken for a long time so I provided a drop box link to download there
<span class="bold">Aviary Attorney</span>

A game about a bird brain lawyer, already funded
<span class="bold">Without Within - Visual novel</span>

Without Within is a visual novel that explores the creative mind.
Gnostic: <span class="bold">Aviary Attorney</span>

A game about a bird brain lawyer, already funded
Awesome! Just now caught this post, had to back it. Lovely to see the work of Grandville live again in this fashion!
A single player open-world journey through a distant solar system by a team of veterans and music by Jack Wall:
Into the Stars

A RPG inspired by Elite created by a veteran developer:
Sol Trader: a compelling space action/RPG
gandalfnho: A single player open-world journey through a distant solar system by a team of veterans and music by Jack Wall:
Into the Stars
This one definitely sounds interesting, but there's no mention of a DRM-free version at all. =/
SCPM: This one definitely sounds interesting, but there's no mention of a DRM-free version at all. =/
Look again, the FAQ has been updated :)

Will there be a DRM-Free version?

We plan to release on Humble Store and/or GoG as well, and will give backers their choice of download location.
Last updated: Tue, Jan 6 2015 2:19 PM AEDT